When to dig out and how to store gladioli? Tips from experienced gardeners

Before the onset of frost, do not forget to take care of your gladioli. Of all the garden flowering plants, we recall them at the very least. And very often, amateur amateur gardeners have a question about whether to dig out gladioli. The answer is clear: this must be done. Is it getting colder? So, the time has come when you need to dig out gladioli. If this is not done, the bulbs will die during the cold, and in the spring you will again need to buy planting material.

when to dig out and how to store gladioli

When to dig out and how to store gladioli?

Excavation of gladioli, as a rule, begins already in the second half of September. And harvesting of some varieties occurs when the first small frosts occur. Always consider the fact that at least a month must pass from the time of flowering to the maturation of the corm. It's minimum! Previously, you can dig a plant only if you notice obvious signs of the disease on its leaves. You may be able to save this bulb by washing it in special solutions. If you know when to dig out and how to store gladioli, you will not have difficulties in growing this beautiful flower.

dig gladioli
Experienced flower growers primarily try to dig out dark varieties of gladioli (purple, black, dark cherry) and lavender-blue. Lastly, they dig up the children who have grown up over the summer. This is best done in sunny weather, when the soil is dry. If it rains, the bulbs will need to be washed with dirt. You need to dig a plant with garden pitchfork, prying it from below. Gladiolus is not recommended to be pulled out or pulled by the leaves - you will damage the bulb and “lose” the children, who, unlike adult bulbs, retain viability for several years and will sprout in the spring in a chaotic manner.

Preparing corms for storage
when you need to dig out gladioli

When to dig out and how to store gladioli? Science is simple, you will certainly cope with this task. After you have dug up the plants, you need to remove the stems and wash the bulbs themselves with water. The next step is to treat them from pests. The most common and common “guest” of gladioli is thrips. And so that during the wintering period he does not damage the bulbs, they need to be dipped for 10-15 minutes in a solution of Karbofos or another drug that you can purchase for these purposes. After this, you need to hold the bulbs for a few minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and, without washing, decompose them for drying.

Bulbs dry for 20 days at a temperature of about 25 degrees. Then you need to review everything, remove the roots and "husk", throw away suspicious specimens. This is done so that thrips eggs do not remain under the scales, otherwise the pests hatched in the winter will suck all the juices from the bulb.

Corm storage
when you need to dig out gladioli

The most effective method is “grandmother”. We take the bulbs and put them in a double dark nylon stocking or in a net. Keep them in a cool place. It can be a basement, garage, cellar or even the lower shelf in the refrigerator. The main thing is to be dry and cool.

Now you know about when to dig out and how to store gladioli. The methods are simple, and you can save your favorite varieties and enjoy their flowering again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1497/

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