What is a tile? What is the difference between tile and tile?

Not sure how tiles differ from tiles? Can't decide what to lay on the floor in the bathroom? From the article you will learn about the types of tiles, how to properly lay it, see photos of various colors and combinations, perhaps choose a style from the ones offered.

For example, the appearance of the tile in the bathroom in the photo can be seen below.

Tile square

Beautiful texture, light neutral pattern, non-marking shade - ideal for the floor.


Let's see what is tile? It is a ceramic tile, usually rectangular plates. Often this material is used to finish floors and walls in the bathroom.

A good tile is made of burnt clay. This is a very popular decoration material that is used to decorate a kitchen apron, floors throughout the house, walls in the bathroom and fireplace. A tile for the floor is a very practical option, but if there are children in the house, it is recommended to immediately make a warm floor.

Tiled apron in the kitchen

Differences of tile from tile

It is very easy for the average buyer to be fooled into thinking that tiles and ceramic tiles are different types of cladding. In fact, this is one and the same finishing option, just tile is a type of ceramic tile.

The tile itself can be made of different materials, and ceramic tiles with various admixtures of sand and stones. The main difference that affects reliability is that such tiles are made of clay without any additives.

Tile Types

There are many types of ceramic tiles and tiles. Here are some of the most popular ones with a brief description of the positive and distinctive characteristics:

  • Majolica - pressed clay coated with opaque glaze, it is quite strong and durable, since firing occurs twice.
  • Terralia is a tile made of special grades of clay, its difference is that a drawing is first applied, and then transparent glaze.
  • Cotto is a very wear-resistant tile with a matte surface; when it is created, glaze is not applied.
  • Clinker - is fired at a very high temperature, so this is the toughest tile, used for exterior and interior decoration.
  • Gres - in the production of clay, it is pressed with the addition of quartz, which makes it a street finish.

The choice of a certain type, type and shape of tiles should be based on the wishes and sizes of the room, the functionality that is required from the material.

Tile Properties

The main characteristics of the tile, which are its undeniable advantages over many other types of finishes:

  1. Thickness - determines the rigidity and reliability of the tiles.
  2. This material is very durable, as it is made without impurities, which in turn reduce this figure.
  3. The tile retains its color and color saturation under the constant influence of the sun (if you have the opposite, this is a different type of ceramic tile).
  4. High level of heat capacity, which allows facing fireplaces and stoves in homes. Suitable for creating a warm floor, due to its stability and thermal conductivity.
  5. It tolerates cleaning with chemicals and does not lose its properties.
  6. Tile is a very hygienic material when properly laid and treated with an antibacterial layer.
  7. Beautiful and varied colorings and patterns.
  8. Easy to clean - just wipe it with a damp cloth.

It is worth paying attention to this list of characteristics when choosing the type of room decoration, even in relation to other materials. But you will return to this option!

Tile Leveling

Masonry Rules

What is a tile you need to please you as long as possible? The correct sequence of stages and operations for the organization of laying, regardless of the purpose and type of room.

Tile masonry initially involves the preparation phase. What is needed for this?

Level, wash and dry the surface, which will be the basis for the masonry. This is necessary so that there is good adhesion of the tile to the floor, otherwise the material will crack and will not hold.

If the concrete screed is fresh, you will have to postpone the finish for about three months and be sure to prime the surface before laying it directly.

The drywall surface must also be primed to create a coating to protect against moisture and prevent swelling.

If you removed the old tile to put a new one, you need to level the surface and after that you can immediately begin the laying process.

It is necessary to design how the tiles will be laid depending on the size.

Tile masonry

The next stage is the direct laying of tiles:

  • Apply the mixture and apply tile to the surface.
  • Between the rows with special crosses, fix the size of the seam.
  • After drying, remove the guide crosses and grease the seams with a special tight mixture.

After a day, the surface can be washed and dried.

Laying such material in the bathroom is the most ingenious decision of mankind. It is beautiful, neat, easy to maintain clean, the material does not deteriorate from moisture. Ceramic finishes are very relevant for quite some time, they are used in many options for interior design. A photo of the tile in the bathroom is presented in the article.

Tiled bathroom

How to choose a tile?

We figured out what a tile is and what happens, how to properly lay it. And now that we know what it should be, let's summarize how to choose the material and not lose it.

Tile is one of the most popular types of finishes. Therefore, choosing it, it should be borne in mind that it is not worth saving, because the bathroom, which is almost always tiled, is a moisture store and a place for active reproduction of bacteria. And expensive materials will provide the maximum level of room hygiene.

From the point of view of design and style decisions, there are no boundaries, but it should be borne in mind that for the most part bathrooms and toilets are small rooms, therefore, to visually make them larger, you need to buy tiles of a square shape and rather large size, it should be laid as close as possible to each other to a friend, thin seams will increase the width of the room. Light color and delicate pattern also contribute to the visual expansion of the boundaries of space. An interesting observation: if you put a large mirror in height from the ceiling to the floor, then the room will seem twice as large.

Also the monochromatic finishes of the rooms look very stylish - white, red, black.

And for an apron in the kitchen, the generally accepted pattern is a stone so that spots, grease, cracks are not so noticeable. And while such a texture looks very elegant and aristocratic, making attractive even the most modest cuisine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14955/

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