The first days of a puppy in a new house. How to arrange a place for a puppy and accustom him to the house? Pet toys

The appearance of a puppy at home is a serious step that needs to be prepared in advance. Be sure to consult with your family members. Each of them must agree to accept the baby and part of the care responsibilities. Then the adaptation of the animal will be easy and simple. The first days of a puppy in a new home are difficult for everyone. But, unlike a pet, you have thought it over well and should be prepared accordingly.

bowls for dogs

Second mom

The puppy left the home for the first time, where his mother, brothers and sisters, familiar smells remained. Of course, he is under tremendous stress. Therefore, it is so important that you become a new family for him. The first days of a puppy in a new house are very important, because it is now in contact with the owner. Try to leave your business and devote all attention to the pet.

The kid can whine, will not sleep well the first few nights. You need to be prepared for this. Believe me, as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of your house, you will forget everything that was planned. Therefore, we agree with the breeder and get down to business.

What needs to be done in advance?

Ask about the breeder, because you want a healthy puppy. Today, in order to earn money, unscrupulous owners can allow mating between close relatives. Therefore, make inquiries about how long this person has been breeding and what people get by purchasing puppies from him. Be sure to go visit and see how the mother and puppies are kept, how well-fed they are. Ask about the diet of kids. Based on your observations, you can make a decision.

In addition, you need to deal with administrative issues:

  1. Find a good veterinary clinic that is located as close to home as possible. Just finding the phone is not enough, you must go in person and register. This is very important: if the pet becomes ill and requires medical attention, there simply will not be time.
  2. Here, in the clinic, find out about insurance conditions. This will cover the costs in an emergency, for example, if you need an expensive operation.
  3. For the full development of the puppy, it is extremely important that he constantly communicates with other animals and people. Therefore, the training ground will be a great option for spending free time. Here the dog handler will tell you how to master the necessary skills, and the owners will be able to make friends and increase the circle of friends.
  4. Buy a good collar to which you can attach a special tag. It indicates the nickname, age, contact phone number of the owner. This helps if the dog is lost.
your future pet

Go shopping

This can be done just before you go to the breeder. Today the choice of things for dogs is huge. You will need to gather willpower in order to not buy up the entire store. For now, your task is to make the first days of the puppy in the new house as comfortable as possible. Therefore, you need to purchase the following things:

  • Two bowls. One is for food, the other is for water.
  • Leash and soft muzzle. If the collar was not purchased in advance, then it must be purchased.
  • Accessories for hair care.
  • Toys
  • A lounger that will fit in size.
  • Home Aviary. Many consider this cell a manifestation of cruelty of the owner. But this is not at all true. Rather, it is a house that puppies really like. It will have a cozy couch and toys. Yes, the enclosure is equipped with a door so that you can isolate the pet while you go to the hospital or store. But remember that the first days of a puppy in a new house are the wrong time to leave him alone, locked in a house. Give your pet time to get used to it, start to consider the aviary to be native and comfortable.
  • Feed. You will need a stock for about a week. Choose the food that the breeder has trained puppies for.

When everything is ready, we take the puppy from the breeder. Ask him for a piece of the diaper on which he slept with his mother. Put him in a new house. A familiar smell will facilitate his first independent nights.

pick up the puppy from the breeder

Long awaited day

It’s best to pick up your puppy on Friday. In this case, you will have enough time ahead to be at home together, and the baby will get acquainted with all family members. If you are so busy that you work on Saturday and Sunday, and it is not possible to take a few days off, then think about how you will care for the dog. Believe me, waiting for the owner for 10-12 hours is not the best share for the animal.


The first days of a puppy in a new house are also the development of certain rules that will allow you to comfortably exist in the same family. After all, another member of her appeared, who has desires and needs. Perhaps family members are burning with impatience to cuddle the baby or play with him. But take your time: the time will come for this, first the furry friend must get used to it and stop being afraid. Remember:

  1. It is important to establish a new daily routine. Walking, feeding - all this should be done on time. Today, everyone can show a desire to walk with a pet every day. But very little time will pass - and this will become a duty.
  2. Pick a name. The first days of the puppy in the new house are filled with pleasant moments, this is one of those. Begin to call him every time by the nickname. Very soon, the puppy will begin to respond.
  3. Develop rules that will be followed by all family members. This is important not only today, but also tomorrow, as well as every subsequent day. Remember that a dog can acquire bad habits that will make you suffer. And then retrain will be extremely difficult. For example, once you allow him to take food from the table - and then you can’t explain that you can’t do this. This also applies to other points. Do not let the pet sleep on your bed, stand with your front paws on the owner, meeting him.
  4. Accuracy. Remember, here, as with the advent of a small child, all dangerous objects, poisonous substances disappear from the house, and then sharp, small objects that can injure or be swallowed. The appearance of a puppy at home is the reason for cautious behavior. Teach your household to put their shoes and cell phones on the shelves so that the pet cannot spoil them with sharp teeth.
  5. After going to work, try to arrange the schedule so that the puppy does not stay alone for more than a few hours. Gradually, this interval can be brought up to 4 hours.
how to teach a puppy to the house

Place for baby

Often children want to take him to their room. This will not be the best choice for equipping a personal pet place. If you have a large living room, it will be much more convenient to fence off a corner here. You can use part of the hallway. It’s even better, because here he can be alone. It is good if the selected room is separated by doors from the hall, kitchen and other rooms. If this is not possible, then try to open the cabinets so that a secluded niche is formed.

So, you brought the puppy home. What to do? First show your pet his place. Put there a diaper from his nest, as well as new toys, a bowl with a treat. Now give your puppy time to sniff and look around. The kid still does not know how to control his urge to the toilet, so it is better to cover the floor with old paths, which then will not be sorry to throw out. But remove valuable carpets until better times.

That's all about how to arrange a place for a puppy. Ideally, an aviary with a door should be placed in which to put a soft sunbed and toys. The door needs to be locked only when you leave briefly and after the pet is settled to play. So, he will get used to quietly spend some time in his refuge.

At first he can whine in the evenings and often resort to you. Be persistent. Sit with him near the sunbed, play, feed. Wait until he falls asleep. You may have to approach him several times, repeat all the manipulations. Patience! It will end soon. A puppy grows up much faster than a child.

first days of a puppy in a new house


Accustoming to going to the toilet on the street should not start from the first day. Even if the baby received all the vaccinations, he needs to get used to the new house first. Absorbent diapers will be excellent helpers for the adaptation period. They can be laid out next to the nest, as well as in the corridor, near the threshold. Gradually teach your baby to go to the one closest to the exit.

In fact, all the questions on how to teach your puppy a home come down to the amount of your attention, warmth and wisdom. The baby needs love, and you will become the second mother for him, who, on the one hand, teaches, but on the other, heats, feeds and plays. Do not allow conflicts, take away expensive things that the puppy can chew on or ruin.

brought the puppy home what to do

Punishment for misconduct

This is an important issue that cannot be left untouched. Punish misconduct, but do it carefully. You can shake the puppy by the skin on the scruff of the neck, give a command in a strict voice, and deprive delicacies. However, do not deny him love, do not beat, do not poke his face in a puddle. If he nibbled some thing, then you left it in a conspicuous place. Physical punishment will only make him angry and add this item to the list of personal enemies.

Toys for puppies

They are needed and important, and often it is toys that remain excellent entertainment for an adult dog. The puppy will scratch their teeth about them, while away the time, remaining alone. They serve the tasks of development and entertainment for the pet. Therefore, toys for puppies should be interesting, functional and safe. When choosing, pay attention to the material. It should be strong, but not too hard. Balls, ducks, bones made of leather, special plastic or rubber are great. Usually the dog chooses a pair of her favorite toys herself, and the rest decorates her house.

what you need for a puppy in the house


At first glance, bowls for dogs can not be bought. It’s enough to give your pet a couple cups. In fact, it turns out that a lot of household dishes are not suitable. One is glass, the other is shallow, the third is deep. If the puppy is large, then he can’t eat at all, bending to the floor. Therefore, it is better to choose special bowls for dogs with a stand. They are regulated as the animal grows. The best option is ceramics. It does not absorb odors and is well washed. One cup is placed only during feeding hours, and the second should be filled with water and constantly accessible to the dog.


We talked about everything you need in a puppy house. Add to this a loving owner who is ready to spend enough time with his pet - and you will get ideal conditions for his long and happy life. A little patience, and you can grow a best friend who will prove his loyalty more than once.


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