Baldur`s Gate: passing the legend of the gaming industry

Computer games in modern times, like several years ago, are released with an enviable frequency. However, not every project expects success, such as, for example, Baldur`s Gate. Passage, plot, plot - over all this, the developers have tried so well that the game is still popular. And this is despite the fact that the graphics leave much to be desired with current technologies, because it refers to the distant 1998.

So, 15 years ago a new toy from the genre of RPG appeared on users' computers, and it was called Baldur`s Gate. The passage begins with an acquaintance with the main acting character, and he is the son of a powerful god named Baal. However, until a certain point, he could not have imagined that he had such a magnificent pedigree. This continued until his half-brother came to Earth to kill him and become the sole heir to the power of his noble father. And, of course, between the relatives there is a war where the gamer will have to take the side of good and defeat evil.

Baldur s gate walkthrough

In fact, a completely familiar plot is hidden in the game Baldur`s Gate. Passage is standard, the player is honest and valiant, his opponent is cunning and evil. However, it is impossible to unequivocally call the storyline banal, because the developers had to try to come up with such a fascinating background. After our half-brother visits the planet, we, being unaware of our own parent, are confused for some time. But a judicious and selfless father saves his own son at the cost of his life. Thus, the gamer gains strength and goes to fraternal struggle, while trying to unravel the mystery of his origin.

Baldur s gate walkthrough

Despite the fact that the release of the game dates back to a distant year, the graphics are well thought out. And the lack of three-dimensional images does not make Baldur`s Gate worse: the passage is pleasant, the user sees well-drawn characters. It is impossible to argue that the developers of that time went around the rest of the participants in the gaming industry . They really deserve respect, especially when you consider that the graphics of the present in some games are significantly inferior to them. Small details are most admired: any object that you meet, whether it is a forest tree or your weapon, has well-visible lines. No less proud of developers can be considered urban life. Here, more attention was paid to sound design. Walking past one of the taverns, you will hear music from there, as well as the voices of merchants and the remarks of the guards, addressed to those who behave inappropriately.

Baldur s gate codes
You can consider another area that applies to any game, and not just to the Baldur`s Gate project - codes. Any self-respecting gamer will immediately say that only beginners or wimps can play with exemptions. That drive, the excitement that you get when passing on difficult levels, can not be compared with the power that gives you the use of codes. In addition, the gameplay is quite simple, you should remember only a few keys. You can not ignore the skills, because this game is actually the founder of this type of RPG, when skills are valued more than the available weapons. And you create your character creatively, often not knowing which ability is best to develop.

Among other things, the player has to recruit his own team, each member of which has its own character. All of them are colorful enough, and not only their abilities are worth considering when recruiting, but also their temper. And the presence of quests, real-time battles and much more mainly distinguishes the game Baldur`s Gate: Walkthrough against the background of its contemporaries and current projects.


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