Quotes about the truth: its value in life

They say that everyone has their own truth. Someone skillfully closes her eyes when it suits him; others are ready to make sacrifices for her. Often we are afraid to speak it in person, and someone even considers the truth to be a rather subjective concept. Undoubtedly, there can be many points of view, and over the centuries-old history of mankind there have been advanced both the most daring opinions about it and the most absurd. However, as long as society exists, the truth is its integral part.

Women's truth

There was a strong opinion that it is the beautiful half of humanity that is prone to changing the truth. In most cases, this applies to age, as well as relationships with the opposite sex. The love of gossip also played a role, because in the no-no process, some detail of one’s own composition will come up. True men forgive women their small weaknesses and often simply turn a blind eye to them.

However, there are ladies for whom lying is the main weapon in the struggle for their own interests. Their cunning may well be the envy of the special services. Perhaps that is why many quotes about the truth have been preserved in history, where the main characters are women.

Not a single woman has yet told the whole truth about her life.

(Isadora Duncan).

Women lie with ease, talking about their feelings, and men even more easily tell the truth.

(Jean de Labruyere).

Women do not lie, they only slightly tint the truth.

(Danny Kay).

Naked truth

naked truth

Oddly enough, but this phrase is already a quote and it belongs to Quint Horace Flaccus. Such a well-aimed statement of the ancient Roman poet is very firmly included in our speech. Centuries later, the greats of this world used it in their sayings, which subsequently also replenished the list of quotes about the truth. And no wonder, because it reflects the main distinguishing feature of this concept - impartiality and purity.

The truth does not take sides, does not conceal even the most terrible details. Its revealing power is quite comparable to nudity, when nothing is hidden from the eyes, nothing is embellished, everything appears as it was created.

Nudity is the best decoration of the truth.

(Thomas Fuller).

The naked truth is good because it is not met by clothes.

(Konstantin Kushner).

I love the truth without decorations.

(Alexander V. Suvorov).

Life truth

In our youth, we are often surprised at how practical adults become. They stop believing in ideals, higher aspirations and in everything they first seek their own profit, and only then pay attention to everything else. In revenge, the young generation is called such naive fools.

Unfortunately, it cannot be said that they are completely wrong. The older a person becomes, the more people he meets on his way. Various situations come with them: lies, betrayal, the desire to receive only profit. All this erases the remnants of youthful maximalism.

This happens with each generation, as evidenced by quotes about the bitter truth that makes young people adults.

The creator does the right thing, hiding from the young the bitter truth of life, otherwise they would not have the spirit to go on a joint path.

(Cormac McCarthy. "Horses, Horses ...").

Youth is disinterested in thoughts and feelings, therefore it most deeply embraces the truth with thought and feeling ...

(G. Heine).

Youth, where only it has not exhausted itself from moral corruption by philistinism, is always impractical. To be impractical does not mean to be in a lie; everything facing the future certainly has a share of idealism. Other enthusiasm is better than any moralizing keeps from falling.

(A. Herzen).

Truth and friendship

statements about the truth

You can often hear that it is impossible to be completely honest with your friend. Unwillingness to devote someone to their plans, distrust - all this keeps us from speaking sincerely.

Sometimes the truth is motivated by the desire to protect a friend, not to hurt his feelings, so as not to provoke a quarrel.

But in each case, the matter lies in the person himself and his choice. Some can boast of many years of strong bonds of friendship, in which there is no place for lies. Others, having survived the betrayal, were able to ask the offender and move on. A series of quotes about the truth reflects its presence or absence between friends.

To tell the truth is to lose friendship.

(Russian proverb).

The sincerity of the relationship, the truth in communication is friendship.

(Alexander Suvorov).

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

(Mark Tullius Cicero).

Value of truth

the bitter truth quotes

Some hate it, others say that it is not there, others do not see the point in it. But why, despite all the cruelty, the truth continues to exist? Probably for the reason that no human insults and even the greatest catastrophes that happened because of her, plead with all the value of truth. No wonder they say that you can hear it either from a brave man or from a madman. Many quotes about the truth confirm that it has been valued at all times.

Truth is the greatest jewel. It is necessary to save it.

(Mark Twain).

Truth and beauty have always been the main thing in human life and in general on earth.

(Anton P. Chekhov).

The truth is air, without which one cannot breathe.

(Ivan S. Turgenev).

"... I myself am glad to be deceived"

Lying is a significant part of life, not only because a person communicates with deceivers, but also because it is much easier to accept. Some are simply unable to withstand all of her burden or survive the biting blow, which can forever change you. For example, a few quotes about honesty and truth, which simply do not want to know.

Make a person face the truth when you immediately see the back of his head. (Aurelius Markov).

People are not truth-seekers; they like it better when they are given compliments.


He who is so deaf that he doesn’t even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless.

(Mark Tullius Cicero)


quotes about honesty and truth

To tell others the bare truth or to embellish it is up to you. But it is necessary to have the courage not only to reveal it to others, but also not to hide from oneself. Such games are honestly dangerous to humans. In them, you can lose touch with reality and begin to believe in your own deception.

Let the quotes in the article tell you how to use the truth. Do not forget that, she is one of the most powerful weapons.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14947/

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