Currant Selechenskaya: reviews. Black currant Selechenskaya

Blackcurrant - a culture that yields very tasty and at the same time healthy fruits, is extremely popular among Russian summer residents. Varieties of it created just a huge amount. One of the most interesting is the Selechenskaya currant, which gardeners' reviews are simply wonderful. In this article we’ll talk about exactly what features this variety differs and, of course, about how to properly care for it.

general description

The Selechenskaya currant was bred in Bryansk, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. The main advantages of the variety include:

  • very large fruits (1.7-3.3 g);
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • pleasant taste of berries (tasting score - 4.7 points);
  • resistance to frost, drought and low winter temperatures;
  • high content of vitamin C in fruits;
  • Immunity to powdery mildew.

    currant selechenskaya

The bush of the Selechenskaya currant grows not too high, compact enough and at the same time gives smooth straight shoots. Rounded, shiny black berries ripen early and quickly. You can use them for making compotes and jams, as well as wine, liquors, juices, jellies, yoghurts, fillings for sweets, etc. In addition to all this, Selechenskaya currant is also characterized by a fairly high yield (99 c / ha).

Reviews gardeners

This variety is grown by many gardeners in our country. They have very good reviews about him. All summer residents growing Selechenskaya, for example, note the fact that it ripens much earlier than many other varieties. Most currants like it also for large dessert, very sweet fruits. Some berries can be as large as 50 cents. Moreover, their skin is very thin. According to Russian gardeners, the fruits of this variety are much tastier than most other currants. Therefore, if you like to eat fresh berries from the bush and make sweet vitamin compotes, be sure to think about planting such a wonderful crop on your site as Selechenskaya currant. Reviews about the taste of its fruits are really very good.

This variety is appreciated by Russian gardeners also for their resistance to diseases. Powdery mildew almost never affects it.

black currant

The lack of variety of currant Selechenskaya has only one. Despite the statements of breeders about sustainability, its bushes quite easily get sick with a kidney tick. Therefore, those gardeners in whose areas there is a high risk of contracting this disease should consider planting the Selechenskaya-2 variety. It is much more resistant to ticks. His berries are even larger. However, unfortunately, the fruits of this variety are not as sweet as the usual Selechenskaya. So in this case you have to choose.

Selechenskaya-2: description

This variety was also bred at the Bryansk Research Institute of Lupine by breeder Astakhov. As a result of the crossing of the Golubka seedling and the Bredthorpe hybrid seedling, a universal currant was obtained, resistant to powdery mildew and mites, with very large fruits (up to 5 grams). Unlike ordinary Selechenskaya, this variety requires good care and fairly fertile soil. From one bush, if enough attention was paid to plants during the season, you can collect up to 2.5 kg of berries.

currant selechenskaya reviews

Selechenskaya-2 black currant differs from ordinary black currant also in more sprawling lush bush, as well as less resistance to spring frosts.

How to plant

As you can see, this variety is very good - productive, quite resistant to disease and not very whimsical. How to plant Selechenskaya currant? This procedure is nothing particularly complicated. Its bushes are planted in the same way as any other early varieties of currant. The same goes for plant care.

Landing is best done in late autumn or spring, before buds open. To the soil, the Selechenskaya currant is absolutely undemanding. However, choosing a good place for planting and properly preparing the soil, you can get much more abundant crops. As for Selechenskaya-2, for this currant preliminary soil improvement is a mandatory procedure.

Black currant Selechenskaya is planted in a well-lit, not flooded area. Dig across the garden in the direction from north to south of the hole with a depth of 50 cm at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other according to the number of bushes.

variety of currant selechenskaya

Place a seedling in each well at a slope of 45 degrees, with roots to the south, so that the neck is 15 cm below the ground level. Prepared in advance, with improved soil, fill the holes and slightly tighten the trunk circle. Currant soil is prepared as follows: good garden soil is mixed with humus and 100 g nitroammophoski and a glass of ash are added to the bucket of the mixture. Currant takes nutrients from a depth of about 40 cm. Therefore, the resulting fertile layer for the bush will be quite enough. The diameter of the holes, however, should not be less than 60 cm. Otherwise, black currant Selechenskaya will still experience a lack of nutrients.

After planting, trunks should be mulched. The seedlings themselves are trimmed so that 3-4 buds remain above the surface of the soil. In addition, you need to pour about a bucket of water on each bush.


Currants of both considered honeycombs are irrigated during the growing season once every 10 days. The amount of water should be such that the ground under the bushes is wet at least 40 cm in depth.

Selechenskaya black currant 2

Selechenskaya currant is fed three times per season. In April, before buds open, under each bush you need to pour a bucket of water with urea dissolved in it (100 g). During the period of intense ovary, and this is approximately in June, currants should be fertilized with nitroammophos (150 g per 10 l). In autumn, in late October - early November, a humus bucket and a glass of ash are introduced under each bush.


As with most other berry crops, Selechenskaya currant bushes should be periodically formed. Serious pruning is done only in the first 4-5 years. They perform it in such a way that by the age of six, 4-5 branches of each year remain in each bush. Next, pruning is done only light, anti-aging.

Currant Selechenskaya is actually a very good variety and quite rightly deserved good reviews from Russian gardeners. With proper care, you can get significant yields of very delicious berries. However, this currant can grow in one place without the need for replacement for 10-12 years.


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