What flowers should be in the house? The most useful indoor plants

Even the most beautiful and modern house will seem empty and joyless without flowers. Green plants breathe life into it, make it more comfortable, that's why so many people are engaged in their cultivation. Mostly green pets are chosen for beauty and in accordance with personal preferences, but it is worth noting that many of them are able to beneficially affect human health, kill harmful microbes, and purify the air of various chemicals. What flowers should be in the house depends on personal needs. There are plants that remove electromagnetic radiation from technology, there are those that feel good in the kitchen, and some are able to calm nerves.

what flowers should be in the house
What house plants should be in the house? Of course, those that absorb substances harmful to humans and have a beneficial effect on their physical and psychological state. The record holder for carbon dioxide absorption is English ivy. The only problem is that this plant is quite whimsical to care for, but it perfectly cleans the air of toxins, salts of heavy metals and formaldehydes. Ivy is simply necessary for those people who work in the basement, live close to large highways and on lower floors.

In the list of what flowers should be in the house, pride of place is occupied by chamedorea, or bamboo palm. This unpretentious flower perfectly cleans the air and neutralizes the harm of electromagnetic radiation. The palm should be placed in a place where at least a few hours it will be exposed to sunlight. She does not need frequent watering and top dressing, is very hardy and practically does not get sick.

what house plants should be in the house
If you do not care what flowers should be in the house, and their appearance is very important, then you should pay attention to the proud aristocratic handsome spathiphyllum. This plant will do the most dirty work in the house: it will purify the air of household and industrial toxins, absorb the vapors of benzene, ammonia, alcohols, acetone. You can be the first to bring it into a new house, it will restore order after the repair and clean the air well, removing all chemicals.

Plants for home should not cause allergic reactions, adversely affect human health. These safe colors include ficus, it perfectly cleans and refreshes the air, so it is placed in children's bedrooms, cabinets. Another very important plant is the palm of the Lady. It not only purifies the air, but also fills it with useful salts that have a beneficial effect on humans. If you are interested in the question of what flowers should be in the house of people suffering from heart and bronchopulmonary diseases, then this palm tree is definitely the right choice. She is also recommended to be placed in the offices of bosses, so that they are less nervous.

plants for home
Improves health, relieves irritation and anger of geraniums. This flower is recommended to be kept in the bedroom, as it helps with insomnia and stress. It repays aggression, kills negative energy, protecting the owners of the house from it. Almost all indoor flowers are useful in their own way. Choosing the strongest of them, you protect yourself from the negative effects of harmful substances and maintain your health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15007/

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