Smallest shepherd dog

Shepherd dogs are always associated with large sizes and formidable appearance. However, there is the smallest shepherd - Schipperke. This cute creature looks very different from its larger counterparts. It is about the shipper that will be discussed in our article.

Origin history

The exact origin of the smallest shepherd is unknown. There was a lot of controversy around this issue. However, if you rely on history, it can be argued that cute creatures were found only in the Flemish provinces and in Belgium. Many still believe that the smallest shepherd is a German dog. However, this is not at all true.

It is known that back in the fifteenth century there was a legend about a shoemaker who got angry at a neighbor's dog and chopped off its tail. But the perfect new look pleased the owner. Since then, small shepherd dogs began to stop sipper tails.

But the legend of the sixteenth century suggests that there was always a black tailless dog under William the Quiet. Documented, the history of the Schipperke small shepherd breed begins in 1690. It was at that time that the shoemakers of Brussels began to organize Sunday exhibitions of these lovely creatures. There was a fashion for making wide copper collars for their pets, which were sometimes a real work of art. A man could go out in dirty shoes, but he always cleaned the collar to shine.

little shepherd

After 150 years, Schipperke was still incredibly fashionable in Brussels. And still there was an amazing tradition of decorating the smallest shepherd with copper collars. For many centuries, the breed was known under several names, which provided the basis for the development of a false version regarding its origin. The inhabitants of Brussels themselves in their own language called the smallest shepherd dog in the world a Spitz. But at the same time, the animal, which is now known to us as a Spitz, was called by people “loulow”. So, there is no connection between these two different breeds. On the other hand, many inexperienced dog breeders are still confused about the smallest shepherd - German or Belgian.

In addition, there was another assumption regarding the origin of the breed: Schipperke - derived from "spike", which means "ship". The name of the species was interpreted as “little skipper” or “little captain”. However, this version did not find confirmation. But still this story has taken root in another country. When a new breed of a small shepherd was brought to England, then this beautiful story was taken for her.

The breed has become incredibly popular not only in Belgium, but throughout Europe. Even Maria Queen Henrietta paid attention to the shipperka. She acquired the winner of the exhibition in Belgium.

Breed description

Schipperke is an energetic little shepherd. She looks like a Spitz, but has nothing to do with him. But on the other hand, the smallest shepherd is not a German shepherd either. Experts are inclined to believe that, most likely, the breed arose quite simply. In the Middle Ages, peasants kept larger dogs, which helped them with the farm. Later, the smallest individuals who had a watchful mission were called Schipperke, which means “little shepherd” in Flemish.

The modern animal has a thick double coat, a narrow muzzle and erect ears. Outwardly, of course, it very much resembles a Spitz. But this is a little shepherd. The breed of the German shepherd is always associated with strength and power. She has nothing to do with a shipper, except for the word "shepherd."

German shepherd small

And yet the smallest breed of a shepherd has quite serious characteristics among representatives of its size. Dogs can weigh up to 8 kilograms. And knots - from 3 to 8 kilograms. On average, the weight of animals ranges from 4-7 kilograms. The height of the males at the withers is 33 centimeters, and the females - 31 centimeters.

The animal has small brown oval-shaped eyes, erect ears in the form of triangles, which are set high on the head. For a long time there was a practice of docking tails to representatives of the Schipperke breed. But recently, this tactic is used less and less, and in many European countries it is generally prohibited.

The animal has a straight, slightly stiff coat, which forms a mane in the area of ​​the chest and neck. Dogs are also characterized by a soft and thick undercoat. On the ears, paws and head, the hairline is shorter. But on the back of the hips near the schipperke wool pants are formed, which makes them seem more plump. In general, wool is a visiting card of the breed. Moreover, its color can only be black.

Animal character

Why is this breed of dog good? A small shepherd is not too popular as a companion and family animal, but could very well act in these roles. Schipperke was born to hunt small rodents. And also good as a guard dog. She is incredibly smart, independent, very energetic and devoted to her master. Schipperke zealously defends his territory and people. The dog has a very developed watchdog instinct. She warns strangers by barking so that they do not approach. Also, the animal actively responds to everything unusual, alerting the owners to bark.

Schipperke is very friendly, she quickly gets used to the guests in the house and also treats them very well. This breed is ideal for those people who want to have a guard dog, but can not afford a big dog. It is no secret that small German Shepherd puppies, for example, very quickly turn into large-sized animals. And not everyone can keep such a dog. But Schipperke in this respect is simply the perfect option.

little shepherd breed schipperke

A curious dog is very curious. She certainly must know what is happening around her. Not a single event will remain without her attention. She is interested in absolutely everything. Thanks to its sensitivity, the breed gained fame as a beautiful guard dog. In addition, the animal is endowed with a great sense of responsibility.

An interesting fact is that, despite its modest size, the dog will never retreat in battle, even if the opponent is much larger. Schipperke carefully studies any sound or movement and notifies his master about it. And this animal makes it with the help of a voiced bark, which sometimes turns into real trills. The dog learns very quickly and responds to all commands of the owners.

Stanley Coren in his book notes that Schipperke remembers the team literally in 5-15 repetitions. The animal fulfills the request of the owner in 85% of cases. It is believed that the attentiveness of such dogs makes the process of training them very fast. The dog always tries to please its owners. But sometimes an animal can afford to be masterful and independent. Therefore, people need to be made clear who is in charge and what the dog can do and what cannot.

Shipperke's sharp mind also has a slight flaw. The animal quickly gets bored with monotony. Therefore, training lessons should be concise, short and varied. A rough technique for schipperke is not suitable.

Faithful companion

When an animal knows the rules of what it can and cannot do, it is a great companion. Yet Schipperke is very mischievous and funny in nature. Therefore, sometimes they can be harmful. If you are the first time to get a dog, then you may need the help of a professional who will show the basics of raising a pet. Errors in training can cause your animal to become moody or aggressive.

little shepherd shepherd

Schipperke needs to start raising early. In addition, socialization is very important. By nature, dogs are rather distrustful of strangers, and therefore can bite them. Socialization allows animals to understand who is their own and who is a stranger. If several dogs grow together, then no compatibility problems arise. But with other animals Schipperke get along badly, especially with those who are smaller in size. This is logical, because initially the dogs hunted rats, which means that you can’t expect a good relationship with rodents.

Attitude towards children

Schipperke gets along well with children, but in the event that they are socialized and well perceive children's noise and games. In general, animals love children and are not aggressive. They can spend hours playing with the kids tirelessly. Animals love the family very much and want to be with it all the time. And it doesn’t matter what the owners are doing: watching TV or working. Schipperke consider themselves to be family members, and therefore believe that they should participate in all family activities.

Schipperke Care

Schipperke is a highly adaptable breed. They can live in an apartment, in a spacious house, but prefer active families. Animals need a walk. At least one walk in the fresh air should be present daily. Moreover, at this time, the animal must actively run and play. Passive walks are not an option for schipperke. You need to walk the dog on a leash, and in safe places give frolic. Since animals have long hunted rodents, they have developed an instinct for persecution. And therefore, sometimes dogs want to wander in search of something. Schipperke should not be kept in an aviary.

smallest shepherd in the world

Regardless of the size of your home, Schipperke is a wonderful pet. If you are looking for an affectionate, smart and loyal dog, then you will not find the best pet. With the right approach to education, you can get the perfect companion.

Schipperke is a very clean dog that does not require much care. But still, you need to look at the hair of the animal, because it is thick and double. Combing it is enough just a couple of times a week, but during the molting period you can not do without a daily procedure. After molting, the dog looks like a smooth coat. And only after a few months the wool is restored. The rest of the animal care is no different from other breeds. It is always necessary to monitor the eyes, ears and nose.


Schipperke has no health problems. According to studies, their life expectancy is about 13 years. Sometimes Schipperke live up to 15 years. 15% of dogs may develop Sanfilippo syndrome. It appears at the age of two to four years.


Schipperke is unpretentious in food. Therefore, the owners never have problems with food. Dogs eat everything they are offered. This is a very big advantage of the breed, because the owners do not need to think about what to feed their pet. At night you can treat your dog with something tasty. By the way, for this breed, disposable food is acceptable. Food should be given in moderate portions without overfeeding the pet. It is better to choose a balanced diet, especially when it comes to a puppy. Since dogs are incredibly active, they need a good and nutritious diet with minerals and vitamins. In the diet of puppies must be dairy products, cereals, herbs, vegetables, beef, fish and vitamin complexes. Dogs should not give tubular bones, they provoke intestinal injuries.

dog shepherd german small

Puppies should receive vitamins A and D daily. Pet stores sell special vitamins for dogs. But you can use children's vitamin complexes, for example, Oligovit. Sometimes you can give the animal cottage cheese and eggs. For a good metabolism, the animal must consume a lot of cereals. They must be present in the diet every day. They must be added greens and vegetables. Sometimes animals do not eat boiled vegetables well, then you can offer them raw. The presence of milk on the menu is also a must. You can give not only pure milk, but also soups based on them.


Schipperke must be vaccinated against such ailments: plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, rabies and trichophytosis. After vaccination, puppies should not be taken out or overfed. Immunity after the first injection is developed within 12 days. This period is very dangerous for the puppy, so the owners should be as attentive to the pet as possible and ease its condition. After the injection, fever, diarrhea and weakness are observed. After three weeks, the babies are re-vaccinated. Usually, animals feel much better after the second injection.

smallest shepherd breed

And yet, within 12 days, the baby must be protected from other animals and not taken outside. After this time, puppies can be walked. At the age of six months, dogs are vaccinated against rabies, as well as a comprehensive vaccination against several ailments. It is strongly not recommended to be vaccinated if the animal is changing teeth. It’s just worth the wait, when the exchange process will completely pass and only after that return to the issue of vaccination.

Instead of an afterword

Schipperke is a cute and funny creature that can cheer up everyone around. If you dream of a great watchdog who will also be a great companion, this breed is an ideal option. Cute, small animals can become true family members. They are not only devoted to people, but also love them with all their hearts and need constant communication.


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