Chinese shepherd dog. What kind of breed?

The German Shepherd is an animal that many have tried to "remake in its own way." For this, people crossed a wide variety of breeds. But the Chinese shepherd surpassed everyone. With her appearance, she really resembles a β€œGerman." True, a little squashed and rumpled. In a word, the dog is very exotic.

Chinese shepherd dog. A bit of history

So, everything in order. Chinese Shepherd Dog is a very interesting service breed. They began to withdraw it during the Cultural Revolution. Then, when many pure Chinese breeds began to fade.

The Chinese Shepherd Dog is also called Kunming Wolfdog. In honor of the provincial capital, in which it was withdrawn in the early 50s - the city of Kunming. At that time, ten German shepherds arrived from Beijing to Yunnan. They were crossed with local hybrids of dogs and wolves (wolfdogs or wolves). A little later, dogs were again sent from the GDR for selection. Wolfdogs were also selected in Guizhou, a neighboring province. The breed was officially recognized in 1988. She has become very popular.

chinese shepherd

general characteristics

Chinese Shepherd Dog - own breed of service dogs in this country. Although this dog looks like a "German", in many qualities it surpasses it. Animals are perfectly adapted to high mountain climate, low and cold temperatures. These dogs are ideal for training.


There are several varieties of these dogs. Sheepdogs with a black back are strong and tough, excellent guards and defenders. Straw yellow dogs are perfect for sports and tracking. Reassuring them is only quite difficult. Dogs of the β€œblack wolf” color are very active animals. They are suitable for any kind of service. Chinese red shepherd dogs are also used in the police and army. Dogs guard a variety of public events, look for explosives and drugs, participate in dog fights and other competitions. Many people have these animals as watchdogs in private homes.

chinese german shepherd

Intelligent and smart

Chinese Shepherd Dog is a dog with a very high learning ability. These are intelligent dogs, so to speak. Although they may be quite self-confident. Therefore, one can expect completely unpredictable behavior from them. Weak people or novice dog breeders, this breed is not recommended. To train such a dog you need a good instructor and experienced owner. In this case, a wonderful companion, guard and pet will grow out of the shepherd. The animal will get along well with your other four-legged friends and, most importantly, with children.


The Chinese German Shepherd is a dog with longer legs and square body proportions than the original, original breed. According to experts, the "Germans" were crossed with outbred individuals - a mixture of a dog and a wolf. All colors typical for German Shepherd dogs are acceptable for dogs of this breed. Although the color is also quite colorful.

Compared to their German counterparts, Chinese shepherds are much stronger. Although less elegant. They differ in average size and the most diverse temperament. Dogs have proven themselves to be excellent companions, stable in their psyche and quickly trained.

chinese red shepherd

In a word, if you need a reliable, faithful friend - think about acquiring a Chinese shepherd. You can be firmly convinced that you will never regret it. The obedient dog will surely appeal to your children as well. Toddler dogs simply adore. And they will never offend. The most important thing is to educate the shepherd correctly and to teach everything. In general, this breed will be a great option for home maintenance. The pet will delight you daily with his presence, to prove his devotion and love. Just do not forget that he needs not only a firm hand, but also your affection.


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