Fairy tale "Bunny-hare": plot, problems

Fairy tales are a universal and effective way of knowing the world and educating a child. Easy form, fascinating plot, special forms and well-established words - all this helps adults to convey to the baby the most important truths, using the language available to him.

hare braggart Russian folk tale
Tales about animals make up the majority of the total number and are especially popular among children. Getting acquainted with various inhabitants of the seas and forests, children better perceive the world around them. “The Bunny Hare” is a famous Russian folk tale. As a didactic material, it is used even in lessons at school.


Tales of animals belong to the most ancient species. In them, a world where animals, birds, fish and insects can talk is presented as an allegorical reflection of the human. Animals often become the embodiment of our vices - cowardice, stupidity, boasting, greed, hypocrisy, cheating.

Among other popular heroes of folk tales, a separate group is occupied by a hare, a frog and a mouse. In the works they act as weak characters. Their insecurity can be beaten both positively and negatively. For example, in the fairy tale “The Hare Bouncer” (or “The Hare Hare”), the defenseless animal appears as a negative hero who must realize the incorrectness of his behavior.

The allegory appears in the description of the characters: the behavior of animals often causes associations with the human way of life, makes the child find these connections and teaches him to critically evaluate certain situations and draw conclusions.

Tales contain their own, special humor. It is not always pronounced, and sometimes lies in ridiculous and ridiculous situations (a brave bouncer hare hides from a crow under a bush).

This type of folk art conveys some of the features of speech: well-established forms of words (they lived, there was an end to a fairy tale, etc.), a peculiar construction (the oral form often contributes to the fact that the fairy tale consists entirely of dialogues).


The work “Bunny Hare” tells of a cowardly bunny who, in the winter season, was supposed to earn his living by stealing oats from peasants. When he once again ran to the threshing floor, he found a large number of his brothers there.

bunny hare

To stand out among them, the hare began to boast loudly: “And I, my brothers, do not have a mustache, but clean it, and I do not have paws, but paws, and I have not teeth, but teeth, and I'm not afraid of anyone in this white light “That's how good I am!”

The rest of the cross-eyed, after meeting this aunt crow, told her what she had heard. She, in turn, began to tell about this to everyone she met, but no one wanted to believe her. Then the crow decided to find the bouncer and see if he was lying.

Having met a hare, the aunt began to question him and found out that the scythe had invented everything. The crow took the word from the bouncer that he would not do so again.

fairy tale hare bouncer

Auntie once sat on a fence when dogs attacked her. The hare decided to save her and appeared so that the dogs would notice him and chase him. He ran fast, so the dogs could not keep up. And after that the crow began to call him not a braggart, but a brave man.

Hare image

The bouncer hare at the beginning of the tale appears as a negative hero who puts himself above others. His image is of particular importance, since children tend to exaggerate the reality surrounding them in their stories in order to seem more interesting than their friends.

Changing the hare, realizing that you are wrong will help the child understand that such behavior will not lead to anything good, but helping friends is of real value.


The Russian folk tale "The Hare-Bouncer" has a morality, which is indicated at the end of the work. It states that words that are not supported by actions cannot be evidence. Only deeds can best tell about a person. A kind fairy tale with an easy but instructive plot will become the best ally in raising a child.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14916/

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