Registration of foreign citizens at the place of stay. Place and registration procedure

Citizens who decide to come to Russia should know some rules for the stay of foreigners in this country. Many people annually come here to study, work, who goes, as they say, to see the world and show themselves, and someone in search of a better life, new opportunities. But not everyone thinks about observing the legality of their presence on the territory of the Russian Federation. Before you make big plans and try to realize your dreams, you should take care of the legalization of your stay in the state. And it is not just words. Recently in Russia this has been very strict, therefore, in order for the trip to be successful, it is advisable to find out all the nuances regarding the established laws before arriving in the country. We decided to devote our article to such an important topic as temporary registration for foreign citizens. What is it?

registration of foreign citizens at the place of stay

Some terminology

Considering the topic "Registration of foreign citizens at the place of stay", you should first understand the terminology and distinguish some concepts.

  1. Registration - a stamp that is placed on a specific page in the passport. It indicates the attachment of a person to a specific address. That is, he has a place of registration. It used to be called a residence permit.
  2. Temporary registration - a document that confirms the right of a person to stay for a certain period of time at a specific address.
  3. Place of stay - the address at which the citizen is located no more than three months (ninety days).

Registration of foreign citizens at the place of stay

Foreigners temporarily located on the territory of the Russian Federation must be registered with migration. This procedure is to inform the FMS about the arrival of a citizen of a foreign country in Russia. According to the law, seven days from the moment of crossing the border are allotted for paperwork. Upon entry, each person receives a migration card, which indicates the date of arrival and place of residence. It is assumed that upon arrival in any city a foreign citizen will undergo migration registration.

documents for registration
Foreigners have the legal right to stay in the country for up to 90 days without any additional reason. In the presence of student documents or a work visa, this period increases to one year.

Documents for registration

For registration of foreigners, the following documents are required:

  1. Photocopies of the passport.
  2. Photocopy of the migration card.
  3. A photocopy of the basis document for extending the period of stay in the country if it is more than three months.

With all these documents, a person should come to the FMS department. There he submits an application for registration of a foreign citizen. Moreover, this can be done not necessarily personally. There are several ways.

For example, through mail. At the department, the receiving party fills in the arrival notification form, attaches a package of documents and sends it all to the migration service. After that, a check on sending, an inventory of the attachment, a notification will remain on hand.

And you can use the Gosuslug portal. The application is filled out in electronic form. By the way, the site has a sample registration of a foreign citizen. After drawing up the document, it is sent to the FMS in automatic mode. Note! Documents for registration (originals) remain with you. You submit only copies.

And one moment. Many are interested in: what are the deadlines for registering foreign citizens? The whole procedure should not exceed one business day.

How to renew the registration of foreigners?

The extension of registration of foreign citizens is possible on the basis of Federal Law No. 115 “On the Legal Status of Foreigners in the Russian Federation” dated July 25, 2002. There are only three legal reasons for a person to stay in the country for longer than three months:

  1. Availability of a work permit.
  2. Admission to an educational institution (mandatory state).
  3. A medical certificate stating that a person cannot leave the country for health reasons.

The time spent in the Russian Federation by a foreigner who did not apply for a visa cannot be more than ninety days, except as otherwise provided by law. If the extension of registration of foreign citizens is not possible, they must leave the country.

Responsibility for staying on the territory of Russia after the end of the allowed time lies on the shoulders of the citizens themselves. For this violation, the law provides for a fine and deportation from the country with the deprivation of the possibility of a new visit to the state for a period of five years.

foreign citizen registration form

What is temporary residence registration?

Registration of a citizen at the place of stay is practically the same as registration for an ordinary person. It has exactly the same appearance - it is marked in the passport or in a residence permit (temporary passport).

Registration of foreign citizens at the place of stay is a mandatory procedure. The basis for this is the person’s presence of documents confirming the right to use housing in Russia. This may be a lease, the voluntary consent of the tenants or owners of the premises to register the (temporary) alien.

registration of a citizen at the place of stay

Is registration of foreign citizens dangerous for the landlord?

Registration of foreign citizens at the place of stay affects the interests of not only the visitors themselves, but also the indigenous people of the country. And how many myths and stereotypes have developed on this subject ... There are rumors that, having registered a foreigner, you can make a lot of problems in the future. Say, and then you can lose housing. In fact, everything is not as scary as they say. Nobody will take your property from you. If the apartment is privately owned, then a simplified registration procedure is possible, in contrast to the option with municipal housing. The law allows the owner to dispose of his property, and therefore to register foreigners - temporarily and permanently. But do not forget that people with temporary registration have the right to register their children (under the age of majority) even without the consent of the owners, without notifying them about it. And this can be fraught with the alienation of housing, especially with long rental periods.

Remember that each region has its own design features. We want to note those cases in which the residence is not valid:

  1. Rented housing is pledged, under arrest or is subject to dispute.
  2. The room is subject to release on the basis of a decision of the relevant authorities.
  3. In case of unauthorized seizure of housing or in the absence of registration of premises in the registration chamber.
  4. In court, the contract that changed the right of ownership was declared invalid.

If you rent housing and temporarily register foreigners, then do not forget that it is you who are civilly liable for causing damage to property (say, neighbors).

In addition, you must inform the local FMS unit about the residence of migrants in your apartment. For not providing such information, you face a fine of up to four thousand rubles. And if you informed the migration service about a foreigner who is registered with you but doesn’t actually live, this will be considered as providing false information, and therefore constitute an offense (a fine of up to 5000 rubles).

When renting an apartment for use by third parties (citizens of a foreign power) and providing them with temporary registration, information must be submitted to the FMS, including when changing the place of residence. This is the responsibility of the owner of the house / apartment. In this case, he acts as the host. To minimize their risks, owners often practice the conclusion of contracts of insurance of civil liability to unauthorized persons for causing possible losses.

place of registration

Who can be the host?

The process of registration with the migration service is, in fact, informing the FMS about the arrival of a citizen at the place of registration. It should be remembered that all these actions are carried out by the receiving party. And the migrant himself does not have to go somewhere and spend his time on it. Upon reaching the destination, a foreign citizen provides the receiving party with a passport and migration card, which was filled out even when crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

So who can be the host? First of all, these are citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners with a residence permit, even legal entities, possibly their branches, in which a person lives or works. If a visitor settles in a hotel, then the administration of the institution is the host. She will inform you about the arrival of the guest to the FMS within 24 hours. Registration of foreign citizens, as well as all the necessary steps for their registration will fall on the shoulders of management. The administration of the institution is fully responsible for the observance by the guests of the rules for the stay of foreigners on the territory of the Russian state.

The receiving party on the submitted documents fills in the registration form of a foreign citizen. Then, within one day, the documents are sent to the FMS unit. For example, by mail. State duty in this case is not provided. In post offices there are windows where the necessary form will be issued to the receiving party. It is provided free of charge. There is also a sample fill.

Registration of a foreign citizen by the receiving party ends here.
Having received a package of documents at the FMS department, they stamp the papers and return the tear-off part to the intermediary. And he, in turn, gives it to the guest. The registration form of a foreign citizen, or rather, its detachable part, is a confirmation of the procedure passed.

An alien has the right to independently inform the migration service of his arrival. This is possible if he has documents confirming a good reason that prevents the receiving party from sending the application on their own.

If a foreign citizen permanently lives in Russia, then he can also inform himself of his arrival at the place of registration with the migration service - with the written permission of the receiving party.

If a person leaves his former place of residence, or perhaps the country's territory, then the detachable part remains with him. The deregistration of a person at this place will happen automatically. Naturally, then it will be necessary to indicate a new place of registration of a foreign citizen (when submitting documents to the FMS). Please note that the length of stay in the Russian Federation depends on the visa.

temporary registration for foreign citizens

How to apply for a visa?

If you want to apply for a visa in order to have every reason to stay in the country, then you must first receive an invitation to Russia. It is drawn up by the receiving party. The latter may include: travel agencies, citizens of the Russian Federation, educational institution, employer (an organization that agrees to take you to work).

An invitation to Russia is issued at the migration service or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its type will depend on the type of visa. There are such options:

  1. Tourist.
  2. Business - from an officially registered company.
  3. Student - is issued by the university. You should apply for it only to the educational institution where you will directly study. This is done by the department for work with foreign students.

A variant is possible when a document is drawn up by an individual (private) person in the regional division of the FMS. You do not need an invitation to get a transit visa.

There are two options to issue an invitation: telex, original. In the first case, a telegram is sent to the consulate of the Russian Federation. It contains passport data, dates and purpose of the trip.

place of registration of a foreign citizen

And in the second case, an invitation form is issued, which comes from the FMS or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The document is sent to the foreigner so that he can use it to apply for a visa. There should not be any special difficulties in drawing up an invitation. Although, of course, it will take some time.

In what cases can a foreign citizen be refused registration?

Foreigners may be refused registration at the place of stay in several cases:

  1. In the absence of a contract of employment (between the owner and the tenant).
  2. Incorrectly executed contract. FMS employees often turn their attention to whether this document is registered in the tax. And on this basis they may refuse. This approach is illegal and incorrect. In this case, officials violate the instructions.
  3. The host does not consent to the temporary registration of a foreign citizen. It must be in writing. You can’t do without it. Migration officials will definitely refuse you. And they will be right in this case, since their requirements are legitimate.
  4. The presence of a serious illness in an alien.

Another popular question that concerns migrants is: “Can a foreigner work in the territory of the Russian Federation?”

A foreign citizen who came to Russia for the purpose of employment can work only with the appropriate permission. To get it, you should contact the territorial division of the FMS at the place of registration. You can do this in person or with the help of an organization engaged in the employment of foreign citizens. A package of documents is submitted, consisting of an application for a work permit, a passport, a receipt on payment of a state fee, a migration card with a note on arrival in the country.

The FMS employee accepts the documents and returns a copy of the application with a note that it has been accepted. The permit itself is issued ten days later in person, even in the presence of a document proving the identity of the citizen.

If at the time of applying to the FMS the applicant does not have a job, then he can find it using the services of a company that deals with employment issues. Subsequently, having an employment contract concluded, the foreigner will have legal grounds for extending his stay in the country, but not more than for one year. To do this, contact the FMS with the appropriate statement. This should be done at least fifteen days before the expiration of the registration. Otherwise, without having time to draw up documents, you will have to leave the country. In addition, the employer, entering into an employment contract with a foreigner, must indicate the time frame for cooperation. This information will be needed at the FMS.

deadlines for registration of foreign citizens

What is important to remember when applying for a temporary registration of a foreign citizen?

Let's summarize all of the above and briefly formulate those basic positions that need to be taken into account when obtaining a temporary residence permit by foreign citizens:

  1. In Russia, without registration, you can stay no more than seven days.
  2. The procedure for registration of temporary registration takes only one day.
  3. It is necessary to register at the department of the migration service by filling out the registration form of a foreign citizen and adding the necessary package of documents.
  4. The longest stay in the Russian Federation is limited to three months.
  5. Renewal of temporary registration is possible only if there are good reasons. If you have reason to claim an extension of your stay in the country, then you should submit the relevant documents to the FMS in advance.
  6. There is a separate category of foreigners who leave their country, saving their lives during the war, coup, revolution. Upon arriving in Russia, such citizens acquire refugee status. It gives people the opportunity to receive certain benefits during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation until the cessation of hostilities in their state.
  7. Registration can be made both personally or through the State Service portal, or by using the services of the Russian Post.
  8. There are reasons why they may refuse temporary registration.
  9. Failure to comply with the deadlines and the correctness of registration of such a registration is fraught with a fine and deportation from the country.

Instead of an afterword

Considering the topic "Registration of a citizen at the place of stay", we found out the nuances that you should know in order to quickly draw up documents. Living in a foreign country must be legal, and for this, a person needs to know exactly where and how to get registration on time. This should be done on time, without violating the deadlines and not putting things off the bat. Otherwise, a person is recognized as illegal, which entails fines, deportation and the inability to enter the territory of the Russian Federation in the future (at least 5 years).


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