Roofing materials: types and properties. Surfacing Roofing Materials

The roof protects the house from rain, frost and other negative environmental factors. To cover it today, it is customary to use different types of materials. It can be hard, soft, profile, flat, roll and piece solutions. Some of them are preferable to choose for cottages and country houses, others for urban buildings, while still others are most suitable for utility buildings. In order to make a choice, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with each roofing material individually.

Metal tile

roofing material

When considering roofing materials, you may prefer a metal tile, which is made of cold rolled steel with a thickness of 0.4 to 0.5 millimeters. Above the sheet is coated with zinc, which is protected by polymers. A protective varnish acts as the topmost layer. The finished product weighs very little, so one square meter can have a mass ranging from 3 to 5 kilograms. Installation work involves observing the lower permissible roof slope, which is 15 degrees. With slight deviations that do not exceed 20 degrees, it is necessary to thoroughly seal the joints between the sheets. Such roofing materials are laid with an overlap in length, which should be from 45 to 150 millimeters.

Positive features of metal

roofing materials

Buyers choose this covering material because of durability: the manufacturer emphasizes that it will be possible to operate it within 30-50 years. An acquisition of this kind can be considered quite profitable, since the buyer will have to pay from 7 to 15 dollars per square meter. Installation is simple enough, the surface after fixing copes with loads and impacts perfectly. When transporting, there is no need for a particularly careful attitude, which is also a definite plus.

Ondulin Characteristics

surfaced roofing materials

Considering roofing materials in the store, you may prefer ondulin, which attracts with low cost and environmental friendliness. It consists of sufficiently thin cellulose fibers, which are impregnated with bitumen and polymer additives during the production process. The second name is euro slate, as well as aqualen. In the conditions of the plant, the canvases are painted with polymer heat-resistant paint, which can be applied in one or two layers. Each sheet weighs within 6.5 kilograms, and also has waves with a height of 3.6 cm. When planning the amount of necessary material for work, you need to consider that the length of one canvas is 2 meters with a width of 0.96 cm. Considering the properties roofing materials of this type, you should pay attention to the installation technology. The minimum roof pitch for using ondulin is 6 degrees. If the slope does not exceed 10 degrees, then the crate is made continuous, while the longitudinal overlap should be 30 cm. When working with a slope of 10 to 15 degrees, it is important to equip the crate with a beam between which there will be a distance of 45 cm. If the roof has an angle , which exceeds 15 degrees, then there will be enough distance between the elements of the crate of 60 cm. For fixing, you should stock up with special nails.

Positive features of ondulin

roofing materials types and properties

If you choose roofing materials, the types and properties of it should be known to you. Thus, the life span of ondulin is 40 years. However, it should be noted that during operation the paint may lose its original brightness. For one sheet of coverage you have to pay $ 5. Perhaps you decide to choose ondulin as a roofing material after you find out that it has excellent water resistance, hygiene, resistance to chemicals, as well as the ability to endure loads whose mass does not exceed 960 kg per square meter. The light weight of the paintings provides ease of transportation and laying, and in the process of carrying out work there will be no difficulties with cutting. To do this, you can use a simple hacksaw designed for working with wood. Ondulin is quiet, which is important for private homes.

Negative characteristics of ondulin

properties of roofing materials

Before choosing the above material, it is worth paying attention to some negative features, as the main of them can be distinguished combustibility. The temperature limit is 110 degrees. After 3 years of operation, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that moss will form in areas of dimly lit places. In hot weather, do not plan to repair the ondulin coating, as it softens and exudes the smell of bitumen.

Surfacing Roofing Materials

roofing and waterproofing materials

Surfaced roofing materials are also known as glassisol, or hydroisol. Some manufacturers give their own names for this material, but the content does not change much from this. In the production process, fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester is used. The latter variety is high-quality, but has a high cost. Fiberglass also has quite good characteristics, while fiberglass is not too high quality. The base is poured with oxidized bitumen, in which a modifier is added for durability and elasticity. Styrene-butadiene-styrene or atactic polypropylene can act as the latter. After this, the polymer is set, and a sprinkling of sand, mica or small slate is placed on top.

Mounting Features

bituminous roofing materials

Surfaced roofing materials are laid with a slope that should not be less than 11 degrees. If you have to work with a solid base made of concrete, wood, flat slate or metal, then insulation is laid, and waterproofing is laid on top. The next step is the application of a primer or gasoline, which dissolves in bitumen. The roofing carpet is laid using a gas burner, it is necessary to start such work from below. The lateral and end overlap should have a width equal to 10 cm.

Advantages of surfaced materials

Surfaced roofing materials can last up to fifty years, they will have to pay no more than two dollars per square meter. During operation, it is practically not necessary to take care of the roof, it protects against noise, fire and moisture. Among the positive features can be identified environmental friendliness and absolute harmlessness. Consumers choose this material because of the significant weight.

Roofing material for roofing

If you decide to prefer bituminous roofing materials, then you can buy roofing material, which is a soft waterproofing canvas made on the basis of cardboard. The latter is impregnated with various additives and oil bitumen. It will be most convenient to stack it if you purchase the goods in the form of rolls. You can apply this coating on pitched and flat roofs. Among other things, it acts as a protection of foundations, upper or lower layers of the roof. In the market for relevant products, you can find a simple ruberoid, which is called glassine and euroroofing material.

If you will use roofing and waterproofing materials in your work , then you can prefer glassine, which is laid in three or four layers, which guarantees reliable service for 10 years. You can perform such manipulations manually. The surfaced roofing material, also called rubemast, is easy to install if compared with the above variety, while otherwise it has the same quality characteristics.

Membrane Flat Roofing

Considering roofing materials, the types and properties of which are described in the article, you can purchase a membrane flat roof, the thickness of which varies from 0.8 to 2 millimeters. It is not environmentally friendly, but it excellently protects from the effects of fire and ultraviolet radiation. It is possible to lay such roofing materials on the roof with any bias, this is due to the elasticity of the membranes.

You can fasten to the base in different ways, but the best of them is hot air welding. It is worth considering that for this kind of work you will need to use special equipment that you can rent.


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