How to bookmark books?

From early childhood, parents should teach children to treat books with care: do not tear pages, do not draw on sheets, carefully read, without folding the print in half, do not drop. In order for the book to be in good condition, after reading you need to use bookmarks. For books, many variations of such useful products from a wide variety of materials have been invented. They can be knitted, created in the form of an appliqué, sewed from fabric using elastic bands and ribbons.

In our article, we will familiarize the reader with the manufacture of simple and affordable bookmarks from paper and felt. Beautiful products are made of paper by folding and weaving strips, appliqués and adding funny elements. It is easy to work with felt sheets. It is a soft, pleasant to the touch material that can be sewn and glued. From felt bookmarks for books are bright, colorful, saturated colors. In addition, they are soft and do not spoil the books.

Felt applique

To make beautiful bookmarks for books, you must first consider what they will be. That part of the product, which will be located in the middle of the book, can be simply rectangular in shape, and you can also decorate the strip with small elements. The upper part of the bookmark is larger. It can be the face of any animal or the head of a bird, a character in a fairy tale or a popular cartoon. In this matter, you can consult with a child, because children have a rich imagination.

felt products

Bookmark for this type of book is sewn of double material. This is to ensure that no seams are visible on the back. They hide between the layers of fabric. Work begins with sewing a rectangular base. First, you need to make a template from thick cardboard, according to which two identical elements are cut from felt. You can use various colors. So the bookmark will be brighter and more attractive.

Then an owl template is drawn, as in the photo in the article. It is also necessary to cut two identical elements. Then on the front of the tip small details are glued onto the PVA glue - eyes, beak, feathers. You can sew such elements for confidence in quality. Then it remains to sew rectangular parts together with a stitch seam and, having attached two tops to the base, fasten them together. On the back, you can make several feathers.

Folded Paper Triangles

This bookmark has a triangular shape. Such a product is put on the corner of the book. It is done by folding paper. This technique is called origami, when figures of animals or flowers are assembled from paper. How to make a bookmark for books out of paper is shown in detail in the photo in the article. You need colored paper, you can take double-sided and cut a square on the ruler. Next begins folding according to the scheme. It must be remembered that all folds should be even and smooth with fingers well.

how are the corners

After the base for the bookmark is made of paper books, start decorating it. To do this, cut out ears from colored paper that attach to the back of the triangle, and teeth that are attached from the inside of white paper. It remains to cut out circles for the eyes and a pink nose.

Muzzles can be made different: a hare with long ears, a dog with bent ears or a mouse with round ones. Also on a triangular bookmark you can nicely place a heart or butterfly. When putting on the corner of the book, the front of the beast looks at the page where the reading ended.

Bookmarks with applique

A cardboard bookmark with an original applique looks beautiful. You can arrange it in different ways. For example, make a mosaic pattern of geometric shapes or broken lines. Looks great and floral ornament. First, you can make a future application on a piece of paper with a simple pencil. Then, according to the template, cut out the main background details, then do decoration from small elements.

Bookmark application

This part of the bookmark is inserted between the pages of the book, and the brush hangs outwards on a thin rope.

In order to make such a brush, you need to take thick nylon or thin knitting threads. Of these, segments of the same size are cut, which are connected by a thread in the middle of the segment. Then the threads are folded in half and tied with thread around the top of the brush. You can use a thread to bind, which will then be inserted into the hole on the top of the bookmark. Everything, the product is ready!

Bookmarks for children

From paper for books, you can make your child a favorite cartoon character. For example, take the image of the minion. Yellow cardboard is taken as the basis and a rectangle with rounded edges is cut out of it so that the child does not get hurt. Then, his pants on suspenders are made of blue paper. For glasses and mouth use a black sheet. Eyes can be bought at the hardware store or cut out large white circles and small black ones and decorate them with applique. Some minions have only one eye in the center. It's fun to make such a character.

Children's bookmarks

It remains to work out the part of the bookmark, which is made of threads. For the minion, black threads are selected according to the color of the hero. How to make a brush, readers already know, so we will not repeat.

In the same way, you can make any other hero, for example, a ninja turtle or a Cheburashka.

Bookmarks for adults

For an adult reader, you can come up with funny bookmarks that display events from a life or an interesting character. It can be a politician cut out from a magazine, or a favorite artist, singer, musician.

Adult bookmarks

Based on the resulting character silhouette, a template is drawn on cardboard. Then a picture is pasted on it. You can add a rectangle to the cardboard base, which will be inserted into the book.

Funny bookmarks

How to bookmark a book so that it is original and funny? View a sample of one of these products in the photo in the article. A cardboard strip is inserted in the middle of the book, and legs from an old doll with shoes are attached to the edges. When closing the book, the legs remain outside. Looking at a product in a book, one can imagine as if a girl were crushed by a book.

funny bookmarks

You can dream up and come up with other options for funny crafts, for example, a drooping hand with a bottle or a person whose lower body is peeking out of a book. It is possible to produce not only from finished parts from toys, but also to mold a figurine of plastic mass itself.

Strip weaving

This bookmark for books is made of thin strips of paper. Two strips of red and white are taken. The upper part of the bookmark begins with two strips of different colors, which are located at an angle of 90 °. Stripes bend down alternately. The folds are carefully aligned with the fingers. At the end of the strip, they are also sealed, as at the beginning.

how to make paper weaving

The article presents only a small part of the options for making bookmarks from paper and felt. Try to create them yourself at home and please or make friends laugh with an original gift.


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