Do-it-yourself waterproofing the floor of the bathroom under the tiles. Step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Waterproofing the bathroom floor is necessary due to the fact that the construction work in this room is the most difficult. It is almost constantly supported by high humidity and a large number of engineering systems are located. A container filled with water in this room provides additional load on the floor, which can lead to deformation of the floors.

Classification of materials for waterproofing the floor in the bathroom

Waterproofing the floor in the bath

Their range is quite wide. Despite this, the main differences between them are the difference in names and manufacturer.

According to the manufacturing and application technology, all materials under consideration are divided into the following types:

  1. Rolled (glued). Production is carried out from modified bitumen without the use of burners. The basis of the rolls is made of nonwoven materials. They are characterized by small stretchability, resistance to ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes. Compared to previous rolls of glassine and natural bitumen, the technology has improved significantly. Sealing a bathroom with a shower located in it takes place in a rather short period of time. Ceramic tiles, as the most popular facing material, can be laid on the same day that the bathroom floor was waterproofed.
  2. Painting (coating). These include similar materials having a liquid or thick consistency, made with the introduction of mainly polymers, due to which mechanical stability, ductility and tightness are ensured. They can be applied to the surface with a spatula, roller or brush. They include materials based on bitumen, but they have poorer performance characteristics compared to polymeric ones. Although for consumers with low incomes, the latter are preferable.
  3. Jellied (plaster). It has universal application. It is developed by adding polymer additives to cement mortars, forming a hydrobarrier during hardening. They are divided into single and two-component. Reliability and quality are high, as, in fact, is the price of waterproofing the floor in the bathroom with this material. It takes at least 24 hours to solidify (depending on the thickness of the fill and the incoming additives).

In addition, ruberoid, roofing and a mix of soil with concrete and liquid glass are isolated. The first of these materials have poor environmental properties and safety indicators.

The final price of the work is determined not only by the cost of the material, but also by the complexity.

The choice of waterproofing material

Materials for waterproofing the bathroom floor

The choice must be made, given the possibility of waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile. If a factory concrete slab is used in this room, the selection of material must be carried out based on its condition. With its flat surface, without the presence of cracks, a screed under the tile is not made. In this regard, roll waterproofing can be used. It is also used for dry concrete screed. In addition to them, dry coating materials are used. This is due to the fact that in such screeds there are many voids that are rather difficult to fill with a liquid. They are arranged to reduce the mass of the floor, reduce the cost of construction work and accelerate them.

Bulk concrete can be used in bathrooms, although it is better to use other bases.

The waterproofing of the wooden floor in the bathroom can be carried out by roll materials or liquid mastic, which do not have water in their composition.

Any insulating materials can be used under OSB boards, except for the latter.

The finish flooring in the bathroom is traditionally done with ceramic tiles.

Isolation from moisture of floors in a bathroom from OSB panels

Sealing joints for waterproofing the floor in the bath

Moisture-resistant panels are used, laid in an even layer with the use of a building level, taking into account the requirements of the relevant SNiPs. If there are gaps between the panels, they are filled with a plastic sealant that fits tightly to the edges applied to the entire thickness of the plates.

First, the OSB panels are cleaned with a broom or broom from dust, paying attention to the corners. Next, mix the mastic until homogeneous (at least 3 minutes). When mixing manually, it is carried out in several passes.

In order to improve adhesion, the plates are coated with a primer or mastic, brought to a liquid consistency and prepared in a ratio of 1: 4 with a solvent. They are applied from the wall opposite the entrance to the room. In the corners, a primer should be applied with a brush.

Next, sealing the joints of the floor and wall is performed. For a wooden house, these are the most important places, since increased humidity here will lead to the appearance of fungus. If you do not notice it in time, you will have to perform a complex of complex repair work. Sealing is carried out with a wide serpentine covered with mastic, at least three times. You can also use a special tape, which can be purchased at construction stores.

Sealing Angles

Pieces of the required length are cut from the tape. The waterproofing of one wall can be carried out not only by one, but also by several segments.

The floor and wall are smeared with mastic, the height of the strip should exceed the width of the tape by 2-3 cm. The same action is performed in relation to one of the sides of the tape, after which it is pressed by hand to the surfaces along the entire length.

A narrow trowel aligns the angle, while the side surfaces of the tape should be pressed as tightly as possible.

On the outside, the glued tape is covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Continued implementation of waterproofing OSB panels

On the seams between the plates paste a sickle, which as one of the sides has a self-adhesive. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the grid is located in the center of the seam.

A layer of mastic is applied to the plate. On the sickle at the junction of the floor and the wall there will be voids. The second layer of mastic eliminates them.

Currently used mastics with polymers are characterized by high performance properties. They are practically not erased, you can navigate through them without any fear. Therefore, without screed, after waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile, you can immediately start laying it.

Liquid and pasty insulating coatings

Liquid waterproofing the bathroom floor

A mixture of these materials is already ready for use after purchase. Liquid waterproofing the floor in the bathroom is done using a mackerel or wide brushes. If the mixture has a plasticine consistency, then they are distributed on the surface with a spatula with teeth.

Liquid mastics, the base material of which is bitumen, are applied in two layers located perpendicular to each other. The total thickness of the coating should be about 1-1.5 mm.

Screed is made on top of the liquid insulation.

Paste-like mastics can be made in 1-2 layers, and the thickness of each increases in the minimum calculation to 3 mm. When using it, the screed may not be performed. The coating is reinforced with a reinforcing mesh of PVC.

After applying each layer, you need to take a break for drying, which is determined in the relevant instructions.

Preparation for waterproofing wooden coatings

Do-it-yourself waterproofing the bathroom floor

It includes, first of all, a preliminary inspection of these structures. The waterproofing of the wooden floor in the bathroom provides for the application of antibacterial impregnation. If it is absent, the wood will quickly lose its properties, be affected by fungus or rot.

In old houses, you need to make sure that the structures related to the supporting ones remain intact. If problem areas are found, they must be replaced. Thus, the waterproofing of the bathroom floor in a wooden house should be carried out with a mandatory audit, which will save money from future repairs.

It is necessary to calculate the amount of necessary material, tools and strictly adhere to the instructions from the manufacturer. If there is the slightest doubt of sufficiency, it is better to increase the number of layers, which will increase the tightness and minimize the negative consequences of errors in the application technology.

Concept and preparation of bulk waterproofing

It belongs to the new generation of materials providing good protection of wooden structures from moisture. Bulk waterproofing is quite an expensive product, however, subject to application technology, almost 100% leakage protection is provided.

Preparation consists in checking the reliability of wooden structures. If there are fluctuations in the boards, they must be eliminated. If it is impossible to carry out such an action, the waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom must be done with other material, for example, rolled. If everything is in order, the surface of the boards is cleaned of dust (preferably with a vacuum cleaner). The cracks between the boards, passing through, are sealed with sealant.

The surface of the boards is primed. The fluids for such operations must be of high quality, since they must penetrate to a considerable depth in the lumber and provide its protection against moisture and adhesion to pouring.

In the corners, the soil is applied with a brush, and over the rest of the surface - with a roller.

The tape is glued around the entire perimeter. This action can be carried out using special mastics.

When preparing the composition of bulk waterproofing, you must adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. Water is poured into any wide container into which the dry mixture is poured. When used for mixing the mixer, the ingredients are combined in 2 divided doses. Between the first and second repetitions take a break for 10-15 minutes to ensure the release of air bubbles and start the polymerization reactions. With a second stirring, the mixer speed is reduced.

The finished composition is poured onto the floor. It should be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire area. The size of the original bay should be such that you can reach the site with your hand in order to align it.

A wide spatula with a comb level the surface, while the solution should be distributed as evenly as possible.

A day after this operation, you can start laying tiles. The waterproofing of the wooden floor in the bathroom under the tile when using this material potentially leads to the appearance of deflections in which cracks can form. As a rule, this is not critical, and the possibility of the appearance of water in these narrow places is very small.

Application of roll materials on the floor

Waterproofing the wooden floor in the bathroom

For wooden floors, this is ideal. The surface is prepared for laying ceramic tiles in a matter of hours.

As with other methods, the surface must first be prepared using dry cleaning.

For impregnation, mastics are applied to the base. The corners are treated with a brush, with the roller - the rest of the area. It is recommended to use bitumen-emulsion primers, since they do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, and by adhesion they have higher properties. In this case, the walls of the bathroom should be smeared to a height of 10 cm.

After it dries, they begin to lay waterproofing. The moment of the beginning is determined by applying a rag to the base - if there are no traces of mastic on it, then you can start the main work. The waterproofing membrane is laid after preparing the base.

Self-adhesive bitumen rolls along the wall. He needs time for tracking, during which the waterproofing is aligned. Then, with the help of a mounting knife, excess is removed.

After that, the roll is rolled from two opposite sides in the direction of each other. Start with the outermost wall. When gluing a roll on one side, there is a high probability that it will be laid at a certain angle. This will lead to the formation of folds, which will either have to remain, or the work will have to be redone. The appearance of the first can lead to leaks. Since alignment in the process of further waterproofing the floor in the bathroom with your own hands will not be possible, problems will arise with subsequent pieces of material.

There is a protective film on the roll, which is cut so as not to make through holes on it. After that, she takes it with her hands and reaches for herself, which will lead to the unwinding of the roll, laying with the glued side on the sexual base.

This operation is performed from two sides. The roll is additionally rolled with a rubber roller, which allows you to remove air pockets, and also increase the adhesion between the materials.

When rolling, the width of the lateral overlap should be at least 10, and the end - 15 cm. The second roll, located in the middle, is cut at the end and side at the same distances. Overlap sealing is increased by treatment with bituminous mastics or primer and rolled with effort by rollers.

Use of roll waterproofing in a vertical plane

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile

The completion of laying on the floor should be replaced by the beginning of that on the wall. The height to which sealing will be carried out is selected individually. In this case, you must take into account the zero mark of the tile on the floor. If the latter is laid before wall decoration, it is better to increase the height of the waterproofing placed on the wall.

For laying, pieces of roll are prepared, having a width of 20 cm. Half of them go to overlap, and half to the wall.

On a flat area, the material is bent along the corresponding line at the junction of the vertical and horizontal surfaces.

The width of the overlap and the lower part of the wall are smeared with mastic. A piece of roll is applied to the surfaces and pressed against the roller. The membrane must be locked in position without movement.

Waterproofing the floor under the bath in the case of pipes there is carried out by laying an additional layer of material. Patches are cut out, the floor around them is smeared with mastic and this component is glued to it. You can use liquid waterproofing.

After that, you can start laying tiles on the floor.

Underfloor insulation

The main function, like any other similar operation, is protection against high humidity. In addition, waterproofing the underfloor heating in the bathroom acts as an anti-corrosion barrier for pipes and mats of the heating system. Here you can apply:

  • coating agents;
  • roll materials;
  • their combination (processing with mastic produces overlays of adhesive waterproofing).

Liquid based material may also be used. In any case, a cement-sand screed is used here.


The need for waterproofing the floor in the bathroom is due to the fact that you need to protect the floor from leaking water, which can cause a lot of trouble for the owner of the room. This may be due not only to the fact that you need to repair your apartment, but you can fill in the neighbors, and then they will have to pay for the implementation of this operation. In addition, the hydrobarrier prevents the formation of various fungi and, above all, harmful mold, as well as the reproduction of other pathogenic microflora. The main materials used for waterproofing the floor in the bathroom are rolled, glued and stucco. They also use liquid products, the main one of which is the bulk variety today.


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