The thickest cats in the world. The smartest cat breeds. The biggest domestic cats. The fastest cat in the world

We are used to cats. They catch mice, purr gently on their knees and gamble with children. Small and large, tame and independent - each of these furry pets is unique in its own way. Today we will talk about the most-most, about cats and cats that are not like the others.

How cats became domestic

This event is dated to the era of the pharaohs (about 6000 years ago). It was in ancient Egypt that cats were revered as divine creatures. But recent excavations have revealed the remains of a kitten in a much older burial, in Cyprus. It turns out that the oldest cats in the world lived with humans already 9.5 thousand years ago. Today, the life expectancy of pets is about 15 years, but there are true centenarians. So, in the UK, a cat named Puss lived 36 years, which is sometimes an average figure even for a person.

21st Century Disease - Obesity in Cats

These animals are very fond of spinning around the table, begging for tasty pieces. In addition, unlike honest and decent dogs, cats are thieves and will certainly take advantage of the opportunity (obeying the predator's instinct) to pick up on the clawed paw what lies on the table. Therefore, the thickest cats in the world are usually not representatives of any particular breed: it is the owners who turn their pet into a walking ottoman.

The thickest cats in the world

The weight of fluffy beauties and handsome men is also affected by lifestyle. According to statistics, cats living in villages or in the private sector do not suffer from extra pounds. Their life is more harmonious: in the evening they go on a hunt, as laid down by nature, and when they come home and enjoy milk, they go to bed for the whole day. The thickest cats in the world live in apartments where physical activity is limited, and the whole hunt consists in going to the kitchen.

Often the mating season gives trouble to the owners, when the cat begins to show anxiety, meow loudly and often, invoking the male. Today, there are many drugs that are designed to quench the sexual activity of a pet, but, unfortunately, they are all hormonal. So, the thickest cat in the world, nicknamed Katie (living in Russia), began to rapidly gain weight precisely after taking such funds. Her weight is 23 kg, her body length is 69 cm, and her waist width is 70 cm. A kind of walking cube. By the way, even if there is an attempt to establish a relationship with him in the cat’s house, the poor fellow no longer takes it.

Heavyweight Records

Of course, not all animals distinguished by their mass fall into the Guinness Book of Records. Today in the nomination "The Thickest Cats in the World" a pet named Himmi (girl) is in the lead. She lived in Australia and died in 1986 at the age of 10. Her weight was 21.3 kg.

In Denmark, the six-year-old Tulle cat lives, weighing 19.2 kg. In New York, a red-haired handsome man named Spongebob got into the nursery, his weight exceeds the limit and is 17 kg. At the same time, the thickest cats in the world are absolutely healthy, and they gained so much excess weight thanks to their own laziness. Both are undergoing treatment and put on a diet, as their body weight is at a critical point. The owners of Tulle say that their pet loved only to sleep. All guests mistook the fixed ball for a fluffy footrest. He even learned to roll from place to place, so as not to get up again.

most popular cats

You won’t get away from nature

You can feed absolutely any animal. So, the thickest cat in the world, living in Kiev, weighs 20 kg and does not belong to any breed. In general, British and Persian cats are considered the most prone to fullness. Impressive and calm, they are able to lie on the couch for hours and at the same time they have a good appetite. Castrated pets are also at risk: after surgery, they begin to quickly gain weight. Oh, and it’s curious to flip through the selection of “The thickest cats in the world” on the net ... Photos of lazy pussies sometimes cause emotion, but this is a serious threat to the life and health of the animal.

The largest representatives of this family lead in weight. These are Maine Coon (from 10 to 15 kg) or Asher (about 14 kg). But for their body, such indicators are quite proportional and normal.

Toddlers of the Cat World

The smallest can be considered a Singapore cat. These crumbs weigh from 1.5 to 2.7 kg. Graceful beauties, they are rarely found on the Russian market. Another miniature breed is concode: weight about 2 kg, body length about 55 cm. They live mainly in Chile and Argentina.

The kindest cats
We have few nurseries that breed these breeds, so it is almost impossible to meet a representative for sale at a low price. A pair brought in from abroad with good documents can bring a good income. There are times when a purebred cat grows record small. So, the Himalayan-Persian cat, living in the USA, reaches only 7 cm at the withers, and the length of his body does not exceed 19 cm.

The world of cats is incredibly diverse, there are the thinnest and longest representatives. Often these two qualities are combined by the same breed. A striking representative is a cat of the savannah breed. Graceful creatures reach 45 centimeters in length. But, again, thoroughbred handsome men bypass their fellow mestizos. In 1997, in Scotland, a cat named Snowby (103 cm in length and 33 in height) was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

IQ furry favorites

Objectively measuring human intelligence is quite difficult, with cats it is still more difficult. Of course, for each owner, his favorite is the best. To identify the smartest breeds of cats, they conduct various experiments, for example, show the animal her favorite toy, and then hide it behind a screen. If the pet realizes to go there, its intelligence is equated with the level of development of a one and a half year old child. If you continue to look at the owner or meow, demanding to return the toy, it means that mental abilities are slightly lower, or stubbornness is higher than normal.

The smartest cat breeds

After a series of experiments, the breeders made the following conclusions:

1. The sphinx, or naked cat, takes first place in mental abilities, despite the fact that they are the funniest cats in the world. The pet gives a minimum of trouble in everyday life, does not fade, does not cause allergies and does not have a natural smell. Kittens get used to the toilet as quickly as possible. They will never scratch or bite. They train amazingly fast, easily learn teams and can perform in a circus. With them you can play hide and seek and catch up, so that your child will be busy for a long time. He is not in danger (of course, if he does not offend the animal), because these are also the kindest cats.

2. The first place was shared with the Sphinxes by a Balinese cat. It originates from the Siamese breed, but the selection awarded it with luxurious wool. Easily master numerous tricks, do not require special care, while being sociable and curious.

3. A Bengal cat is another amazing breed. A bred hybrid of a domestic and wild cat, a magnificent leopard, kind and responsive.

4. The third place was given to the breeds: Russian Blue, Egyptian Mau, Siberian, Norwegian Forest and many others.

As you can see, the list of leaders includes cats that are distinguished by their natural activity and curiosity. Calm and phlegmatic Persians, Himalayan cats and exotic shorthair were at the very end of the rating.

Gentle purring creatures. How to choose just such a cat

The most affectionate cats
In fact, the secret is simple: the most affectionate cats are only with loving owners. If you give the animal your tenderness and care day after day, then it will answer you the same. Cats are quite vindictive, once once greatly offended, she will look at you for a long time before believing again. Do you want the most gentle and kind creation in the world? Take the cat from the street. Devoted, she will forever be grateful for the salvation.

If you choose a purebred pet, then the most affectionate cats are Russian Blue, Sphinx, Burmese, and Cornish Rex. It is necessary to make a discount on the fact that in each breed there are individual individuals with their own character. Love your pet for who he is.

Often the opposite question arises, so to speak: "And which cats are the most aggressive and angry?" Indeed, there is something to think about. Just imagine: proud posture, a mysterious look, demonstrative independence, and if something goes wrong, then fangs and claws are in use! And if at home a small child, the question arises very sharply. These breeds include magnificent Siamese. Amazing coloring and wonderful blue eyes are often decisive when choosing a kitten. But these "princes" and "princesses" are very freedom-loving, they will come to their hands only when they themselves want, and for no reason will they allow themselves to be dragged by the tail!

Maine Coons and the British can be classified as moderately aggressive. It is quite possible to agree with them, if not too familiar.

Choice of the year, or Which breed is most in demand?

According to statistics, this is a Siberian Russian cat. This is a large, strong animal that can endure severe frosts without harm to health and has excellent health. During the selection, the wool changed from smooth to fluffy and received a wide variety of colors.

most popular cats

Representatives of this breed fully grow late, only by the age of 5. An adult weighs 10-15 kg. These are the most popular cats throughout Russia, both purebred and half breeds. Rich coat requires care, combing at least once a week. In the spring and summer, the cat can be trimmed. These noble beauties are distinguished by a good disposition and a gentle attitude to the owner. The child can safely play with a fluffy pet. But beware of undeservingly offending a cat - it is no less vindictive than a representative of the Siamese breed.

Siberian cats are happy to bathe, so get special cosmetics and offer the child to spend an unforgettable time in the bathroom with his pet.

The most powerful feline

The biggest domestic cats in the world
Savannah (Ashera) - it is rarely seen in the city - a very rare cat. This is a real home leopard! The animal is similar to him in color and size. In order not to be unfounded: about 70 centimeters at the withers, 15 kg in weight. This is a strong, muscular predator, but at the same time affectionate and obedient. Your child will be delighted with joint games: an abandoned tangle will come back at lightning speed, because the savannah is also the fastest cat. Her appearance is very impressive: the size of an average dog, retaining all the dexterity and grace of a wild predator, she purrs, stretched out on your bed, or jumps, playing out, on cabinets and tables. This charming animal got its second name in honor of the pagan goddess Ashera.

The second strongman can be called Maine Coon. Buying such a giant is much easier, they are not exotic. The size is slightly inferior to the previous representative, and weighs 12-14 kg. A beautiful large animal, with a heavy gaze and tassels on the ears like a lynx. These are the largest domestic cats in the world among the common breeds.

The most beautiful breeds

Of course, charm is a subjective parameter, everyone chooses something more sweet to his heart. But the rating, however, exists. According to numerous surveys, a list of the most preferred and beautiful cat breeds has been compiled:

  • Turkish Angora is a snow-white, long-haired beauty. Often there are "harlequins", one eye of which is blue and the other is green.
  • Turkish van is a semi-long-haired cat, soft to the touch, like cashmere. Usually white with red stripes.
  • Norwegian Forest Cat - a large-build animal, on high massive legs. It resembles a lynx, with thick, long and dense fur. However, it is very calm and peaceful.
  • American Maine Coon and savannah. Very large cats with excellent exterior data.
  • Chausie, or the Nile cat. This is a relative of the bog lynx. Unique iridescent color, bright appearance, independent look, and at the same time the animal is very devoted to its owners.
  • Somali breed is quite rare. Thick and dense fur forms a “collar” on the neck and “panties” on the legs. In addition, the fur has another feature: each hair is dyed in several tones.
  • Ragdoll - bred in California, reminiscent of Persians, but the fur is softer, like rabbits. This is one of the most patient breeds in the world.
  • Munchkins are amazing creatures whose paws are three times shorter than all other cats. Very peaceful and affectionate.
  • Toyger - looks very much like tigers, the color is completely the same, but at the same time they are amazingly loving.
  • Egyptian Mau is a very elegant creature! On the forehead - a drawing in the shape of the letter "M", and near the ears - in the form of a "W". Eyes must emphasize two lines resembling the makeup of the Egyptian queen.

Of course, this is far from all breeds, especially since ugly representatives of these wonderful animals simply do not exist.

The funniest cats in the world

The most expensive cat breeds

If you are engaged in breeding and maintain a private nursery, then the purchase of breeding individuals whose offspring will bring good profit is a rather important issue. We present a list of the most expensive cats for today.

  1. Devon Rex - very interesting representatives of the cat, a bit like a sphinx. Small animals with short, soft hair that resembles velor and large ears. Very smart, easily accustomed to the tray. In addition, their coat does not cause allergies. Cost - from 400 dollars.
  2. Himalayan cat - beautiful, long-haired animals. They cost from 500 dollars.
  3. Scottish fold - ears are distinguished from other breeds by the structure of their ears: they are bent forward and down. In addition, these pets do not purr, but creak. And one more feature: they like to sit in an atypical pose for cats, with a straight back and outstretched legs. Price ranges from $ 200 to 1,500.
  4. The Canadian Sphynx is a hairless cat, very graceful and mobile. Owners often wonder at their pet’s ability to freeze for a long time in the most bizarre pose, as if deep in thought. Cost - from $ 400 to 1500.
  5. Maine Coon is one of the largest cats on earth. Body length reaches 1.2 meters, and weight - more than 15 kg. The color with black stripes (not always, but quite often) and a huge, fluffy tail make them look like raccoons. From $ 600.
  6. The elf is a recently bred breed, completely bald cats, with folded skin and large ears bent back. From 2000 dollars.
  7. The American Curl is a long-haired breed, characterized by ears wrapped like horns. From $ 1000.
  8. Bengal cat. Luxurious leopard coat is the main advantage of the breed. From $ 1,000 to 4,000.
  9. Khao Mani, an ancient Thai breed. From 7000 dollars.
  10. Chausi is the result of a cross between a domestic cat and a bog lynx. Very rare animals, striking in their grace and sociability. From $ 8000.
  11. Savannah is the most expensive pussy in the world, the result of crossing an African serval and a domestic cat. A graceful, large animal, a real domestic leopard. The cost depends on the class of the kitten, ranging from $ 4000 to 22000.

the funniest cats in the world

This is not all the very, very cats that live next to us. Surely each of you can supplement the list by including your pet in it. Large or small, furry or smooth-haired, they are waiting for us from work and purr joyfully, basking in our lap. Perhaps the only distinguishing feature that needs correction is the weight of your pet. And do not be touched by the title "The Thickest Cat". A photo, of course, can represent a funny animal with a blissful muzzle spreading out on a sofa, but in reality, being overweight often leads to an early death of a pet.


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