The structure of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. Volga and North-West Customs

The organizational structure of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation is the totality of units, the order of subordination and the form of distribution of powers and functions between them. The federal executive institution of power, the FCS, acts as the central governing body in the country. Let us further consider in detail the structure of customs authorities .

customs structure

Regulatory Activities

All units included in the structure of customs authorities are guided in their work:

  • Constitution and federal constitutional laws.
  • Federal Law
  • By orders, decrees of the President of the country.
  • By international agreements.
  • Normative acts approved by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank.

Another legal document of particular legal significance is the Regulation on the activities of the FCS.

The specifics of the exercise of authority

The FCS carries out its functions directly through representative offices located abroad, as well as through domestic customs structures. FCS bodies exercise their powers in cooperation with other federal, regional, local government institutions, public associations, the Central Bank, and other organizations.


Direct management in the structure of customs authorities consists in the fact that all elements of customs are under the constant attention of the commanding staff and the collegium of the Federal Customs Service, the Central Office operating in the system of administrations and departments.

In addition to carrying out systematic measures of an organizational nature, regulatory work is one of the areas of leadership. This activity is quite extensive. It covers, in fact, all sections and components of customs. This activity includes the approval of orders and instructions regarding operational issues of customs, the development of guidelines, explanations, etc.

Volga Customs

Separate tasks The central apparatus solves independently. Some functions are implemented through regional customs , administrations, specialized posts, other subordinate institutions and organizations.


Regional departments form an intermediate link between customs and the Central Administration of the FCS. RTUs carry out operational management and solve current issues in the territory of subordinate constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Most of them were formed in the early 90's. The North-West Customs Administration , for example, was officially established on 05/10/1990. It is considered one of the largest in Russia. The North-West Customs Administration is located in St. Petersburg, on emb. Kutuzova, d.20; on the street Shpalernoy, d. 14.

In 1992, the West Siberian RTU was formed. The control center became the city of Novosibirsk. In 1993, the East Siberian RTU was formed. It lasted until 2000. In mid-2000, these units were merged into the Siberian Customs Administration . At this point, there were more than 20 FCS units in the region. Currently, the Siberian Customs Administration controls the borders of Russia with Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, as well as the external border along the Laptev Sea and the Kara Sea. Its total length in the region is more than 11.5 thousand km.

north west customs

In 1993, the Volga Customs Administration was established. The center of RTU is Nizhny Novgorod. The Volga Customs Office is located on the street. Pushkin, d. 8.

The impact of organizational structure on the implementation of functions

It is determined, first of all, by the level of stability (rigidity). If it is high, the control can function exclusively in the given parameters. Accordingly, depending on how much the process of controlled actions can be predicted, units with a highly specialized or universal structure are formed.

With a flexible organizational system, it is possible to effectively implement the tasks.

In any case, the need to carry out functions determines a clear structure of the customs authority. All elements included in its composition must be consistent, there must be a stable connection between them. Due to this, in fact, the stability of the activity of a particular body is ensured.

The structure of the customs unit is created in the course of conscious management activities. Its creation is directly influenced by those goals that employees intend to achieve.

Each structural unit ensures the performance of specific tasks.

Siberian Customs Administration

Types of structural units

There are 3 links in the system of the FCS, regional departments and customs:

  1. Prompt. It carries out customs clearance and control, law enforcement, etc.
  2. Functional. Subdivisions of this link are engaged in financial planning, personnel matters, information, documentary, legal support, economic, material and technical supply, etc.
  3. Headquarters. It includes organizational and analytical, inspection and other units.

The specifics of the separation of system elements

It should be noted that on the basis of the above classification, one can only get an idea of ​​the primary distribution of tasks between customs units. Since there is an objective division of labor, the need arises for a more detailed and deeper distribution of specific, general and basic functions and their assignment to specific units of the system.

In this case, a number of circumstances should be taken into account. There is a close mutual relationship and conditionality between the organizational structure and tasks. In accordance with them, according to general rules, a specific function is assigned to a certain structural unit. For its implementation, in turn, it is endowed with the appropriate authority and is responsible for its activities. Meanwhile, since the individual functions are related to each other and are similar in content, it is not necessary to form an independent unit for the implementation of each of them.

structure of customs authorities of the Russian Federation

The solution of issues related to the organization of the structure of customs authorities should be based on the observance of principles such as efficiency and simplicity. Of course, a multi-level system significantly complicates management and requires large financial costs. In this regard, new units of the FCS, RTU are formed only when the effectiveness of the implementation of a certain function will be clearly higher than its implementation by employees of the existing parts of the system.

Specialized customs posts

They are included in the lower link of the system. The implementation of customs functions begins with posts. Typically, these units carry out the initial clearance of goods, collecting payments and transferring them to larger structural units.

regional customs

They differ in status, size and equipment. Posts can have a narrow specialization and operate in large industrial enterprises.

Separate units may be directly subordinate to the FCS in the SEZ (free economic zones).

Geographic location

On this basis, posts are divided into border and internal. The former operate at border crossing areas and significant transport hubs. These posts record the process of passage of goods across the border.

Internal divisions are located in areas where foreign economic activity participants are concentrated within the customs territory of the country. Their duties include clearance and collection of duties.

specialized customs post

Additional Information

There is a relatively separate category of posts in the customs system. The duties of their employees include clearance of imported excisable goods. This activity may be accompanied by gluing of excise stamps. For their application, sale and storage, the responsibility of customs officers.


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