Russian-European Laika: photos, characteristics and description of the breed, owner reviews

There are few hunting breeds of dogs that are suitable only for real Russian men, capable of plowing a taiga with a pair of crackers and a piece of fat in a pot with a gun over their shoulders for days on end. And one of them is the Russian-European like. Not everyone has the patience to cope with her, but if anyone has got such a dog, then he will be in love with the breed for the rest of his life.

Blood history

Russian-European husky in the snow

Russian-European husky was bred for hunting. In the breeding work, aboriginal huskies from Finland, Karelia, Kostroma, Komi, the Arkhangelsk region and Votyak dogs were used to obtain a new breed. In the USSR, the breed was approved in the sixties of the last century with the main reference black and white color and exterior, which the breed inherited from the male Putik. The dog was born from a female of West Siberian husky and a dog from the Komi ASSR. It was a successful experiment of Soviet livestock specialists. The seething mix of the best qualities of almost all the huskies available in the Land of the Soviets at the exit gave a universal dog for hunting most of the popular game species. Of course, the dog is not a robot, each puppy is born with its own character, which must be taken into account by the hunter, taking a fluffy lump to the house. And do not expect that one dog will be universal for every beast or bird.

Breed description

Russian-European Laika - a self-sufficient dog

The layman, due to the prevailing black in color, even looking at the photo of the Russian-European husky, can confuse it with the East Siberian breed. This, of course, is at first glance.

Russian-European Laika is a medium-sized dog with a dry body constitution. Mobile, with an increased indicative reaction, has a balanced temperament. He does not show malice to a person. During the hunt, he gallops, rarely turning to a lynx.

Description of Russian-European huskies begin with a growth metric. This dog is neither large nor small - medium. Dogs at the withers up to 58 cm, females up to 54 cm. Adult individuals weigh from 17 to 22 kg. Live on average up to 13 years. Dogs of this breed have a thick coat, straight from above, coarse, compacted with soft undercoat. The lush collar of the coat is decorated with neck, withers and shoulders. The coat is shorter on the head, face and ears. On the hind legs forms lush pants. The entire length of the tail is equally pubescent, the hair on its underside is slightly longer, but without suspension.

Black and white or white and black colors - this is the calling card of the breed. Russian-European husky can be completely white, but with one black spot, and vice versa. But most representatives of this breed “wear” the color in the ratio of ninety to ten or sixty to forty. Often puppies of the Russian-European husky are born almost white, which is a positive factor in further breeding, in order to maintain the necessary white balance. In general, white huskies in hunting can show themselves better, the beast does not recognize them in the background of snow right away. The advantage of black dogs appeared due to the tendency of keeping in city apartments. Dirt on white dogs is immediately noticeable.

Defects of the exterior

In the classical description of the Russian-European husky breed, in addition to the color requirements, the following unacceptable shortcomings and defects are indicated:

  • Leanness or fullness.
  • Too massive body.
  • Overly elongated head, too pronounced or flattened foot.
  • Flattened muzzle, excess length or rudeness.
  • Big ears with low landing, motionless.
  • Rounded ends of the ears.
  • Heavy "stilted" step.
  • Mowed croup, narrow or flat.
  • The tan marks on the head differ from the main color.


Russian-European husky puppy chewing on a strap

By type of nervous poise, they are superior to Karelian-Finnish, but slightly inferior to West Siberian huskies. This is more than justified by an unprecedented passion, activity, endurance, excellent hearing, a sensitive nose and vigilance. Russian-European husky requires space, therefore it is better to keep them in a private house, with the possibility of free movement around the personal territory. Maintenance in a city apartment is unacceptable to them. A compromise is possible in the case of frequent and long walks with physical activity. They need work to be able to throw out their accumulated energy, both physical and emotional. Therefore, if the dog is locked for the whole working day in the apartment, by the evening the owner will find “surprises” in the form of a gutted sofa, an armchair, torn wallpaper, cracked slippers and leather couture shoes. You can buy a cage, but this is the way out if this is not practiced daily. If the owner does not have time for long active walks with a like, it is better to think about choosing another breed. If there is enough time for walking, and the owner of the husky is not a hunter, then the option of playing a dog with sports (agility, obedience and others) becomes an option. But still, none of the sports of dogs can quench the zeal of husky hunting.

The characteristic of the Russian-European husky is also indicated by negative qualities. These include recklessness. During the hunt, a husky can go far and not go for a long call. There were times when the dogs returned, but it is worth noting - on their own, on the third day. That is, the second negative quality is the tendency to shoots. And the third is voice. This priceless quality of hunting carries a lot of inconvenience in a city apartment. Which again confirms the unacceptability of the content of likes in the city.

If there are children in the house, likes will be great friends for them, even for very small ones. They have a low sensitivity to pain, which allows them to endure the harassment of children. Laika never offends the child, on the contrary, subconsciously they seek to protect and protect them.

A Russian-European husky puppy is taught to pets, especially to birds and rabbits, from a very young age, in order to prevent "creeping" in their direction in the future.

Security qualities

Russian-European Laika has security features

Russian-European husky is a dog, distrustful of strangers, although it does not have active aggression towards a person. If the ill-wisher tries to climb into the dwelling or compound, he will certainly be barked. Only heap up the villain on the ground and hold by the neck until the owner approached the like.

Russian-European husky care

Unpretentiousness in the content becomes one of the main arguments for hunters in choosing a breed. They are mainly kept in enclosures with a warm booth. In apartments, it is necessary to allocate a spacious place with your own bed, and in no case not to allow bedding and chairs for educational purposes.

Even if the dog has its aviary and yard with a fence, where it can move freely, active walking is required. It is also necessary to provide it with physical activity. It will not be superfluous to maintain communication with her (it does not matter that the dogs do not understand the words). Otherwise, the husky will develop nervousness.

Although the dog is unpretentious in grooming, it will still be necessary to comb out thick hair. Bathing procedures are not necessary for her, they bathe huskies no more than 2 times a year. But ears and eyes need constant care and monitoring.

Teeth are cleaned twice a week, either with a toothbrush or with a special fingertip. Otherwise, tartar, caries and, as a result, tooth loss can develop. A dog without teeth is an invalid.

The eyes of a healthy dog ​​are vibrant and shiny. Slight gray discharge in the corners of the eyes in the morning is an acceptable phenomenon. So the dog’s body cleans the organs of vision from dust. Nevertheless, you should follow them, and in order to prevent weekly rinse with a decoction of chamomile. In this case, the dog is not allowed to walk on the street until the eyes (hair around them) are dry.

Claws are trimmed once a month. In general, paws after each walk or hunt should be checked for damage. Unfortunately, broken glass, canned jars in the forest - this is the norm for our country. Not to mention the city. Since a husky must be taken to a forest or field outside the city, the need for processing from ectoparasites is natural.

Working qualities

Russian-European husky and bear

The characteristic of the breed of Russian-European huskies is made primarily by its ability to work in the field. It is used in almost all types of game. Huskies work on a fur-bearing beast, a boar, a bear. A dog was trained on a boar, waterfowl, including a swamp bird. Works on them like a spaniel does. Early maturity at work is a fairly common occurrence in the behavior of puppies of this breed. As a result of appropriate training, already in the eighth to ninth month, they are looking for squirrels, capercaillie, almost on a par with adult huskies.

First engraving

The seedling of the Russian-European husky begins from 4-6 months, since already in this period they show the makings of a hunter. In the absence of experience in training huskies, it is imperative to contact a specialist (natasachik). Be sure to take a course of behavior with a beast in the forest, since the life of a dog in real conditions when hunting depends on proper training during training.


Russian-European husky puppy in the grass

It is safe to say that the Russian-European husky is a dog with good health. She has endurance, resistance to various types of diseases. No diseases inherited by likes have been found yet.

In order for the dog’s health to be preserved, it will certainly be necessary to provide him with a full-fledged walk, physically load him, feed him a balanced meal with enough vitamins and give a lot of water. In this case, metabolic disorders become unlikely.


What is the difference between feeding Russian-European huskies? Yes, nothing. Preferred organic food or premium dry food. In natural nutrition, 60 percent of the portion should be meat and offal, the rest in a balanced amount - vegetables, cereals, vitamin supplements as needed. Sometimes it’s good to treat yourself with sugar bone. Laika is not picky about food, but this does not mean that she can throw garbage from the table into a bowl.

The opinion of hunters about the breed

Russian-European husky puppy

On the forums dedicated to hunting with dogs, there are many reviews of Russian-European husky. Most of them are positive. Owners note that these are serious dogs. Not everyone decides to start them, fearing aggressiveness. But they do not show aggression, but behave very self-sufficient. Most of the owners live in enclosures with booths. According to the owners, husky hair deteriorates due to poor conditions. Proper training is also important. You can teach your dog not to pay attention to chickens and other domestic animals. This allows the poultry to walk freely around the yard. Many say huskies are good dogs, but not for keeping in apartments.


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