The main types of public organizations and their functions

Public organizations occupy a very important place both in the political system of the country and in ensuring the independence of its inhabitants. Everyone in Russia has the right to establish a public association of any kind, and a trade union to protect interests is no exception.

This right is established in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 30. Russia is a country with a democratic state regime, therefore freedom of public organizations and unions is guaranteed. No one has the right to force a person to join the organization, this happens solely by the will of the citizen.

Creating public organizations, people may not wait for the consent of public authorities. Such organizations can be registered, in which case they will receive the status of a legal entity. However, the state registration process is not required; associations can exist without it.

There are various types of public organizations: sports associations, mass movements, trade unions, political parties, scientific associations, youth and disabled unions, creative associations, etc. First you need to understand the concept of "public organization".

What is a public association?

This term means a voluntary non-profit formation based on the initiative of people who have united to achieve common goals. Currently, the activities of such organizations are coordinated by the Federal Law "On Public Associations" of May 19, 1995.

types of public organizations

In other words, a public organization is a union of people created on the basis of their interests and on the principle of voluntary membership. Such organizations have their limitations:

  • armed groups cannot be organized;
  • It is necessary to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • not violate the territorial unity of the state.

The signs of associations include voluntariness, action strictly in accordance with the charter and non-profit nature. In modern conditions, such a union as a public organization has gained great popularity. The concept, types are very interesting to historians and politicians.

Legal forms of public associations

According to one of the articles of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, the following types of organizations are distinguished that can be founded in accordance with legal forms:

  • social movement - an association founded to achieve political and social goals. Participants in a social movement do not have membership;
  • public foundation - one of the types of non-profit associations, the participants of which do not have membership. The main objective of this association is the creation of property based on voluntary contributions and other revenues that do not contradict the laws of the country;
  • public institution - a union that also does not have a membership, its main purpose is the provision of certain services;
  • body of public initiative - an association whose members do not have membership. The main purpose of the body is to solve a certain kind of problems that arise in people at the place of residence and study;
  • political party - a public organization participating in the formation of government bodies and expressing the political will of members.

Classification of public associations

In addition to unions that differ in legal form, there are other features of their classification. The main types of public organizations were indicated above. Now other types and forms of such organizations will be considered. Types of public organizations, associations in accordance with the degree of participation in the struggle for power:

  • having a non-political orientation, that is, they do not set a goal to be a participant in the struggle for power and do not try to make changes in political relations in the country;
  • having a political orientation, that is, those associations that are active participants in the struggle for power and use certain means for this.

types of activities of public organizations

In accordance with the relationship of associations to the current system:

  • conservative;
  • reformist;
  • revolutionary;
  • counterrevolutionary.

Types of public organizations of the Russian Federation by methods of action:

  • legal;
  • illegal;
  • formal;
  • informal.

And, finally, the following associations are distinguished by the scale of activity:

  • international;
  • regional;
  • local character.

Responsibilities and functions of public organizations

What should public organizations do? The types and functions of these associations, despite their apparent simplicity, have repeatedly raised doubts and disputes. Responsibilities and functions are slightly different concepts. First you need to consider the responsibilities of public organizations:

  • the main one is following the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as generally recognized norms and principles of international law;
  • annually submit to the publication a report on the property or provide access to it;
  • every year to inform state authorities of the intention to continue their activities, it is necessary to indicate the founders of the association, as well as the address of permanent residence;
  • provide authorities with the right to familiarize themselves with the organization’s charter;
  • inform state authorities of the receipt and use of funds from foreign organizations.

public organization concept types

Now we need to go on to consider the functions of public organizations:

  • orientation of a person to specific goals, that is, socialization and mobilization;
  • inclusion of people in the system of politics through cooperation or conflict;
  • the creation of new non-traditional political structures;
  • representation of social interests.

The main activities of the public organization

As already noted, they join a voluntary association on a voluntary basis, and, based on this fact, it can be concluded that the activities of organizations are aimed at improving and prospering them. Governing bodies are based here through elections. The activities of a public organization can be useful not only for its members, but also for other people who are not members of the organization.

Types of public organizations play a major role in setting the tasks of associations. There are several types of tasks that determine the focus of an organization. Public associations can serve the interests of entrepreneurs and commercial organizations, employees and employees, as well as promote the ideas of religious, political and other organizations.

public organizations kinds of functions

The types of activities of public organizations are distinguished depending on the type of association. The activities of entrepreneurial and professional organizations include work to promote the interests of both members of commercial associations and ordinary employees.

Trade union activities include:

  • activities to protect the interests of workers and members of the association;
  • the activities of organizations whose members are interested in protecting their interests on wages and working conditions;
  • other actions of trade unions of various organizations that are created on a sectoral or structural basis.

The activities of other associations include the actions of all organizations (in addition to business and trade unions) that protect the interests of participants. The types of activities of public organizations included in such a group are presented below:

  • the activity of religious associations, which consists in the dissemination of faith and its joint confession;
  • actions of political parties, movements, associations, the main purpose of which is to form people's opinions through the dissemination of information;
  • the activities of non-political organizations, which also form people's opinions, but with the help of educational activities, raising the necessary funds, etc .;
  • activities of creative groups, for example, book lovers clubs, historical circles, musical and artistic associations;
  • the activities of various unions of motorists, consumers, acquaintances;
  • the activities of patriotic associations, unions for the protection of social groups.

Nonprofit Organizations

This kind of association can be created to solve the problems of education, health, science and culture. A non-profit organization is an association whose members do not have membership, based on voluntary contributions from citizens and legal entities. A huge variety of types of such organizations, here the most basic will be considered. Types of non-profit public organizations:

  1. Fund. This is the most common form of nonprofit association. Its purpose is to solve social, cultural or other problems by collecting property contributions. The fund has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other organizations of this type. There is no membership, which means that participants in this organization cannot manage the fund. This association is the owner of its property, and its governing bodies are not liable for its debts.
  2. Charity Fund. This is an organization created with the aim of collecting property contributions for charity. This kind of fund has a charter governing its activities. As a rule, a charity fund finds a sponsor, and it becomes its founder. It can be either a state or an enterprise, or any individual. If there is no such sponsor, the fund itself makes money in various ways.
  3. Union (association). This is a non-profit organization founded by combining several legal entities. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the union excludes the simultaneous location of commercial and non-commercial organizations. Associations are created to represent the interests of companies and to coordinate their activities.
  4. Consumer cooperative. It is an association of citizens and (or) legal entities on a voluntary basis, the main purpose of which is to meet the various needs of its shareholders. Shareholders are people who have made a mutual contribution and are members of an association. Both ordinary citizens and legal entities can act as shareholders of a consumer cooperative.
  5. Religious association. This is a union of people, which was founded with the aim of joint worship and its dissemination. The signs of a religious association include the education of their followers, the celebration of worship, and religion. Only individuals can be members of such a union.

types of public sports organizations

Public association of labor

This cooperation is a union of people who have joined together to obtain the necessary product of production through joint efforts. Most often, the social organization of labor has two directions: legal and technical. The law is designed to regulate social relations in the labor process. The technical direction consists in the rules for working on the necessary product.

At present, there are almost no different types of such an organization in its pure form, since all types of labor associations are history. Types of social organization of labor:

  • primitive communal;
  • slaveholding;
  • feudal;
  • capitalist;
  • socialist.

As already noted, all of these types are formal and almost never occur in the modern world.

Sports and fitness organizations

These associations may refer to both the type of non-profit organizations and the type of commercial. These organizations are called upon to develop physical education and sport among various groups of people, to create all the necessary conditions for strengthening the health of people participating in sports, and to provide accessories that are necessary for training.

Due to the deterioration in the health of citizens, sports and athletic organizations have recently become very popular. They will be able to raise the level of physical culture of people, and with it health.

Commercial associations of this type single out profit as the main goal and can be created in the form of various partnerships, unitary enterprises, etc.

Non-profit associations do not set the goal of making profit. First of all, they are designed to meet the needs of citizens. The income that such an organization has is not distributed among its members, but goes to fulfill the necessary tasks.

Types of public sports organizations are quite diverse. Among them:

  • sports clubs that operate on an independent basis in various institutions;
  • children's sports schools run by government bodies;
  • scientific associations in the field of physical education and sports;
  • All-Russian physical-sports organizations;
  • Olympic Committee of the country.

Socio-political organizations

A feature of such associations is that they do not belong to state organizations, but to one degree or another belong to the political system of the country. It can be both organizations that have a direct impact on political decisions in the country, and associations that do not have strict organization and structure.

types of social organization of labor

The main goal of such associations is to influence the government, however, as a rule, the socio-political organization of power, as such, does not achieve it. The basic principles of socio-political association are the voluntariness and solidarity of members. There is a huge classification of such associations. Here we will consider the main types of socio-political organizations.

In accordance with the attitude to the existing system:

  • conservative;
  • liberal;
  • revolutionary.

By degree of organization:

  • poorly organized;
  • highly organized;
  • spontaneous;
  • scattered.

By scale of action:

  • international;
  • regional;
  • republican;
  • local.

State public organizations

Such associations are not the most popular and exist in small numbers. Types of state public organizations are presented below.

State Corporation. This is an organization that does not have a membership, and is created by the Russian Federation on the basis of a property contribution. The goal is to perform socially useful functions. A state corporation is created in accordance with federal law, and all property is in its ownership. This organization uses its property for the good purposes defined by law.

types of non-profit public organizations

Budget institution - an organization founded by public authorities to achieve socio-cultural, scientific, technical and other goals. The activities of this organization are financed from the appropriate budget.


Types of public organizations include a huge number of different associations, and each of them has its own specific features, advantages and disadvantages. But all organizations have the same principles of creation, among which they stand out: voluntariness, equality before the law, legality, public access to information, transparency of activities, self-government.

If a citizen seeks to express his views and share them with other people, there is a great solution - a public organization. The concept, types of such associations can be easily found in the Constitution and Federal laws of the Russian Federation. All public organizations contribute to the formation and development of certain principles and movements. In a democracy, the presence of such organizations once again emphasizes human freedom.


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