Why does a kitten's mustache break? Why is this happening and how to help him?

Despite the fact that we all perfectly understand that an animal in a house is a big responsibility, few future owners bother to learn some simple but important things about caring for a new apartment dweller before buying a pet. Therefore, the majority of newly-minted owners of furry handsome men have a question: "Why does a kitten break a mustache?" What to do in such cases, you will learn from today's article.

What are vibrissae?

These are special hard hairs, which are the organ of touch. Each mustache has a different thickness and length, and therefore, differs in the degree of sensitivity. The shortest are located on the chin, above the eyes and in the area of ​​the cheeks of the animal. The longest and most sensitive vibrissae are located directly above the upper lip.

why the kitten’s mustache breaks

Those who want to understand why a kitten’s mustache breaks will probably be interested to know that each animal has an average of twenty-four antennae. Moreover, each of them is in contact with numerous nerve endings. In addition, there are vibrissas between the pads of the cat's fingers and in the ankles. With their help, animals can analyze the surface on which their paws step, and respond to changes in humidity.

Vibrissa functions

Scientists have found that mustaches play a very important role in the life of cats. They are entrusted with several basic functions, one of which is hunting. Of course, not all pets catch mice, but it is with the help of vibrissae that they can determine the temperature of the food offered to them.

why does a kitten break a mustache

Those who want to understand why a kitten’s mustache breaks will be interested to know that with their help the animal can freely navigate in space. It is this organ that allows it to move in complete silence and darkness. The cat determines what is in front, touching vibrissa to objects.

Another important function assigned to the mustache is communication. By their location, experienced owners determine the mood of their pets. So, vibrissa, directed forward, indicate that the cat is disposed to communication, but if they are pressed to the muzzle, then the animal is frightened by something or not configured to play.

Animal without vibrissa

Before you begin to understand why a kitten's mustache breaks, it should be noted that a regular change of mustache is inherent in nature. This process is gradual. Usually vibrissae fall one at a time, and this is considered normal. Do not panic, noticing that your pet does not have a pair of mustaches.

why does a kitten break a mustache what to do

But if the animal begins a sharp loss of vibrissae without replacement with new ones, then a serious malfunction occurred in its body. In this case, the pet loses the ability to adequately perceive the world around it with all its dangers. Such a cat must not be allowed to go outside, otherwise it may die.

However, do not forget about the existence of some breeds in which vibrissae are generally absent. In this case, this is considered the norm and does not prevent the animals from freely orienting in space. In particular, we are talking about the sphinxes.

Why can a kitten break a mustache?

In fact, there are only a few reasons that provoke the occurrence of such a problem. Most often this occurs as a result of improper feeding or due to the so-called physiological characteristics.

why a kitten can break a mustache

Also, the cause of mustache loss can be a fungal infection, the presence of helminths or a violation of the vitamin-mineral balance. In addition, sometimes the problem can be purely psychological in nature. If several pets live in the apartment, among which there is a baby whose vibrissae began to fall out, then the root of the problem should be sought in the features of the relationship between individuals.

What diseases lead to the loss of vibrissae?

Those who want to understand why a kitten’s mustache breaks should be aware that the root of this problem may be hiding in pet health problems.

An animal may begin to lose vibrissae if it is diagnosed with a food allergy. In such cases, not only mustache, but also wool may fall out. To get rid of these symptoms, you need to contact a veterinarian and pass all the tests to identify the allergen.

Hypothyroidism can also cause a mustache loss. Usually this disease affects older animals. It leads to a violation of metabolic processes in the cat's body. The characteristic symptoms of hypothyroidism include loss of mustache and coat, hyperactivity and increased appetite. In some cases, the disease may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. If you notice one or several of the above symptoms at once, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a series of examinations, according to the results of which it will be possible to choose the appropriate treatment.

Also, a mustache can fall out if the cat has a disease that leads to a weakening of the immune system.

What to do if a cat breaks off a mustache?

In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to monitor the diet of the animal. It is important that his diet is rich in all necessary vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of one of the substances can lead to the loss of vibrissae. It is advisable for kittens to give natural products, as they better satisfy all the needs of a growing organism. In the menu of kids, you must definitely introduce vegetable oil and eggs.

Adolescent kittens need extra doses of phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins. However, before you buy some kind of complex for your pet, you need to consult a veterinarian who will help you choose the optimal drug and the required dosage.

what to do if a cat breaks off a mustache

Those who are faced with the problem we are discussing and already understand why the kitten’s mustache breaks, you need to take your pet to a specialist so that he appoints tests for the presence of helminths or a fungal infection. If they give a positive result, then the animal will be prescribed treatment, after which it will forget about the problem with vibrissae.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14950/

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