Aqualife water ionizer: reviews, live and dead water

Every person needs clean water without heavy metals and impurities every day. But modern life is such that it’s not what we would like to drink from the tap . In this situation, you can use a filter to purify water, use bottled liquid, or purchase an Aqualife ionizer. Reviews note that the water passing through this device is tasty and healthy.

What is a water ionizer?

Aqualife (reviews note that the unit is easy to operate and maintain) is a household appliance that, thanks to the electrolysis of water, allows the preparation of both ionized and silver water.

Upon receipt of ionized water there is a separation into acidic and alkaline liquids in different containers of the apparatus. The first, that is, alkaline water or catholyte is characterized by a rather weak negative electric charge and has pronounced alkaline properties, pH 7-12. The action of acid H 2 O or anolyte is expressed in a slight positive electric charge, where the pH is from 7 to 2. The special partition of the aggregate prevents the catholyte and anolyte from interacting with each other. At the same time, this membrane freely passes ions.

In addition to dead and living water, the device also allows you to prepare silver. The household appliance meets all safety requirements. Reliable and easy to use.


The water ionizer is produced in two versions, these are:

  • Classic. Prepares only ionized water.
  • Silver In addition to ionized H 2 O, it allows you to make silver.

The capacity of both versions is 3 liters. Devices operate from a network of 110-230 V. Preparation of ionized water takes five minutes, silver in Silver - five seconds. The ionizer weighs about 1.2 kg. The device can be used at an ambient temperature of 5-40 º. Relative humidity of the atmosphere is up to 80%, if the temperature regime is 25 º. The unit is equipped with double insulation and has a degree of protection against liquid ingress - IP54.

The unit should be used only according to the instructions, only in this case it will not cause harm, but will benefit health.

Unit Package

aqualife reviews

The water ionizer has a complete set consisting of the device itself and two removable containers. In the Silver model there is a holder on which there is a silver electrode of a round shape. In addition, along with the device there is an instruction manual, a technical description of the apparatus and a plate. Aqualife is packed in a cardboard box.

Device structure, principle of operation

The water ionizer consists of the main lower vessel, in which the entire electrolysis process takes place. A handle is attached to this case, for which it is convenient to take the device. Two removable containers are inserted into the jug. They are separated from each other by a parchment membrane. On the inside of the jug there are two marks indicating the minimum and maximum permissible water levels.

A cap with two electrodes is put on the lower case of the device, which is designed to create dead and living water. In the Silver model, a round contact is also attached to the lid, if necessary, intended for the manufacture of silver water. The lid has a handle with a built-in power cord.

water ionizer

The device is controlled by a cap on which there are all the necessary buttons, these are:

  • turning on and off the unit;
  • workflow stop;
  • starting up the device;
  • two buttons with up and down arrows designed to change parameters.

All information about the working process is displayed on the display, which is also located on the cover of the water ionizer. There are also LED indicators. The “G / E” indicator, lit in green, indicates silvering of the water, if it flashes red, this indicates a malfunction of the device. A red light below indicates that the unit is in ionization mode.

Before use, the membrane must be wrapped in two layers of a smaller removable vessel. After that, a smaller vessel is placed in the larger one.

When ionizing near the anode, it is a dark electrode, an acidic environment is created, and next to the cathode (light electrode) is water with alkaline characteristics. When preparing silver water, the removable vessels are removed from the jug.

About ionized water

aqualife water ionizer cheating

The Aqualife water ionizer (fraud about the sale of this device can often be found on the Web, but a fake is not able to properly clean the water and even less will make it useful) it is possible to create a liquid with a positive and negative electric charge. Here, the pH can fluctuate in the region from 0 to 14. The neutral pH level fluctuates around 7.0, alkaline 8-12, and the pH value from 7 to 2 indicate the acidity of the medium.

The catholyte, which allows this device to be obtained, is odorless, soft, somewhat similar to rainwater. Has a negative charge. An increase in pH indicates an increase in the alkalinity of the fluid.

Anolyte, on the contrary, has a sour taste, a slight smell of chlorine. It is characterized by a positive electric charge. The lower the pH value, the more acidic the environment is. Such water has characteristic antibacterial qualities.

Ionization occurs in tightly closed containers. They should not be exposed to sunlight during the work process. Such water should not be refrigerated after preparation.

The charge of water disappears after 24-36 hours, so this liquid is not suitable for long-term storage. It is recommended to use ionized H 2 O within 12 hours after its preparation.

The method of preparation of ionized water

aqualife living water reviews

Has simply miraculous qualities the living water prepared in this device. Aqualife (reviews of some individuals indicate poor quality membranes that can last only a week) is easy to use and does not require any special skills to manage.

First of all, you need to remove the lid from the device, for this you should hold the bottom of the jug with one hand and push the handle up with the other. Insert removable vessels into the main container, given that near the light electrode, water is rich in alkali, and next to the dark one is acidic liquid. Next, in the extractable container and the main vessel, pour water from the tap to the bottom mark. To put a cap on a jug so that the necessary electrode got to a removable container. Do not forget that the handle of the lid and the lower vessel must be connected together into a single handle.

After these manipulations, the Aqualife device is connected to the network, the “on” button is pressed on it. On the screen, at this moment, the information “water ionization” appears. Four minutes later, the program asks which electrode is inserted. In accordance with it, the pH of the future treated water should be selected.

In the future, when the necessary parameters are set, click on Start. The process time is not set, its device determines automatically, based on the degree of ionization of water. If you want to interrupt the process, click Stop. At the end of the work, the Aqualife apparatus emits a characteristic sound signal (live and dead water in it is prepared within five minutes).

After ionizing the water, the unit is disconnected from the network, the cover is removed from it, the electrodes are placed on a special plate. Acidic water forms in removable vessels, and alkaline in the lower case.

Silver water

aqualife Price

The Aqualife ionizer of the Silver modification allows you to prepare not only ionized water, but also silver. It has characteristic bactericidal properties and helps in the treatment of a number of diseases.

The strength of silver water completely depends on the degree of concentration of silver ions in it. She is able to store her antibacterial qualities for several months.

To prepare such a liquid in Aqualife, only water suitable for drinking should be used. Filtered H 2 O taken from a spring or settled is especially good.

If the water has a weak concentration of silver, then it is colorless, has no smell and taste. If it is boiled, then silver ions will precipitate, and the liquid will completely lose its quality.

If silver water will be consumed regularly, then the concentration of silver ions should be no more than 0.01 mg / l.

The method of preparation of silver water

aqualife reviews of doctors

To prepare a liquid with silver ions, you need to remove the lid of the device. Insert a round silver electrode into the designated hole. Removable containers must be removed from the jug. Next, to the bottom mark, pour water and cover the ionizer body with a lid, while combining the handles of the cap and the vessel.

The device is connected to the outlet, the “power on” button is pressed. On the scoreboard, using the up and down arrows, the "silvering" mode is selected. It also determines the duration of the workflow. After performing the specified function, the device emits a characteristic sound signal. Only then the water ionizer is disconnected from the mains. The electrodes are placed on a plate, and the prepared water is drained into a pre-prepared container.

Safety precautions

Before using the device, you should carefully read the instructions and carefully study the safety precautions.

First of all, do not plug in an appliance that is not filled with water and without a lid. Besides? you can not remove the cap from the body of the device if it is connected to the mains. The ionizer during the working process should be removed from open flames and sparkling equipment.

It is not recommended to operate the unit for longer than the time specified in the instructions. Do not disassemble the device yourself. After the water ionization procedure, the cap should not be placed upside down by electrodes. Do not wash the lid of the device with water. The device should not be left unattended, and children should not be allowed into it.

If the upper surface of the electrodes is damaged, they should be replaced.

Ionizer Care

The Aqualife water purifier during operation can heat the liquid up to 40 º. After the working process, the lower vessel and removable containers are washed with water, while the cap itself is strictly prohibited. The membrane is changed after it begins to pass water.

The light electrode is cleaned with a soft cloth dipped in 9% vinegar. The dark electrode does not need to be cleaned. After all the parts of the device have dried, they need to be assembled into a single device. When caring for the unit, the parchment membrane is not removed. A dead ionizer should be stored in a dry place. The recoverable packaging must undergo a drying process in an upright position.

During operation of the device, you must adhere to the sequence of operations. Water for ionization should be taken from ordinary water supply.
The prepared first water in the new Aqualife device (reviews will certainly mention this) should be drained. This must be done after replacing the old membrane with a new one. Do not replace the partition that comes with the kit with other materials.

Aqualife: price

Ionizer can be bought both on the official website of the company, and in other online stores of household appliances. The cost of the device without a discount is 29,999, with a discount from 19 to 21 thousand rubles.

Reviews of doctors and consumers

aqualife device

Allows to receive not only tasty, but also useful liquid the Aqualife water ionizer. Is it a deception or a reality? Does this device really work wonders? Here, user opinions are shared. Some say that the device is not satisfactory. The water in it is delicious. These people improved their health thanks to the Aqualife.

The reviews of another part of users indicate a low quality of membranes, which last a week on the strength, instead of the three stated. They say that a new set of partitions of 10 pieces costs about 2,000 rubles. They note the high cost of the unit and its design, which is considered "flimsy." They say that in the Russian market you can find similar devices, the price of which is much lower than that set for the Aqualife device.

Reviews of doctors unequivocally claim that alkaline water is very useful, it neutralizes the acidic environment, increases the body's buffering ability. Living water is good for the intestines, stomach. Experts recommend using it during the cold season, with the disease with flu, tonsillitis, SARS. Such a liquid has a good effect on people with cardiovascular diseases. This water is also good for people with diabetes. She also successfully helps fight obesity. You need to drink it a few glasses a day.


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