How to learn to weave toys and other original things from rubber bands on a slingshot?

Interesting jewelry and key rings are those little things that emphasize a person’s vibrant personality. Many strive to make a unique thing. Toys woven from elastic bands on a slingshot are original, original. Everyone is able to create exactly the composition that he wants to make the most.


We have been engaged in needlework at all times. And now, despite the fact that the stores have a fairly wide selection of original products, people still try to implement their own ideas, in a sense, to realize themselves through creativity. Especially popular in recent times has become the weaving of rubber bands on a slingshot. DIY toys are always a great gift, a thing that can please you too. In addition, you can implement the ideas of other people by selling your products. So hand-made occupies an important place in the system of contemporary art. Large-scale exhibitions and fairs are dedicated to him, at which people can buy interesting things for themselves. Toys are made from elastic bands on a slingshot, as well as various decorations, key rings, jewelry. They bring to the image of each person something original and original.

from rubber bands on a slingshot toys

About technology

The copyright for the invention of the technique for producing interesting toys from rubber bands on a slingshot belongs to an engineer from Japan, who spent most of his life in the United States. He saw how his daughters love to make baubles, and decided to help them improve the creative process by suggesting the use of a special slingshot or machine to make it easier to work. The first of these devices is used at the initial stage, since it has only two columns. Despite all its simplicity, using a slingshot you can weave a bracelet or an interesting toy. Everyone is well aware that such things are created from threads, but with new fashion trends, gum began to be widely used. This type of needlework is suitable for both adults and children. There are quite simple techniques that every person can master.

how to weave rubber toys on a slingshot

Where to begin?

For a beginner, of course, the question of how to make toys on a slingshot from rubber bands seems not so simple. But in fact, to understand all this is quite easy. It also becomes clear over time which materials are best used. There are different levels of complexity of products, so you need to soberly assess your strengths already at the stage of purchasing materials. Perhaps in the future you would like to professionally weave rubber toys on a slingshot. For beginners, more experienced masters are oriented towards the purchase of special sets for working according to a simplified scheme. The positive side in this case is that you will approach the development of techniques gradually and in the first stages will acquire less expensive materials. The necessary minimum that you need is a special machine of small sizes. In shape, it is like a fork. Also attached is a plastic hook, multi-colored elastic bands. It looks very compact and simple. Thanks to these devices, you can learn in practice how to weave rubber toys on a slingshot. Ahead you have the development of such interesting methods as "fish tail", "sidewalk" and "French braid". The first of them is considered the simplest.

how to weave rubber toys on a slingshot

First steps

You can use rubber bands as one color, and different. There should be imagination in order to imagine what the final result of the work will look like. To start with a rubber band, a mini-frame in the shape of a figure eight is wrapped. Then comes the next one. It is not necessary to twist it. With the third, everything happens in a similar way. Then begins weaving from elastic bands on the slingshot. Toys that are simple in execution technique, as well as bracelets, are obtained by performing the following steps: you need to hook the bottom rubber band with a hook, stretch it, bypassing the other two, towards the center. On the other hand, the actions are the same. Another gum put on top. There is no need to twist. The lower one drops to the center. The steps are repeated until the iris reaches the required size. As a result, a high-density flagellum will come out. The technique got its name for its resemblance to a fish tail. To fasten the two free ends, it is worth using the special clasps that are part of the set. Then get rid of excess ends. There is also a seamy version of this method. On its basis, you can create not only bracelets, but also many other interesting products.

how to make rubber on a slingshot toy


Perhaps you are looking for a way to weave things with a larger rubber band pattern on a slingshot? Toys and bracelets are also made using a technique called pavement. In this case, of course, more materials are needed. Two rubber bands are put on the machine at once, they are twisted with an eight. The same amount is added from above, but no form is attached to them. Then they resort to the hook in order to carry out the movement of the lower gum to the center from one side of the slingshot. 2 more are worn. The same movement is carried out, only on the reverse side, with the only difference being that 2 loops are activated immediately. Then the procedure is repeated until the product reaches the desired length. Clasps are put on. So you can get a bracelet, but, in essence, many other products are created on the basis of this ligature. It is worth mastering in order to apply such bands when working on larger things.

rubber weaving slingshot toys

Light a star

To achieve a good effect for each individual work, it is worth using different techniques. The methods by which toys are made from rubber bands on a slingshot are different from those that are suitable for creating bracelets. For example, you can make a beautiful asterisk that will be voluminous. Consider an example during which a five-pointed product is created. They take a slingshot and rubber bands of the necessary colors (it is desirable that there are at least three), two hooks made of plastic or iron. As a rule, use orange, yellow, red shades. Then it is worth doing a series of sequential actions. The orange rubber is folded four times and placed on top of the slingshot, then a few yellow ones, the first is pulled together and placed in the center. The coils from below, on each side, are pulled with a hook to the center. Now you can add a pair of orange rubber bands. Yellow loops are removed on the left. On the opposite side are transferred two turns of an orange hue. Also from the second side. Then use the red rubber bands. They are put on one hook. The second is used in order to carry out the removal of the workpiece and the temporary termination of work with it.

Create a single whole

There are five such parts that need to be created. These are the rays of the star. At the end of the work, they all connect. For fixing use a machine. Over put on a rubber band of red color to which preparations are attached. For this operation, use the back of the tool. All blanks are attached to one of the columns. The bottom hinge retracts on the outside. The one that remains should be hooked onto the finger. The hook is inserted under the gum near the base of the rays, and then pulled through the loop. With other blanks, the same thing is done, up to the moment when the loop disappears. In addition, a loop is made on the asterisk, for which it will cling to a key ring, nail or needles, if it is a Christmas decoration.

toys from rubber bands on a slingshot of beginners

Spider Toy

People who are more or less versed in how to weave slingshot toys from rubber bands become bored of constantly working with the same bracelets, even if they use different colors. In addition to the stars, there are many other interesting compositions. For example, you can make a spider. To do this, use black. Four layers of gum are applied on one side of the slingshot. Then another impose on both horns, twisting twice. A hook is taken to twist the two rubber bands. Thus, future paws are obtained. Two more times to do this operation. The double black loop is removed and moved to the middle. On top put on other blanks made of two rubber bands. Then they take a double twisted layer. In turn, remove the lower level on each side. The loops on the right should be moved to the left. Previously created blanks are cut in half on each side. At the end, a body is created by interlacing other loops.

Fruit motifs

Trinkets and earrings in the form of fruits look pretty cute. You can make an original toy - a banana. Erasers of brown and yellow are taken. One of them, dark, is put on a horn. It is twisted three times. Then 2 more yellow are worn on both sides. Brown should be pulled to the center. Four more banana gum are taken and put on a whole slingshot. Then, the loops are removed to the center from the bottom. This operation is performed as many times as necessary to form a banana of suitable length. To complete the work, apply a dark material.

Creative freedom

It is worth noting that a slingshot is not the most suitable tool for creating professional complex products, but it is quite enough to master the techniques of creating such cute things as bright bracelets, elegant hearts, bows, and other beautiful figures.

interesting toys from rubber bands on a slingshot

Each novice master can fantasize and use small details to create a more complex composition. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, one involuntarily begs thoughts about a picnic. Collect a small basket and present it in the form of a cute surprise. Such a present will not leave anyone indifferent. Romantic gifts, earrings, necklaces, key rings, rings come out of hearts. These details can replenish previously woven bracelets, add a pendant to the necklace. So, if you look better at the elastic bands, it becomes clear that this is truly flexible material from which you can "sculpt" real works of art.


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