Service class 2T on the Russian Railways train - guarantee a comfortable trip

Rail passenger transportation is a convenient, safe and relatively inexpensive mode of transport. As a rule, a train ride leaves a wide variety of impressions. Of course, this is due to the class of service indicated on the ticket. It would be naive to expect that the trip will leave a pleasant impression on a person who bought a ticket in a reserved seat car of a non-branded train. The 2T class of service is the second most popular choice. Russian Railways offers a wide range of service classes for travelers. All of them differ not only in terms, but also in price. The better the wagon, the more expensive the ticket.

Service Class 2t

Compartment carriage

A compartment car is always more convenient than a reserved seat. It not only has more space, but every 4 passengers have their own room with sleeping places. Sliding cars are different and vary in class. Service class 2T - the most comfortable compartment car. In general, you can choose another car. The element of surprise is always preserved and is closely related to the year of issue of the wagon. It also happens that dirty windows and dust are everywhere in the compartment. The lack of air conditioning and a dry closet also complicates the trip. This is rare, but it happens. This usually happens with trailed wagons, which are often removed in a hurry from long-term conservation. Most often, such a β€œservice” can be found on Ukrainian trains. Choosing a 2T service class in Russian Railways, a traveler receives a certain guarantee of a pleasant trip.

class of service 2t in the train

More than coupe

The seats in the wagons of Russian Railways trains and other companies are highly dependent on the wagon itself. If it looks old and has wooden window frames, then you can immediately predict not the most pleasant trip for an unlucky traveler. Fortunately, the Russian Railways rolling stock is rapidly being updated, especially in the Central Federal District. In any case, buying a ticket at the box office or online, it will not be superfluous to find out the age of the cars.

Service class 2T is a comfort compartment carriage. Best of its kind. Of all compartment cars, these are the most convenient. A ticket is quite expensive, but for good reason. When traveling on long-distance trains, saving is definitely not worth it.

class of service 2t Russian Railways

In such a car there will be everything: newspapers, a set for morning and evening hygiene, a complete set of linen and even food. However, one should not deceive oneself: food is calculated based on the amount of 1,000 rubles per day per person. This is especially inconvenient because the calculation is carried out according to the menu of the restaurant car. You should not be afraid of the lack of an air conditioner, because for those who buy a ticket to a car having a service class of 2T, this convenience is guaranteed on the train, as is cleanliness everywhere.

Much depends on the train

In Russia, there are only 2 types of long-distance trains - branded and not. The first ticket is always significantly more expensive, while the second, on the contrary, is much cheaper. This difference in price is due to the level of comfort. The 2T class of service in a corporate train is the guaranteed availability of all amenities. It will be easier to say that in such trains these are compartment cars with increased comfort. In other types of trains, everything is a little different. You can never say exactly what it will be and from which cars it is formed.

type and class of service 2t

The service class 2T of a non- branded train guarantees only the availability of bed linen. Speech about the increased comfort, of course, is not. Air conditioners are only in some cars, which, incidentally, may not work. Dry closets, as a rule, also not. Press, hygiene kits and meals in such cars are not offered to passengers.

Trust but check

It is not recommended to trust the choice of wagon to the cashier at the station. The logic of cashiers is not obliged to coincide with the logic of passengers, because employees of cash desks often give seats for financial reasons. The best options always remain for later, so that a few days before departure they could raise the price. When purchasing a ticket at the box office, you need to inform in advance the type and class of service - 2T or lower.

When buying a ticket on the official website of Russian Railways or third-party companies, you need to carefully study not only the cost, but also the description of the cars. Often, the promise in the description is not entirely true. This is because some classes of service only assume different amenities, but do not guarantee this. The 2T service class in the company train always promises a comfortable ride.


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