How to sew an accelerator correctly?

The term, which will be discussed in our article, came to us from the mid-seventeenth century and came from two German words: "band" and "anhsel", literally translated as "bow" and "armpit". Aiguilettes are widely used as decorations for uniforms of various military branches, however they can also be part of a dance, fancy dress or theater costume. Let’s find out how to sew an accelerator correctly?

how to sew an accelerator

When to wear an accelerator

This accessory is the most important part of the parade military uniform, so no soldier will come to the parade without it. This also applies to those who play in the military band or carry an honor guard. As a rule, an accelerator is fixed on the right shoulder. By the way, members of modern groups can also supply their costumes with the named accessory, for example, it comes in the form of a company of drummers.

But how to sew an accelerator if the costume is part of a historical reconstruction? In this case, the location should correspond to this era, because traditions have changed over time and are changing now. Moreover, among various branches of the armed forces and even regiments, there may be methods for attaching this accessory to uniforms.

How to sew an accelerator

Since this is not just a rope, but a whole bunch, attaching them to the form beautifully and neatly does not always work the first time - skill is needed here. There is a common tradition for combined arms and naval uniforms, according to which the accelerometer is attached under the right shoulder strap. This principle holds true for all varieties of accessory. Axelbant on the front form is attached like this:

  • First, the epaulette must be half-opened.
  • Then, at a distance of five millimeters from its edge, a cloth strap is placed at the top of the accelerator, and the first should be a cord that is crowned with a brush, metal tip or any other decoration. If there is one on all the cords, then ordering is not necessary, but they should be placed in such a way as to avoid overlap.


  • The second end is attached under the lapel with a tip. To make this possible, a button is sewn under it in a special way, although in some cases the button is replaced by a loop of thread or thin rope. It doesn’t matter how the tip is fixed, the main thing is that the buttonhole or button does not stick out from under the lapel.

And how to sew an accelerant on a cadet uniform? If the tradition of the educational institution provides for a method different from the traditional one, then it should be used. In other cases, the method described above is suitable for any form, the exception is only the tunic of a company of drummers without lapels. In this case, the second end is simply sewn, and not fastened to a button or buttonhole.

The photo in the article demonstrates how the accelerator should be installed in full dress.

how to sew an acrobat on a cadet uniform


The described accessory has a rather unusual appearance, so many are interested not only in how to sew an accelerator, but also its origin. Since it appeared almost three hundred years ago, it is difficult to accurately restore the chain of events, however, there are three versions of the appearance of this integral part of the modern dress form.

The first version says that initially the accelerator was a feed rope that cavalrymen wore on their shoulders, and metal tips were intended for cleaning seeds. It is also believed that in addition to the feed rope, he could serve as a musket wick.

In contempt

The second version tells the story of a heroic story that happened during the struggle of the Netherlands for independence against Spain. Under the leadership of the Spanish Duke of Alba was a Dutch regiment, the soldiers from which did not want to fight against fellow countrymen, and went over to their side. Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, as the duke was called, was enraged and hung up all those who were able to capture from this regiment. The Dutch in response began to carry a rope on their shoulders, thus expressing their contempt.

According to the third version, the accessory arose in France. It is believed that the adjutants wore a small loop of rope on their shoulders, which they threw around the horse's neck when the general dismounted. For convenience, a soldier always carried it with him, fixing it on a chase or epaulet.

how to sew an accelerator on a tunic


The question of how to properly sew an accessory belt on a tunic began to worry the soldiers of the Russian Empire in the early 18th century, when this accessory was taken over from Europe. They adorned the grenadier and musketeer uniforms, and for the officers the cord was gilded or silver-plated, and for the soldiers a plain thread. Two hundred years later, he was already firmly rooted in the uniform of a general, became an integral part of the coats of adjutants and officers of the General Staff.

However, after the 1917 revolution, the accelerant in all branches of the army was abolished as a "royal relic." More than half a century later, in 1971, it was reintroduced, however, only for musicians of the Moscow garrison orchestra, as well as for the uniform of soldiers of honor guard.

The officer’s accelerator has the appearance of a braided golden cord with two loops and two gilded tips.

In the same year, 1971, the parade uniforms of participants in the military parade in Moscow, which was held in honor of the October Revolution, were decorated with an accessory. From that moment, the story of the so-called "demobilization" accelerator began: conscripts who were being fired, began to supply their uniforms with non-standard accessories.


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