How to check the car for legal cleanliness when buying?

Each buyer of a used vehicle must understand how to check the car for legal cleanliness. With proper preparation, coping with the task will be quite easy. The main thing is to know how to act. And if a person comes across a bona fide seller, then there will be no problems at all. What to look for when buying a vehicle? How to check it in a particular case?

how to check the car for legal cleanliness

The risks

First, weโ€™ll try to figure out what is the dangerous situation in which a vehicle is purchased from hand. And why it is so important to know how to check the legal purity of a car.

The thing is that reselling a car is a deal with certain risks. A potential buyer may encounter:

  • stolen vehicles;
  • car-party accident;
  • illegal sale of a car;
  • acquisition of property under arrest;
  • auto used as collateral.

All this is a lot of trouble. Up to the fact that the concluded transaction is canceled. Therefore, it is important to understand how to check the legal purity of the car.

Verification Methods

There is no way to unequivocally answer such a question. This is due to the fact that modern citizens are offered many methods for implementing the task. Only not everyone knows about them.

how to check the legal cleanliness of the car

In order to verify the safety of concluding a used car purchase and sale transaction, it is proposed to use the following methods:

  • apply to the traffic police for information;
  • use third-party auto verification services;
  • apply to the FSSP with a request;
  • check through the official services of the traffic police and the bailiffs.

These are the most common methods. Do not forget about inspecting the vehicle in person. Also, before concluding a transaction, you will have to check the documents of the owner of the car. But more on that later. First, get acquainted with all the previously proposed layouts.

What may come in handy

How to check the car for legal cleanliness in 2014? And in 2017? With the advent of the Internet, it is possible to cope with the task in just a few minutes. Especially if you follow some directions.

What can be useful for checking the vehicle for cleanliness when concluding legally significant operations? Most often they require from the inspector:

  • VIN auto;
  • license plate numbers;
  • number and series of vehicle registration certificate;
  • F. I. O. potential owner of the property;
  • place of registration of the seller of the car.

This will be enough. Having the information listed, a person can easily verify the legal purity of the vehicle. But how to act specifically?


As already mentioned, citizens can personally contact the traffic police and the bailiff service to implement the task. This is not the most common, but very effective technique.

how to check a car for legal purity by wines code

It is proposed to act approximately like this:

  1. Take your passport with you. Do not forget the documents on the car (if any) and information about the potential owner of the car.
  2. Contact the traffic police and the FSSP with requests for information about the vehicle.
  3. Attach evidence that a person plans to buy a car. For example, you can show correspondence or a preliminary contract of sale.
  4. Get the requested information.

That's all. It is worth remembering that just like that, information about citizens and their property is not distributed. Accordingly, not everyone will be able to answer how to check the car for legal cleanliness in the traffic police or in the bailiff service.

GAI website

But for all modern users, you can easily use the free vehicle inspection services. There are a lot of them. Let's start with the official offers.

The first is working with the traffic police page of the Russian Federation. With it, even a beginner will be able to answer how to check the car for legal cleanliness.

To use this technique, you need:

  1. Visit website.
  2. Click on the "Services" button.
  3. Select the desired item. For example, "Auto Check".
  4. Click on this or that line. Say, "Checking cars for arrests."
  5. Enter the requested data. Typically, this is the VIN or vehicle registration certificate number.
  6. Click on the "Request" button.

After a few minutes, vehicle information will appear on the screen. No registration, no cost. Everything is absolutely free.

Bailiff site

The next trick is not always valid. It helps when there is suspicion of the presence of paperwork on the car. But for reinsurance it will be useful to use it.

It's about working with a bailiff site. This is another official and completely free service. It allows you to detect office work on a particular citizen.

how to check a car for legal cleanliness 2014

The step-by-step procedure takes the following form:

  1. Connect to the Internet from any device. Better to act from a computer.
  2. Open the address in a browser.
  3. Go to "Services" - "Office Bank".
  4. Put a checkmark next to "Individual".
  5. Enter information about the owner of the car - last name, first name, place of residence, date of birth.
  6. Click on the button called "Find."

If there is paperwork per person, the relevant information will be displayed on the screen. Otherwise, either the user will see a blank page or an error message.

Third Party Services

How to check the car for legal cleanliness? Most often, users resort to the help of third-party services. Among them there are really working offers. They are free.

For example, there is a portal "Autobot". It allows you to find complete information about the car and its owner, as well as about the fines of a person. Here will be a photograph of the vehicle. The site does not require registration.

How to act? Necessary:

  1. Open Autobot in any Internet browser.
  2. Click on the site label in the upper left corner.
  3. Enter your VIN or registration certificate.
  4. Click on the Find control.

It is done. Information about the car will appear on the screen - current characteristics, arrests, restrictions and so on. Now itโ€™s clear how to check the car for legal cleanliness by VIN code.

Checking documents and machines

Before concluding a purchase and sale transaction, a citizen should look at the car and the owner's documents. The presence of a general power of attorney is the basis for refusing the operation.

Visually, the car should have a uniform color. No chips, scratches, dents or damage. Production bolts are installed everywhere, and the level of the wheels is the same, the interior is clean. These are all signs of a good vehicle.

how to check a car for legal cleanliness in traffic police

From the documents the seller should ask:

  • passport;
  • Title
  • STS.

It is advisable to request a driver's license for reconciliation. Refusal to present listed securities is a sign of fraud.


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