Vladimir Karpov: biography, books

Vladimir Karpov is a well-known national writer, public figure and publicist. He wrote novels, novels and short stories dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, in which he himself took part. In 1944, he became a hero of the Soviet Union, and in 1986 he was awarded the USSR State Prize.

early years

Vladimir Karpov was born in Orenburg in 1922. He moved to Tashkent early with his parents, where he studied at school. In 1939 he became a student of the infantry school.

In addition to studying, Vladimir Karpov was actively involved in sports. For example, he was even a middleweight boxing champion in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian republics.

In early 1941, the hero of the article was convicted of anti-Soviet illegal agitation, for which he was arrested. The military tribunal of the Central Asian military district sentenced him to five years in prison.

During the Great Patriotic War

Karpov's novels

The outbreak of the war against the Nazis was for Vladimir Karpov a chance to be released ahead of time in order to serve his homeland in the penal battalion.

In the fall of 1942 he was released to be sent to the Kalinin Front. He became an ordinary in the penal company, which included prisoners from prisons and colonies from all over the country. At the beginning of 1943 he was transferred to a reconnaissance company at 134 rifle division. Already on January 28 he was awarded the medal "For Courage". In the explanation of the order, it was noted that during the execution of the task immediately set for him to capture the “language”, he managed to make the passage through the wire fence as part of the group, as close as possible to the enemy dugout. Throwing grenades at him, Vladimir Karpov destroyed eight fascists, and later captured the prisoner, as required, to deliver him to headquarters. The feat was committed in the area of ​​the town of Bely in the territory of the Smolensk region.

In February 1943, for his valor and courage shown in the battles, his criminal record was dropped, he was even admitted to the Communist Party. The remaining time until the end of the war, Vladimir V. Karpov served as a scout, commanded a platoon.

In August 1943 he was wounded. But he recovered very quickly, already in September he received the Order of the Red Star. The command noted his participation in the battle, during which, during the reflection of the enemy’s next counterattack, which was already the third in a row, he himself began to correct the fire of Soviet artillery. As a result, it was possible to destroy about 70 enemy soldiers, one self-propelled guns Ferdinand and one Tiger tank.

Another feat

During the war, the biography of Vladimir Karpov was a lot of feats, which were marked by appropriate awards. In February 1944, he was awarded another Order of the Red Star.

By that time he was already an assistant to the chief of staff of the rifle regiment. This time it was noted that the hero of this article assembled an intelligence group that managed to block two bunkers that interfered with the Soviet army, as well as garrisons under them. As a result, about 90 German soldiers and officers were killed, 17 people were taken prisoner.

In total, during the war years, Karpov personally took part in the capture of 79 "languages".

Title of a hero

Career of Vladimir Karpov

The future writer received the "Hero" in the summer of 1944. This time, performing a combat mission, he penetrated the rear of the enemy, where he discovered a large enemy group.

Vladimir Vasilievich showed courage and courage, being able to cause fire on the radio on himself, he personally corrected the blows that were inflicted by Soviet batteries. As a result of this shelling, about two hundred German soldiers, several tanks and one self-propelled guns were destroyed.

The works of Vladimir Karpov

Also in the order on conferring on him the title of hero of the Soviet Union, it was noted that a few weeks later he penetrated the rear in a group of eight people. Having destroyed about fifty enemy soldiers and officers, a small group of Karpov managed to capture the strategically important village of Maetskoye.

In the battles for the village of Efremovo, he again went behind the Nazis. As a result of a sudden attack by the Soviet intelligence group, about 40 people were killed, 11 captured. Then, in a battle over the road between Smolensk and Demidov, Karpov destroyed a garrison of 60 people in the German rear. In the battle for the village of Vasileno in the territory of the Dukhvoshchinsky district, he made his way to the flank of the enemy, personally shooting a quarter of a hundred Germans from a machine gun. His actions ensured the successful capture of the settlement by Soviet troops. In just this month, he has been in the enemy rear more than thirty times. His group eliminated more than three hundred soldiers and officers of the enemy.

At the end of the war, he was promoted to senior lieutenant. He was soon injured again. After the hero’s treatment, this article was sent to the higher intelligence school at the General Staff.

After the war

Karpov's books

Karpov published his first works in 1945. However, after the war he continued his education related to the military profession. He graduated from the Frunze Academy.

Writer Vladimir Karpov decided to become a professional writer. For this, he successfully studied at the Literary Institute.

In parallel with the writing of works, he served in the army. He spent about ten years in Central Asia, headed the division headquarters.

In 1962 he became a member of the Writers' Union, and four years later he quit the armed forces and moved to Tashkent.

Literary career

The memory of Vladimir Karpov

After that, the hero of the article worked in several thick literary magazines. In the early 80's was the chief editor of the magazine "New World".

Vladimir Karpov left behind many books: “24 hours from the life of a scout”, “Marshal’s wand”, “Commander”, “Shot Marshals”, “Fate of a scout”, “Big Life”.

In 2010, he died in Moscow at the age of 87. His grave is in the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14945/

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