Wood burning stove. Types and classification of wood stoves for heating a summer house

Despite the fact that recently modern technologies have been developing very intensively, stove heating does not cease to be relevant.

How to make a choice

A wood-burning stove can also be installed in a private country house. If you want to choose a model of such a device, you should know that such units are divided into brick, cast iron and metal. Each species has its own disadvantages and advantages.

wood-burning stove

Varieties of wood stoves

A cast iron stove is used as an emergency or additional heat source. Such devices are compact, they can be installed in any part of the house. To ensure the exit of combustion products, a special sleeve or chimney is used, which has a corrugated structure. If you want the rooms to warm up as quickly as possible, it is worth choosing such a design, since after the furnace is finished, the chimney retains heat for a long time.

If you need a stove for a cottage on wood, then you can choose its metal version, which is heat resistant and quickly heats up the room. However, do not rely on the fact that a sufficiently thin metal will retain heat for a long time. If for you this parameter is one of the most important, then you should choose a stainless steel construction . However, do not expose the device to rapid heating, as weak seams can crack.

wood burning stove

When considering a wood-burning stove, consumers quite often prefer brick structures, as they are the most reliable. They are as expensive as possible, have a serpentine chimney that heats the room, keeping heat for a long time. If you make a comparison with metal stoves, the heating of the room with a brick structure is much slower, but this is compensated by the conservation of heat after the completion of the device. A brick stove for giving on wood can be used for cooking. Among other things, it can be operated as a fireplace.

Brick kilns classification

Such devices can be divided into three categories. The first are cooking devices that can be used for space heating. Devices have a stove, and the unit itself can heat several rooms at once. Homemade brick stoves on wood can also be classic Russian, which are equipped with sunbeds. They can also be used for heating and cooking. But especially large devices are used to dry apples and mushrooms.

wood stoves

When making stoves, fireplaces, not only brick is used, but also metal. Such devices are intended not only for heating the house, but also for aesthetic enjoyment.

Options for stove wood heating

You have probably heard about pyrolysis or gas-generating furnaces. The most common among them are devices called "Buleryan." Such a stove with long burning wood provides heat due to the fuel supply in the tank. The unique design allows you to lay firewood in an increased volume, and then set the mode, which provides for the burning of the first part of the firewood, while the second portion is in standby mode. The user can provide this device operation by overlapping the blower flap. In this case, the wood will not burn, but smolder.

mini wood stoves

Such a stove on long burning wood can be used as a component of air heating. It provides quick heating, which is appreciated by summer residents. Its efficiency can reach 85%, but there are also disadvantages. They are expressed in extremely high requirements, which are imposed not only on the quality of the fuel, but also on the technology of arranging the chimney.

Characteristics of the Stropuva furnace

Everyone knows how to heat the stove with wood, but it can be quite difficult to figure out the variety of models that are on the market. Another variety of gas generating units is the Stropuva furnace. The shape of the device resembles an Indian candle, and the principles of operation require the laying of firewood in a metal column. It is noteworthy that the furnace can also work on the basis of briquettes, as well as coal. Fuel is laid almost to its entire height, and after that it is ignited. The furnace closes, and then its operation begins. The combustion zone moves lower when the fuel gradually burns out. The air supply pipe descends behind it.

homemade wood stoves

You can adjust the burning rate with the shutter. Such a furnace works without reloading up to 48 hours, but if you use coal, then the time increases to almost a week. The safety of the device at altitude, as well as the efficiency, as well as efficiency and the ability to function in tandem with a water heating system. Stropuva furnaces are installed in houses in which free space is very limited, since they are compact.

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Wood-burning stoves are quite often made by craftsmen themselves, since their purchase is impractical due to the simplicity of the design. Such devices can be made from improvised materials, which reduces their cost. During operation, such units do not differ in increased fire safety, however, after manufacturing, as well as during installation, you must provide the premises with fireproof surfaces that will be in close proximity.

More modern equipment is the design, which provides for the possibility of automatic loading of fuel. The device operates in an intensive combustion mode, since the furnace itself has compact dimensions. The fuel supply is provided by a complex method, and the command for the receipt of a new batch will depend on the temperature sensor. When its level begins to decline, fuel enters the firebox.

how to heat a stove with wood

The difficulty can arise in that the firewood must be made in the form of disks, the thickness of which is at least 10 centimeters. But there are many advantages. Among them, it is worth highlighting the possibility of regulating the intensity of combustion in automatic mode. This happens with the help of a tire and a blower flap.

Water circuit device

Mini wood-burning stoves are made independently, since it is quite simple to do this. However, if the design is supposed to entrust more serious tasks, then you can use a device with a water circuit. The heat exchanger in such devices is built into the chimney or pipe. Heated gases release heat in the water. In order to increase efficiency, it is possible to equip such a furnace with several tanks at once.


In the market for relevant products today there are many models of wood stoves. These include Teplodar, Termofor, as well as Ermak. The product range is not complete without Finnish wood-burning stoves, which are distinguished by high cost, compactness, durability and reliability.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14986/

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