How to switch to English font on the keyboard from Russian and vice versa

Since it is possible to type text on a computer, and this can be done in almost any language, there are several ways to switch from Russian to English and vice versa. Most often, a problem arises for beginners, but sometimes even confident users fall into a stupor and do not understand how to switch to the English font on the keyboard. The reasons for this may be a lot: failure, reset, etc.

how to switch to english font on the keyboard

General information

After the PC boots up, you see the desktop. By default, you can install any keyboard language that is selected during the installation of Windows. Most often it is English or Russian. You can find out which one you have as follows. There is a taskbar on the desktop , it is located in the lower right corner. You can still find the name "Trey." Here are the icons of running programs, a symbol of the battery status (if it is a laptop), as well as the language bar.

Depending on which operating system you have installed, you can see the designation "En" or "Ru" - the English layout and Russian, respectively. And now we will see how to switch to the English keyboard using the simplest way - hot keys. It is extremely simple to do, and now you will understand why. This method is suitable even for novice users.

Learning to use hotkeys

how to switch to english keyboard
In fact, this method consists in simultaneously pressing several buttons on your keyboard, which will lead to an automatic change of language, a call to the Windows task manager and so on. If you are interested in how to switch to the English font on the keyboard, you can do this by pressing the Shift + Alt buttons. Remember, they need to be pressed at the same time, although this is not necessary, since you can hold one first, and then, without releasing your finger, press the second. As a result, you will see that the language has changed to English, provided that it was Russian.

If this does not work, which may also be the case, then it makes sense to try another hotkey combination. To do this, you must first press Ctrl, then Shift. In any case, one thing should work. If you did everything right, then go to a Word document and try typing: if it is English, congratulations, you are taking the first steps to mastering a personal computer.

How to switch to the English alphabet: method 2

If for some reason the above methods are not suitable for you, be aware: there is a workaround, no less simple and effective. To do this, we need a computer mouse and special software. So, there are programs that automatically change the language if necessary. For example, Punto Swither. It works as follows. You start typing a word, the program recognizes that this particular sequence of letters is more characteristic of the English language and switches the layout itself. As you can see, nothing complicated.

how to switch to english alphabet

There is another option, how to switch to English. To do this, we need to look at the "Settings", then select the tabs "Language" and "Enter". After that, you will see the keyboard settings, they are what we need. There you can select the target layout, which will be included when the operating system starts. If it is convenient for you to be English, then you should select the desired item in the appropriate menu. But it is recommended to leave the Russian layout, as it may be needed.

What to do if the language bar disappears?

how to switch to english
A fairly common problem that causes panic for most beginners. Such a disaster can happen either because you deleted it yourself, or because the settings have flown. In principle, no matter why this happened, the main thing for us is to find a rational solution. So, by dragging the mouse cursor on the panel, where the language icon has always been displayed before, right-click there and we see a pop-up menu. We will be asked to go to the toolbar, where you will see the language bar. Opposite the inscription you need to put a checkmark, and it will be displayed again.

You can also try to solve the problem as follows: go to the toolbar (you can through the start-up or my computer), select the tab “Languages ​​and Regional Standards” (for Win XP). Next, go to the next section called “Languages”, open the “More” and “Advanced” menus. There we need to leave only one tick, which is located at the very top. Everything, the problem is solved.

How to switch to English font on a laptop keyboard

how to switch to english letters
If after a lot of efforts you still have not received a positive result, install a program whose settings allow a lot. For example, you will learn how to switch to English letters with just one button. The best utility is Punto Swither, it has flexible settings, but at the same time it is a worthy solution for beginners. In principle, it doesn’t matter what you use - a desktop computer or laptop. Of great importance is only which operating system you are using. But even in this case, almost all actions are similar.

In addition, you can try the combination of "hot keys", here they are exactly the same as on a regular computer. Of course, if you tried everything, but nothing worked, then the answer to the question: "How to switch to the English font on the keyboard?" they will give you in the nearest service, where it is recommended to take your equipment. Sometimes one of the necessary keys breaks, which is why you have similar problems.


So we examined all the ways to switch to the English font on the keyboard. As you can see, this is not so difficult. You just need to understand a little about the combinations of "hot keys" and learn how to use them. You can also install special software or use the settings to set the target language, which will be installed when you turn it on. Of course, over time you will be able to switch languages ​​on the machine, and this will not cause any difficulties. It is advisable to install an anti-virus program, since clogging of the system with various kinds of worms, trojans can lead not only to the language bar disappearing, you cannot switch the language at all. Therefore, always make sure that the operating system is protected, especially if you constantly use the Internet or flash drives.


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