Ecology Quotes: Save Nature

Man, not without reason, considers himself the full sovereign of his planet, the true "crown of creation." However, such self-confidence does not always play into the hands. After all, man himself is a product of nature. And therefore, one way or another, it is necessary to reckon with it. In addition, the “crown of creation" always means perfection, an ideal. However, it is impossible to be perfect, following only the wishes of your desires, fulfilling all your whims at the expense of Mother Nature. What do the greatest minds of humanity think about this?

about ecology quotes

Destructive actions of man

A famous quote about the ecology of the outstanding domestic scientist V. I. Vernadsky. He said: "A huge mistake was made by man in that he separated himself from the laws of nature and ceased to reckon with them." For example, everyone knows the phenomenon of global warming. One of the most common hypotheses about its occurrence is the hypothesis that it is a consequence of human activity.

The enormous rate of changes occurring in nature occurs due to the increasingly intense activity of man. Factories, factories, exhaust gases - all this leads to the so-called "greenhouse effect". The atmosphere is becoming more polluted. Scientists have long been sounding the alarm about the increase in temperature of the inner atmospheric layers - after all, this is a direct argument that the cause of warming is the destructive activity of man.

quotes about ecology and nature

Mother Nature

Russian poet M. Yu. Lermontov owns another quote about ecology: "Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we unwittingly become children." This statement once again reminds people of their origin: man is the brainchild of nature. And the great Russian poet expressed himself precisely. Without nature, a man becomes orphaned - he will have nowhere to seek refuge. Our planet is the only place in the entire investigated Universe where there are necessary conditions for human life.

The mighty forces of nature

The Russian writer A. I. Herzen owns a good quote about ecology and nature: “Grandiose things are done with grandiose means. One nature makes a great gift. "These words once again confirm how majestic the forces of nature are. In a few hours, a hurricane can sweep away everything that people built for decades. In an instant, a person can lose the most precious gift of nature - his own life. Nature truly majestic and severe. In order to create his creations - ships, cars, works of art, huge buildings - a person spends an incredible amount of energy. But nature creates its masterpieces easily: rivers and seas, mountains and ra It is worth remembering that man himself is a creation of nature.

quotes about the ecology of famous people

Conservation of nature is a common cause

The Russian literary critic K. L. Zelinsky has a fair quote about ecology: “Human behavior in nature is also a mirror of his soul.” Everyone loves to walk in the park or forest, breathe clean air, enjoy the pleasant landscapes. But sometimes the mood can be ruined by an unpleasant sight: bottles and wrappers are left behind the bush, and various rubbish is scattered here and there under the tree. At first the person is indignant, and then gives in to the thought: “What difference does it make if I throw this wrapper out or not. This will not change anything - they will litter here all the time. ” This belief is fatal to the purity of nature.

Of course, the efforts of one person will not solve global problems. But if everyone makes a small contribution to the conservation of nature, then perhaps people will be able to keep the planet clean for their descendants.

quotes about the ecology of great people

Quotes from famous people about the environment

The state in which the environment is located has always worried the great minds of the planet. After all, the future of everyone depends on it. Cicero warned: "The power of nature is great." And Charles-Louis Montesquieu said: "Nature always acts slowly and economically in its own way." Prominent people have never underestimated the power of natural forces.

Many quotes of great people about ecology have become textbooks. For example, Goethe said: “Nature is always right. Mistakes come from people. ” Indeed, every scientist can confirm how harmonious the laws of nature are. It is up to man to preserve the pristine nature. First of all, this is necessary for humanity itself.


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