Mexican skull: what is the secret of popularity?

Mexico is a country that many travelers from around the world seek to visit. Mexico gives its guests the opportunity not only to fully relax on the magnificent beaches, but also to get acquainted with an interesting culture, ancient architectural monuments and unusual cuisine. Speaking of this country, many represent a colorful Mexican skull.

mexican skull

Cultural heritage

Mexican culture is very surprising for the first time foreigners come here. Images of skeletons and skulls haunt travelers everywhere. In souvenir shops, tourists are happy to demonstrate the symbols of death and offer to buy brightly colored skulls or materials with a pattern in the form of skulls as a keepsake.

Tourists are perplexed by skeleton mannequins in shops. Horrible figures associated with the end of life are present at all national holidays. To understand this, you need to study the historical past of the state. And only then can we understand what the Mexican skull means.

Cult of death

Before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Aztecs inhabited the country. Unlike the Europeans, the Aztecs did not have the theme of death under the strictest ban. The religion of this people told people in a slightly different way about the reasons that lead a personโ€™s soul to paradise.

According to the doctrine, only valiant warriors who died in battle, or women who died in childbirth, can find happiness after death. Everyone else, who had peacefully passed away from this life in old age, was waiting for a meeting with the god of the other world, Miktlantekuitli. He appeared before the deceased in a mask in the shape of a skull and determined his soul to be destroyed. Believing in this, the Aztecs loved this world even more and performed sacrifices, thereby trying to appease Her Majesty's death. Mexican skull culture is still being studied.

mexican skull meaning

Modern residents of Mexico revere death, come up with affectionate definitions for it:

  • Black mistress;
  • beloved;
  • Holy death;
  • bride.

Holiday of the dead

The merger of the Christian and pagan cultures was the feast of the Dead. At the time of the Aztecs, funeral rituals were held. There were two main ones:

  • Mikkailuitontli in honor of the dead children.
  • Socotuetzi, dedicated to the memory of the adult generation.

Then the territories were conquered by Catholics and brought their holiday - Memorial Day of the dead, which is celebrated on November 2, immediately after All Saints Day.

Gradually, these holidays were combined, and modern residents of Mexico celebrate the Day of the Dead for two whole days in early November. The Mexican skull is often used to create carnival souvenirs and costumes.

what does a mexican skull mean

Many believe that on November 1-2, the souls of deceased loved ones can visit the living. Mexicans come to the cemetery, bring gifts to the graves, talk with the souls of the deceased, remember the best moments of life. But these days there is no place for sadness and sorrow.
People arrange various entertainment events, turn to the Goddess of Death and ask her for happiness, health and ills of the enemies. Death for them is not the end of life.

The symbol of the Day of the Dead in Mexico is Calavera, which is Spanish for Mexican skull. Even children do not remain aloof from this holiday. They eat chocolate coffins and sugar skulls with pleasure.

Calavera Tattoos

Recently, tattoos with images of symbols of death are very popular. It can be:

  • crosses;
  • skulls;
  • snakes
  • crows.

Applying a tattoo on the body is not only another way of expressing respect to people who have left forever from this world, bowing to their memory, but also a symbol of courage and rebirth. That is why many people order a Mexican skull. The value of the picture is not terrible and terrifying.

mexican skull culture

Calavera - who is it?

But at the peak of popularity among tattoos is the symbol of the day of the dead - Calavera. The goddess of death is depicted as a girl with a skull instead of a head, flowers instead of eyes. The skull is decorated with amazing patterns in which floral motifs occupy not the last place.

Calavera tattoos are preferred in the chest, hips or shoulders. They also make two symmetrical tattoos at once, for example, on the arms and hips. Clothing manufacturers also often use her image. T-shirts and shirts with a skull in bright colors are especially loved by the younger generation. During the carnival, many girls apply a mask depicting the Queen of the Dead. In Mexico, this outfit is especially popular.

mexican skull

Day of the Dead is a tradition that originated in the country long before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. This is the most national and very unusual holiday in Mexico, the main attribute of which is the Mexican skull. He is loved not only by adults, but also by children. And many Mexicans are sure that if it did not exist, then it would definitely have to be invented.


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