Gender of a puppy how to determine? Different definition methods

A puppy has appeared in your house. One of the first questions asked by relatives and friends who learned about this pleasant event: a boy or a girl? For people who have ever had dogs, there will be no problems with the answer to this question, they are able at a glance to determine the animal's male or female gender. However, for those who suddenly had a fluffy baby or the dog brought the first offspring, it is very important to learn to distinguish the gender of the puppy. How to determine who you have: a boy or a girl? Only after learning the answer to this question, you can take the very first and one of the most important decisions: what exactly will be the name of the puppy.

puppy gender how to determine


Oddly enough, there are frequent cases when, say, Jack or Cupid appears in the house, and after a certain time puppies are born from him. In this situation, it is difficult not to guess that the dog turned out to be of the wrong sex, however, the confusion and, most often, the affliction of the owners may be too strong. In order to avoid such incidents, it is important to know the gender of the puppy. How to determine who you brought to the house? If there is no experience in this matter, you can count on a breeder who sells a puppy, or if it is impossible for various reasons, go to the veterinarian: he will certainly be able to help in this problem. In addition, he will make the necessary inspection and give recommendations on the timing of vaccinations and the basic rules of keeping the animal.

Sex determination

If you choose an animal from another city, sometimes knowing how to determine the gender of a puppy, a photo of which was found on the nursery’s website, is useful. There is nothing complicated in this. If the animal’s tummy is visible, with very little experience you can easily distinguish boys from girls and vice versa. When acquiring thoroughbred animals, sex is very important, because bitches are more expensive, since in the future, with proper breeding, care and upbringing, they can bring their owner a good income.

how to determine the gender of a puppy


Many inexperienced owners believe that they will never understand how to determine the gender of a newborn puppy. But they are completely wrong: to do this is no more difficult than in adult animals. In a sense, it’s even easier, because if the house has a newborn, then there is his mother. In this situation, you can simply turn it over and compare its genitals with the organs of the cubs. Female puppies will only differ in size. If the appearance is completely different, this is a male.

However, if it is possible to compare animals of any age, but of different sexes, the question is solved by itself. In dogs, even the smallest ones, covered with a thick coat of hair, gender differences are so obvious that it seems surprising how one could doubt earlier whether the puppy belonged to a particular sex.

how to determine the gender of a puppy photo

Puppies grow up

If you know how to determine the sex of the puppy (1 month of life), then with more adult animals there will be no problems. Unless it becomes easier. After all, the older the dog, the more obvious becomes its gender. For example, adult males when urinating raise their hind paw on bushes, poles, car wheels, corners of houses and other objects - a great way to determine sex remotely. In addition, looking at the adult male from behind, you can see seed bags - testicles, the presence of which leaves no doubt about what gender the dog is in front of you.

how to determine the gender of the puppy 1 month

Instruction manual

In order to know exactly how to determine the sex of the puppy (2 months or any other age), you should conduct a small test. For this baby, you need to put it up in your tummy or just keep it in an upright position, with your back facing away. Closely look at the space between the hind legs and stomach. The male organ is located almost on the abdomen, while the female organ is located near the anus. Outwardly, the female “detail” resembles a heart or a triangle. If you hold the organs with your hand, it will seem that in the male it is as if there is a bone, while the female will be completely soft.

In addition, there is an easier way to find out the gender of the puppy. How to determine a boy in front of you or a girl? It’s enough just to stroke the dog’s belly: if “hindrance” is felt at hand, most likely this is the penis - the sexual organ of male dogs. However, a completely inexperienced owner of the animal can take for a penis the navel of a small puppy that has not yet fallen away. To eliminate this kind of confusion, you should repeat the manipulations after a few days: if it is a belly button, then it will already have time to change its shape, becoming flatter. In addition, it is close to the ribs, much closer than the genitals.

Taking advantage of the fact that you have already begun to study the baby, you should carefully examine all the other parts of the body: whether there are inflammations, wounds, bites, redness, and everything else. It is worth counting the fingers on the paws: sometimes it happens that puppies with six fingers are born. In this case, it is best to take the animal to the doctor as soon as possible to remove the excess. If something in the appearance of the pet, in its skin seems wrong, unhealthy or painful, you should consult a specialist. He will be able to completely exclude diseases or help in their treatment.

how to determine the gender of a newborn puppy


Knowing how to determine the sex of the puppy is important for the further health of the animal. For example, if you do not know that you have a male, you can miss the moment when the testicles should become visible. In some individuals, they do not appear on their own, which can lead to infertility of the animal. If this is exactly what happens, the intervention of a veterinarian is mandatory. He will be able to determine whether it makes sense to wait or whether surgery is needed.

If you don’t know that there is a female dog in your house, you can completely unexpectedly and unexpectedly become the owner of several newborn puppies. Yes, and for heat, it is also better to prepare in advance to provide the animal with the necessary hygiene and protect furniture from contamination.

how to determine the gender of a puppy 2 months

Children's way

Such a simple, but very "human" way, perhaps, is used by all children. Many inexperienced adults also resort to this method. However, even very experienced dog breeders sometimes use this method in order to find out the gender of the puppy. How to determine who is in front of you using the children's method? Very easy: you just need to look at the face of the animal. A neat, small “face” will be the girl’s belongings. Massive head, large features betray the boy.

Of course, this method cannot be considered accurate. It can not be used in situations where it is important to know the gender exactly. It can be useful only in order to “give oneself” a nickname for a dog from a neighboring yard, to be able to answer a child’s question in other similar cases. You can get into the bullseye either by chance, or having a very extensive experience in communicating with animals.


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