Vertical waterproofing of the foundation: types, execution technology, materials, advantages and disadvantages

The article will focus on vertical waterproofing of the foundation with rolled materials and coating materials, will also briefly talk about horizontal insulation, since it is no less important. Water is able to destroy any building structures of a building, renders them completely unusable, and significantly reduces the operational life. And especially this moment is relevant for the underground parts of houses that are exposed to several types of loads simultaneously - the mass of the building, moisture.

Outside the structure is influenced by other destructive factors - rain and melt water, while in the soil of the building groundwater causes a lot of trouble. It is worth noting that the level of location of these waters may vary, it depends entirely on the season. The method of waterproofing for the foundation of the structure depends on its type and manufacturing method (on the device of tape, poles, slabs, piles).

How moisture affects the foundation

There are several ways in which water leads to the destruction of a concrete base. Oddly enough, but concrete is a material that can withstand multi-ton loads. But a prolonged exposure to water, not a single stone, unfortunately, can not withstand. How exposure to water leads to destruction:

  1. Particles are washed out of the structure, irregularities and bumps begin to form due to the chemical composition of ground or rain water. It should be noted that rainwater may contain a large amount of impurities that have a detrimental effect on concrete.
  2. Water enters the foundation body, freezes at a negative temperature, this leads to the fact that the concrete is destroyed. Water is the only substance in nature that expands when frozen, its volume does not decrease. As soon as the liquid enters the capillaries, it acts on the material from the inside, cracks and crevices begin to form.

For these reasons, vertical waterproofing of the strip foundation, as well as columnar, is very important.

Moisture protection by location

In general, there are three types of waterproofing:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal
  3. The blind area is one of the types of hydrobarrier.

Depending on what type of base is used, you can apply either one or several waterproofing options. It is worth noting that it is necessary to strictly follow the technological map of vertical waterproofing of the foundation and horizontal. In this case, you will be able to increase the maximum isolation resource.

From which to perform vertical waterproofing of foundations

Horizontal is necessary in order to prevent the penetration of water between different levels of the structure. Waterproofing is carried out with various materials, can be mounted on any foundation - on a tape, slab, pile, columnar. Of course, the way of laying the material will be slightly different.

Vertical waterproofing of the foundation with roll materials is the same as coating. It is necessary in order to prevent groundwater from entering the base structure. In this case, water will not be able to affect concrete. But it should be noted the fact that not for all types of substrates vertical waterproofing is done. It is needed only for the columnar supports of the structure and the tape. As for horizontal protection, it is necessarily carried out in the arrangement of all types of foundations.

Using the blind area, it turns out to protect the base from ingress of melt and rain water. The most important thing when installing the blind area is to choose its width correctly, since if you make it too small, then the moisture will be removed to a small distance and easily reach the base. Such protection will allow to remove a significant part of the load from the remaining waterproofing layers, therefore, the resource of the latter will increase.

Horizontal and vertical insulation

Waterproofing the foundation can be done using various means. It is necessary to separately consider horizontal and vertical views, as well as the construction of the blind area. It is worth noting that the materials in all cases differ, and very much. There are a lot of ways of vertical waterproofing the foundation, but they are all very similar to each other. The ruined part of the structure is protected by horizontal or vertical waterproofing.

Vertical waterproofing of the foundation snip

Therefore, it is necessary to use various materials for such insulation methods:

  • Smear.
  • Okay.
  • Plastering.
  • Mounted insulation.
  • Injection
  • Penetrating.
  • As well as structural, which is an additive for concrete.

Next, all types of materials will be examined in order to know from which to perform vertical waterproofing of foundations and horizontal. Only knowing all the parameters of these materials, you can choose the most suitable for a particular case.

Wormy materials

Such protection of the structure is carried out by compositions based on bitumen. Typically, these materials are sold in rolls. It is also allowed to use glued or surfaced material. Surfacing type implies that the material has an adhesive composition that heats during installation, which ensures reliable contact with the surface.

The peculiarity of the vertical waterproofing of the Planter foundation is that it is carried out according to this technology. In order to fix insulating material without glue on the surface, you will need to use bitumen-based mastic. This is a kind of connecting substance that will help to carry out the installation. You can distinguish such pasting materials:

  1. Outdated material that has not been used in construction for a long time. This is only, has a very low cost, but its reliability is extremely low. That is why vertical waterproofing of the strip foundation is not carried out with such material.
  2. Pergamine is a thick thick cardboard impregnated with bitumen. As for reliability, it is very low, this material will not last long, but since it has a low cost, you will significantly save on waterproofing work.
  3. Among the rolled types of insulation, there is one leader - this is roofing material. Firstly, it has a very affordable price. Secondly, the resource is relatively large when compared with the above materials. Of course, in comparison with more modern materials, ruberoid loses by its service life.
  4. Polymer-based materials impregnated with bitumen. They are usually made of polyester or fiberglass. Such waterproofing compounds are very reliable, they will last quite a long time, however, you will have to pay a large sum for such pleasure.
Vertical foundation waterproofing methods

According to SNiP, vertical waterproofing of the foundation should be carried out with just such materials. If you close your eyes to the cost of polymer waterproofing, you can see that she has a very high resource. Therefore, you will very rarely make repairs. The advantages of the pasting method are that it can be carried out on any type of surface:

  1. Tree.
  2. Metal.
  3. Concrete.
  4. Asphalt Concrete.
  5. Old waterproofing.

Coating type insulation

Often, waterproofing the foundation is performed using a variety of mastics based on bitumen. It is worth noting that the vertical coating waterproofing of the foundation has earned popularity among builders, as it provides reliable protection against moisture. In order to protect the buried part of the building, as well as the walls of the house, one- and two-component compositions are used. On sale today you can find not only bitumen, but also more modern and reliable options:

  1. Resins based on polymers.
  2. Resins based on bitumen and polymers.
  3. Mastics based on bitumen and rubber.

If we compare the compositions with simple bitumen, which is cracked at very low temperatures, such mixtures, in which there are a lot of additional additives, are resistant to cold.

Vertical waterproofing of the strip foundation

But they have one drawback - this is the cost, so not everyone can afford to purchase such materials. The regular mastic made on a bitumen basis will be cheaper. And the device of vertical waterproofing the foundation will be the same, only the cost will decrease several times. But polymer mixtures are best used to protect the structure of the structure, if groundwater is located very close to the surface.

Penetrating type of waterproofing

Thanks to this type of waterproofing, you completely prevent water from entering the concrete structure. In this case, you can significantly increase the strength of the outer layer of the foundation. When carrying out waterproofing work on a strip foundation in this way, an additional gluing or coating layer is often used. When waterproofing the vertical walls of the foundation, the average penetration depth of the compounds inside the concrete is up to 25 cm.

But there are also such materials that penetrate the concrete structure almost 1 m. It is also worth noting that this method can only be used on concrete substrates. On brick or stone foundations, they will be completely useless. The most popular and common formulations that are used with this processing method are Penetron, Peneplag, Penekrit, and Hydrochit.

Vertical waterproofing foundation photo

These are the most affordable and common materials for vertical waterproofing of the foundation. The essence of the technology of protecting the foundation and walls of the structure in this way implies that the foundation will be thoroughly cleaned, degreased, leveled. That is why this method of waterproofing is best used exclusively in the construction of new buildings.

Plastering, painting and injection insulation

It should be noted that the waterproofing of the foundation using plaster and paint coatings cannot be distinguished by high reliability and durability. It is best to give preference to other options for protecting the walls and foundation of the house. The maximum life of paint and plaster insulation is about 5 years. After that, it is necessary to carry out major repairs.

As for injection insulation, this option will be ideal when repairing the foundation of a house that has already been commissioned. Such technology may allow protection of the foundation without soil work. To do this, injectors are introduced directly to the supports, which deliver a substance that insulates from moisture. Such materials can be used as raw materials:

  1. A variety of resins.
  2. Rubber.
  3. Foam.
  4. Acrylate gel.
  5. Compositions based on polymers.
  6. Mixtures containing cement.

Mounted Insulation

This method will allow you to very effectively deal with problems if the groundwater level is too high, and also if they have a very high head. As a rule, it is used in the manufacture of strip foundations, if you need to protect the basement.

To make such a design of vertical waterproofing the foundation with your own hands is quite difficult. It should be noted that the steel caisson is the most reliable version of the mounted type. Moreover, the entire structure of the floor and walls of the basement is covered from the inside with sheets of steel, the thickness of which is 4-6 mm. The cost of such waterproofing is very high, so it is rarely used in practice.

Vertical waterproofing the foundation with roll materials

Brick walls are sometimes built around the outer part, as a rule, an adhesive or coating option for waterproofing is used along with this. At the same time, masonry rather protects the waterproofing layer from mechanical stress than from water.

How to make a blind area

Is it necessary to do vertical waterproofing of the foundation if there is a blind area around the house? Of course, it is necessary, since the blind area alone will not be able to completely protect the foundation of the house from moisture completely. In order to make a reliable and durable protection, you will need to move in three directions - mount the vertical and horizontal insulation, as well as the blind area around the foundation.

When conducting waterproofing work on the foundation, such materials are used for the manufacture of blind areas:

  1. Asphalt Concrete.
  2. Concrete.
  3. Paving slabs.
  4. Clay.
  5. Diffusion membrane.

The method of manufacturing the blind area will directly depend on what preferences the owner of the house, as well as on architectural features. And most importantly, the availability of the materials used. The cheapest option for the manufacture of the blind area will be laying of asphalt or concrete.

It is worth noting that such a blind area is not attractive, but it is able to protect the foundation of the structure without large investments of labor and money. You can actually save a significant amount on materials. It should also be noted that the blind area made of asphalt or concrete is very popular in the mass construction of multi-apartment buildings, as well as public and administrative buildings.

How to protect a strip foundation

A photo of the vertical waterproofing of the foundation can be considered in the article. You can see that each type of foundation under the building needs certain protection methods. For a tape base, one type of protection is suitable, for a columnar another. Therefore, it is recommended to study the features of the work in each case, as well as to assess their financial capabilities soundly. Not all options are low cost. The more reliable the materials, the more expensive they are.

Waterproofing of vertical walls of the foundation

Before doing waterproofing, it is necessary to determine what is needed in order to conduct a full range of work. It is worth noting that waterproofing work on strip foundations can be both prefabricated and monolithic. Both options will be presented briefly in the article so that you have an idea about them.

First, consider the features of the prefabricated structure. In order to exclude damage to the walls of the structure underground, as well as flooding the basement, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Arrange a reinforced seam between the basement slabs of the basement.
  2. Lay the roll materials between the blocks in the first seam. This is the seam below the basement floor.
  3. Mount the roll material at the junction of the supporting structure and the walls of the building.
  4. Waterproof the vertical walls of the foundation from the outside of the tape underground.
  5. Equip the blind area.

It is worth noting that at the joints of foundation slabs and concrete blocks it is forbidden to lay materials made on the basis of bitumen. This will cause the elements to begin to shift relative to each other. In this case, it is necessary to equip a thickened concrete seam. Foundation waterproofing is necessary so that the different humidity of the materials of the structural supports and walls does not lead to the fact that the entire structure will collapse. In order to perform horizontal isolation, it is necessary to use the usual methods discussed above.

As for vertical insulation, it is best done from the outside, as in this case you can not only protect the room, but also all the supporting structural elements. And during the construction of a new house, you can process the walls with both ordinary and gluing materials. All work inside must be carried out during the repair. In this case, it is advisable to use an injectable or penetrating waterproofing option.

They are most effective in carrying out this kind of work. Indeed, the repair of waterproofing at the commissioned facility is much more difficult to do than at the construction stage. It is for this reason that it is recommended initially to make high-quality and reliable waterproofing of the foundation, so as not to think about the need to repair it.

In the event that you need to waterproof the monolithic tape, do the following:

  1. Carry out vertical waterproofing first.
  2. Then, the waterproofing is installed along the edge of the base.
  3. Set up a blind area around the building.

The selection of materials is carried out in the same way as for the prefabricated structure.

Column and pile foundations

As for columnar and pile foundations, the protection against moisture in them is the most affordable and simple type. You only need to make waterproofing to trim the base.Perform vertical waterproofing of the foundation is not necessary. Its location directly depends on what materials the grillage is made of. As for the vertical waterproofing of the foundation of the pile or column type, it is carried out at the construction stage.

Vertical foundation waterproofing

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For small buildings (subject to low soil water saturation), a polyethylene film can be used. It can also be used in the construction of structures that are not of particular importance (for example, cabins, barns, awnings for basements, garages). In order to protect the plate from moisture, it is necessary to use penetrating compounds. During construction, you can find a fairly simple method - a solution of waterproofing material is introduced into concrete. After filling the slab, it is necessary to lay the rolled material in the places where the walls will be.


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