What will the health care reform in Russia bring to the population?

Health care reforms in Russia are carried out with enviable regularity. Each time, the Ministry of this industry sets itself significant goals to eliminate global problems. Since the formation of the Russian Federation in December 1991, compulsory health insurance began to function with periodic adjustments, and the first healthcare reform in Russia took place.

Board of doctors

Main disadvantages

It is impossible to change the ossified system with established rules with one stroke of the pen of the legislator. When they tried to identify all the problems, a whole list came out that should be addressed with the help of a multi-stage healthcare reform in Russia. The main problems to be solved in the medical industry:

  • State guarantees for the provision of free medical care are limited;
  • there is no disease prevention, no balance with funding;
  • increased growth in paid medical care; poor citizens suffer from this;
  • MHI does not affect the efficient use of the created resources;
  • funding in the regions is distributed in violation of equality.

With the help of healthcare reform in Russia, specialists are trying to establish timely equipping of existing medical institutions with material and technical means. It is necessary to develop a network of specialized hospitals, motivate staff to perform their duties in a quality manner.

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How do you plan to fix the problems?

The main directions of healthcare reform in Russia are:

  • to improve the standardization of technological processes in the field of medicine;
  • align the subjects of the Russian Federation, stabilize in regions with effective changes in compulsory medical insurance;
  • to formulate comprehensive drug supply programs;
  • improve maternal and child health;
  • ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being;
  • to prepare and improve the qualifications of medical personnel;
  • introduce new technologies with practical application.

Everything is perfect and beautiful in plans and plans, but they do not always correspond to the actual situation.

Nursing department

Actual figures

Health care reform in Russia has massively reduced medical facilities in the state:

  • eliminated by 50% of the hospital;
  • reduced by one third hospital beds;
  • 10% of clinics have ceased to operate.

The population of the country is forced to turn to paid medical services, as in state clinics there are huge queues for each specialist. Doctors have reduced not only the speed of service, but also the quality of examinations.

Center Examination

Documentary Review

There is no one general document reflecting healthcare reform in Russia and the essence of the transformations. Over the past 17 years, many changes have been published in this area:

  • in 2005, a program was issued to supplement the provision of medicines to the preferential category of citizens;
  • From 2006 to 2013, the National Health Program was in force;
  • in 2010, mandatory health insurance was changed with updates on the basis of Federal Law No. 326;
  • in 2016, by his decree, the President improved health policy;
  • 2018 is marked with a β€œroad map” proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation to indicate certain indicators and achievements in medicine.

Perhaps the regions misunderstood the statements of the Minister of Health when he decided to reduce ineffective hospital beds and create medical centers in the most needy cities. In fact, destroyed:

  • medical organizations;
  • frames left;
  • medical aid decreased in villages and small towns.
Medical equipment

Upcoming innovations

New Year promises the following reform. The Union of Insurance Organizations embarked on this transformation. Innovations are characterized by the following changes:

  • every citizen can come with a compulsory medical insurance policy to any chosen clinic;
  • funds from the policy can pay part of the costs in a state and commercial institution.

To serve the public, hospitals and clinics of any form of ownership will be included. This will exclude injustice when citizens who transfer contributions do not receive full medical assistance for their money. The medical transformation project plans to provide more options to a private insurance company. Therefore, the population will be able to purchase insurance from them. The reform project was developed until 2024 with the promise of a long-term existence. Special moments from his provisions include:

  • opening palliative rooms for early diagnosis of serious diseases;
  • creation of electronic medical passports for patients;
  • increase in salaries to medical personnel.

Optimistic officials work in the Ministry of Health. They sincerely believe that through reform:

  • life expectancy will increase;
  • mortality will decrease;
  • fast and quality medical care will be available to everyone.

In rural areas, they do not dream about reforms, but about the restoration of closed hospitals and paramedics. The ambulance cannot deliver the patient with appendicitis to the surgeon in time, young people die on the road. There are many problems in cities, as the influx of patients in polyclinics has increased significantly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14977/

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