Deregistration: Procedure Description

When a person moves to another city, he often needs to be deregistered. Simply put, for permanent registration at one address, you need to unregister at another. In addition, information about this procedure will be useful to those who can not write out an unwanted tenant from their apartment.

We make out when moving

So, how is deregistration? If you want to check out of the living room, then you have two options.


The first is to contact a passportist who is engaged in registration, or to come to the local department of the migration service. In this case, you need to get a note on your passport from a certain address and a check-out sheet in your passport. It is important to know that after arriving at a new place of residence, you must apply for registration within seven days. If this is not done, then you may face a fine.

The second option is still considered to be the most convenient, however, on how to apply for registration deregistration at the place of residence - upon request. Any citizen has the right to leave his former place of residence, without having to leave from there, but upon arrival within seven days at the same time as registering a new registration, he must be discharged from his former address. To do this, when compiling the application for registration, you must also fill out a tear-off coupon, which says about removal from the previous place of residence.

If you simultaneously register at the new address and write out from the old address, this will not affect the terms of registration. A note about a new place of residence will be placed in your passport within three days after you submit all the documents. Specialists of the Federal Migration Service rarely talk about this possibility, as this adds them an additional amount of work.

deregistration at the place of residence

De-registration does not require payment of any fee, it is free of charge. To leave the apartment, you must provide your passport, application and home book, if available.

How to write out another person

It often happens that, having bought an apartment, the owners receive the people registered in it as a present, as the previous owners simply forget to remove them from the register. How to act in such a situation?

judicial deregistration
To begin, we list the grounds according to which a citizen can be discharged from the apartment without his presence. The basis may be imprisonment if there is a court decision that has entered into force. Another reason is the draft in the army on the basis of documents from the military commissariat. You can also write out a person if he is declared missing in court or on the basis of a death certificate. Then it is simultaneously deregistered. And finally, if information and documents are discovered that have become an unlawful basis for registration.

In the case of buying an apartment with tenants registered in it, it is necessary to carry out deregistration in court. In this case, it will be considered that the citizen is recognized as having lost the right to use square meters, which have already become yours. Consideration of such cases does not take much time. It will take only one or two meetings. After the court decision comes into force, you can safely go to the migration service and carry out deregistration. However, do not forget to bring a copy of the judgment.


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