Traditional dwellings of the peoples of the world (photo)

Man's home is a pure reflection of nature. Initially, the shape of the house emerges from an organic feeling. It has an internal need, like bird nests, a bee hive or a mollusk shell. Each feature of the forms of existence and customs, family and marriage life, in addition, the tribal routine - all this is reflected in the main rooms and the plan of the house - in the upper room, canopy, atrium, megaron, kemenate, courtyard, gynecoe.

dwellings of the peoples of the world

There are 16 geographical and historical-cultural provinces: East European, West Central European, Central Asian-Kazakhstan, Caucasian, Central Asian, Siberian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, South West Asian, South Asian, African tropical, North African, Latin American, Latin American . At the same time, each of them has its own types of houses. In this article we will consider the national dwellings of the peoples of the world.

Eastern European Province

It includes the following areas: northern and central, Volga-Kama, Baltic, southwest. It is worth noting that in the north, household and residential premises were built under a common roof. In the south, there were often large villages, with farm buildings located separately. In those places where there was not enough forest, wooden and stone walls were coated with clay, and then whitewashed. In such buildings, the furnace has always been the center of the interior.

West Central European Province

It is divided into areas: the Atlantic, North European, Mediterranean and Central European. Considering the dwellings of the peoples of the world, we can say that in this province rural settlements have different layouts (circular, cumulus, scattered, ordinary) and consist of rectangular buildings. Fachwerk (frame houses) prevail in central Europe, log houses in the north, brick and stone in the south. In some areas, household and residential premises are under a common roof, and in the second, they are built separately.

dwellings of different nations of the world

Central Asian-Kazakhstani province

This province occupies the plains in the eastern part of the Caspian Sea, high mountain systems and deserts of the Pamirs and Tien Shan. It is divided into regions: Turkmenistan (south-west), Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (south-east), Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan (north). Such traditional dwellings of the peoples of the world here are rectangular adobe buildings with a flat roof in the south, in the mountains are frame houses, and for semi-nomads and nomads there are round yurts with felt covering and trellised skeleton. In the north, the houses were influenced by immigrants from Russia.

Caucasus province

This province is located between the Caspian and Black Seas in the southern part of the East European Plain. It covers various landscapes of the mountain systems of the Caucasus, mountain plains and foothills, is divided into 2 regions: Caucasian and North Caucasian. Such dwellings of the peoples of the world, pictures with images of which can be seen in this article, are very diverse - from stone fortresses and tower houses to turret (wattle) half-dugouts and structures; in Azerbaijan - adobe one-story dwellings with a completely flat roof, entrance and windows to the courtyard; in the eastern part of Georgia, these are 2-storey houses made of wood and stone with balconies, a gable or flat roof.

Siberian province

It is located in the northern part of Asia and occupies the space of taiga, dry steppes and tundra from the Pacific Ocean to the Urals. In the settlements, rectangular log houses with a gable roof prevail , in the northern part - dugouts, plague, yaranga - in the northeast, multi-angle yurt - by cattle breeders in the south.

national dwellings of the peoples of the world

Central Asian province

The province occupies deserts located in the temperate zone (Takla-Makan, Gobi). It is worth noting that the homes of the peoples of the world are very diverse. In this place they are represented by round yurts (among the Turks and Mongols), as well as woolen tents of the Tibetans. Uighurs, part of the Tibetans, as well as izu dominate houses with walls of ashlar or adobe brick.

East Asian province

This region occupies the peninsula of Korea, the plains of China, as well as the Japanese islands. The houses here are frame-and-pillar with clay filling, with a flat gable or flat roof, which other traditional dwellings of the peoples of the world cannot boast of. Pile structures predominate in the southern part of the province, and heated stove benches prevail in the northern part.

Southeast Asian province

These are the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia, as well as the Indochina Peninsula. It includes the following areas: East Indochinese, East Indonesian, West Indochinese, West Indonesian, Filipino. Dwellings of different peoples of the world are represented by pile structures with high roofs and light walls.

dwellings of the peoples of the world pictures

South Asian province

It includes the highlands of the Deccan, Ganges and Indus valleys, in the northern part - the Himalayan mountains, in the western part - arid areas and low mountains, in the eastern part - Birman-Assam mountains, in the southern - the island of Sri Lanka. All kinds of dwellings of the peoples of the world, photos of which can be seen in this article, today cause great interest of historians. It is mainly a street plan settlement; most often you can find brick or adobe 2- and 3-chamber houses, with a high or flat roof. Also there are frame-pillar buildings. Several floors of stone are in the mountains, and the nomads have interesting woolen tents.

Dwellings: North African Province

It occupies the Mediterranean coast, the arid subtropical zone of the Sahara, in addition, oases from the Maghreb to Egypt. The following areas are distinguished: Maghrib, Egypt, Sudan. Settled farmers have large settlements with very erratic buildings. In their center is a mosque, a market square. The houses are square or rectangular of mud brick, stone, adobe, with a patio and flat roof. Nomads live in black woolen tents. The division of the home is preserved into male and female halves.

traditional dwellings of the peoples of the world

Dwellings of the Peoples of the World: Southwest Asian Province

This province occupies mountains with oases and arid highlands in deserts and river valleys. It is subdivided into Iranian-Afghan, Asia Minor, Arabian, Mesopotamian-Syrian historical and cultural areas. Rural settlements are mostly large, with a central market square, houses are rectangular of adobe bricks, stone or adobe with a courtyard and a flat roof. The interior includes nightmares, carpets, mats.

North American province

It includes taiga and the Arctic tundra, Alaska, prairies and temperate forests, as well as subtropics on the Atlantic coast. The following areas are distinguished: Canadian, Arctic, North American. Prior to European colonization, only Indian and Eskimo (in the north) peoples lived in this place . The main types of houses are slightly different from each other, which depends on the areas where people live. For immigrants, housing traditions are similar in many respects to European ones.

African tropical province

It includes the equatorial regions of Africa with dry and wet savannahs, tropical forests. Areas are distinguished: West Central, West African, East African, tropical, Madagascar island, South African. Rural settlements are scattered or compact, consisting of small frame-pillar dwellings with a round or rectangular layout. They are surrounded by various outbuildings. Sometimes the walls are decorated with painted or embossed ornaments.

Dwellings of the peoples of the world photo

Latin American Province

It occupies all of Central and South America. Areas are distinguished: Mesoamerican, Caribbean, Amazonian, Andean, Fire Land, Pampass. Local residents are characterized by rectangular, single-chamber dwellings made of reed, wood and adobes, with a high 2- or 4-pitched roof.


It consists of 3 areas: Polynesia (Polynesians and Maori), Micronesia and Melanesia (Melanesians and Papuans). Houses in New Guinea are pile, land, rectangular, and in Oceania they are frame-pillar with a gable high roof of palm leaves.

dwellings of the peoples of the world

Australian province

It occupies the island of Tasmania and Australia. Aboriginal dwellings of these places are canopies, wind screens, huts.


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