A few tips on how to smile beautifully

Each person is beautiful in his own way. And even the most unattractive type at first glance can change at one moment thanks to just one smile. But what if you do not like your smiling reflection in the mirror? You just need to know how to smile beautifully.

how beautiful to smile


The purest and most beautiful smiles appear at the moment when a person smiles with all his heart. The reasons for this can be completely diverse, not the point. If you want to know how to smile beautifully, the first rule: you need to remember something pleasant from your life - something that just makes you want to shine. Then the mouth itself will stretch out in a satisfied smile, and the person will simply glow with a positive.


To "strangle" beautiful smiles from people , you can try to make them laugh. This is one way to smile beautifully. A funny story, a joke, just a crooked face - and everyone is already laughing. This method is great in situations where you need to take a good photo and stir a pretty serious company.

woman smiling


There is an opinion that a smile can be trained with the help of muscle β€œpumping”. Scientists say that about 40 muscles are involved during a smile, so why not bother them again? To do this, there is a set of exercises.

The first exercise: you need to draw air into your mouth and try to exhale, tightly compressing your lips. This will train the cheek muscles. Second: after collecting air into the lungs, you need to put your lips together in a tube, and exhale sharply. So the lip muscles will train. Another is the third exercise for the lips: it is necessary to squeeze them tightly and, stretching out, try to draw a figure eight with them. The fourth exercise will train the muscles of the tongue and lips together. To do this, stick your tongue out, grab it with your lips, stay in this position for about 30 seconds and relax your mouth to the maximum. And the last, fifth - a great exercise, training a smile: try to stretch your mouth in an unnatural smile, so again the muscles of the lips will train.


Image makers say: you have to smile symmetrically, only then it will be beautiful. To do this, you also need to practice a little. The first thing you need: sit in front of the mirror and see what problems there are with symmetry. The corners of the lips may rise unevenly, and the mouth may bend unaesthetically, making a semblance of a grin rather than a smile. Forming the right smile is quite simple: you need to lift the corners of your lips daily with your fingers, lingering in this position for 15-20 seconds. A few months of training and a smile will be beautiful and symmetrical.

need to smile


There is another way to smile beautifully, only for him you need not his mouth, but his eyes. You can learn to smile with one eye. To do this, you need to slightly lower your head and look at the interlocutor from below, screwing up your eyes. You should get a smile with your eyes. It's just that it’s important not to overdo it and not make your eyes cunning; this can thoroughly ruin your communication.

About beauty

As already mentioned, a person can become beautiful only with one smile. If a woman smiles, she is already pretty, if she glows with happiness - she is beautiful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14988/

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