How to quickly teach a child to read?

As a rule, children who cannot read are not admitted to a good school. A child can begin to learn reading in kindergarten, but, most often, such classes begin only in older groups and are not systematic. In addition, the process of reading education in kindergarten is usually perceived by the child as a boring compulsory lesson. An ordinary kindergarten will not be able to instill a child with a love of reading. If you do not have the opportunity to send your child to an elite kindergarten or to special educational courses for preschoolers, you will have to independently train your baby to make letters from words. How can a child be taught to read?

There are many reading teaching methods. Nowadays, a variety of letter cubes, different versions of the magnetic alphabet and colorful alphabet letters have been released. All this will help the baby to master this difficult skill as you and your grandmothers mastered it. First, the baby must learn the letters, based on the pictures in the primer or on the cube. When he remembers how each letter of the alphabet sounds, he is taught to compose syllables. And only then he begins to read the words, realizing the meaning of a certain sequence of letters. This method has been used by more than one generation, but it is quite difficult for the baby. The difficulty is not to learn the letters, but to learn how to turn soulless sounds into meaningful words. The kid stubbornly may not understand how, by reading the letters "m", "a", "m" and "a" in a row, you got his beloved mother.

Specialists have developed a faster method of teaching your baby to read.

All parents decide independently how to learn to read a child, based on their experience and the experience of their friends. Therefore, not everyone is ready to accept fundamentally new ways of teaching reading. However, you can teach a child much faster to read, if you start from the opposite: without studying the letters, go to the words.

Learning to read from the cradle in a new way. Showing the kid whole small words, we read them in their entirety, leading the letter with a finger of a peanut. We start with the words "Au" and "Wa", lingeringly chanting each letter. Then we move on to the more complex: “Ah,” “Ha,” “Am,” “Ma.” The main thing is to begin to get acquainted with the word, pronouncing each sound for a long time, and then each time reducing the sound. As a result, you should read this word quickly and clearly, so that the baby clearly understands what is at stake. The fingers of the baby should act on the principle of the piano: let him make a sound with you by clicking on him with his finger. Do not utter a sound without this pressing: the baby will quickly remember how each letter sounds. After these small words, you need to teach the child to read the real three-letter words: "Mal", "Poppy", "Soap", "Juice", "Son", "Dream" and so on. Then everything will go much easier. Gradually, the kid will learn all the Russian letters - no need to rush things. But at the same time, he will understand well what constitutes a reading process.

Using this method, you can teach your child to read in 2-3 years. However, if your little one is not interested in reading, do not insist. All the little ones develop in their own way. It may be too early for your baby to get acquainted with books, and you can very well wait another two or three years. Do not force your child to read. Reading should be an interesting game for him, in which he participates with his mom. Do not tire the child. Many child psychologists are sure that most children are ready to read only at 6-7 years old, and at an earlier age this seems too complicated for them.

Not all adults love to read. Perhaps this is due to the fact that since childhood they could not instill a love for this process. Or maybe they just closer calculations and calculations. Therefore, do not be upset if your child does not show a penchant for reading. To each his own. Love your child as he is, and do not strive to make him a child prodigy.


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