Best breeds of cats for children: photos and descriptions of breeds, maintenance and care, character

Many parents, sooner or later, think about buying a pet so that their younger heirs learn to take care of our smaller brothers. Some give birth to birds, the second to a fish, the third to a hamster, and the fourth to bring a kitten to the house. Taking such a responsible decision, it is important to consider the main features of a particular animal species, since not all of them are able to get along with babies. In today's article, the best breeds of cats for children will be considered.

Exotic Shorthair

Representatives of this breed have a very interesting appearance, immediately attracting general attention. Neat, rounded ears and a flattened muzzle with upturned nose make them look like teddy bears. In general, these are quite large animals, the weight of which can reach 7-8 kg. Under the squat body, covered with dense velvet wool, there are short powerful limbs with round and soft pads.

cat breeds

Those who want to find out which breed of cats is best for children can be advised to take a closer look at exotics. They are very playful, inquisitive and like kids. These animals are endowed with a soft and flexible character and are able to subtly capture the mood of their owners. They are extremely calm, patient and not aggressive. Therefore, with excessive attention from the children, they will not use their claws, but simply hide in a secluded corner. Care for short-haired exotics comes down to regular combing of their plush coat, clipping of nails and daily rubbing of the eyes with a cloth moistened with warm boiled water.

Cornish Rex

Those who want to choose the best breed of cats for children can be advised to pay attention to these unusual animals with beautiful curly hair. They are medium in size and have a slightly stretched, very flexible and elegant body. The back of the Cornish Rex, which stands in a natural position, forms a smoothly curving arc. But the main distinctive feature of the representatives of this breed is the complete absence of core hair. It is replaced by undercoat lying on the body in smooth waves.

which breed of cats is best for children

Cornish Rex is a very inventive and active creature, maintaining spontaneity to a very old age. Therefore, they lead to indescribable delight both large and small cat lovers. These animals do not tolerate loneliness and will not tolerate neglect. They will not refuse to play with children and will never show aggression. Caring for Cornish Rex comes down to protecting them from dampness and drafts, as well as to systematic, but very neat combing of curly hair.

Persian cat

This is one of the most popular and ancient breeds. It is easily recognizable by the snub-nosed flattened muzzle, bulging round eyes and a luxurious long fur coat. A compact squat Persian body stably holds on to massive short limbs. Despite the rather wide chest and developed muscles, this animal does not make the impression of a heavyweight.

the best breed of cats for children

Persians are one of the best cat breeds for families with children. They are distinguished by a good-natured and very trusting character. These calm and affectionate creatures quickly become attached to their masters and extremely rarely release their claws. Despite their natural laziness, they will never give up active games and running around for a groovy mouse. Care for them comes down to daily rubbing of the eyes and regular combing of luxurious hair. Therefore, it can be safely transferred to older children in order to teach them how to care.

Canadian Sphinx

Those who are looking for the best cat breed for a family with allergic children can take a look at these unusual bald creatures. An elongated head with developed cheekbones, expressive eyes and huge ears gives them a resemblance to fairy elves. Completes the unusual appearance of the Canadian Sphinx hairless harmonious body, covered with dense folded skin.

These unique bald animals are endowed with a loving, even and rather calm disposition. However, they are very curious and smart. Canadian sphinxes easily learn simple teams and quickly become attached to their masters. They are moderately active, completely non-conflict and playful. Therefore, they are often brought up by families in which the kids grow up. Caring for these neat, picky animals doesn't take too much time. It comes down to protecting the sphinxes from drafts and regularly wiping their skin with a soft, damp cloth.

American shorthair

Due to their presentable appearance, these animals have repeatedly appeared in commercials for cat food. They differ in relatively large sizes and can weigh up to 8.5 kg. Moreover, the mass of males significantly exceeds the dimensions of the females. On a large, full-cheeked head with a slightly sloping forehead, small ears and expressive eyes are located. The heavy body of these handsome men is covered with soft silky fur.

name of cats for children

American Shorthair is rightfully considered one of the best cat breeds for children. She is endowed with a friendly and completely non-conflict disposition, making her an ideal pet. This cat loves water, never refuses to participate in active games and rarely uses its claws. Caring for the American Shorthair is so simple that any teenager can handle it without any problems. It consists in infrequent, but regular combing of a soft coat and rubbing the eyes and ears.


These fluffy immigrants from America will surely attract the attention of people choosing the best breed of cats for children from descriptions and photos. The name of these animals translates as โ€œrag dollโ€ and fully reflects their ability to completely relax in the ownerโ€™s hands. Ragdolls are attractive animals with a small cheeky head, slanting blue eyes, and rounded ears tilted forward. The strong muscular body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with long silky hair, forming a chic frill.

best cat breeds for the family

Ragdolls are affectionate, good-natured and very cute creatures. They quickly adapt to changing circumstances and need constant communication with people. They are completely non-aggressive and love to play with children. Ragdoll care comes down to combing six times a week and regularly cutting claws.


Those who are looking for the best breed of cats for children with an active temperament should consider buying this graceful animal. Abyssinians do not differ in large sizes, which means that they are suitable for maintenance in urban apartments. The average weight of representatives of this breed varies between 4-7 kg, and the growth is 25-30 cm at the withers. The proportional wedge-shaped head has large, forward-looking ears and beautiful yellow or green eyes. A graceful, moderately stretched body is covered with smooth, tight-fitting hair.

best cat breeds for families with children

Abyssinians are endowed with a conflict-free and accommodating disposition. They are completely non-aggressive and supportive of children. These animals are very playful and active. They do not require complicated care, so even a schoolboy can look after them.

British Shorthair

Parents who have not yet decided on the best breed of cats for children may like these colorful immigrants from England. They have a memorable appearance and give the impression of calm, unperturbed animals. A distinctive feature of the British Shorthair is a round head with expressive eyes and a soft plush fur coat.

cat breed reviews

In addition to such an appearance, these animals have a calm and complaisant character. They will not refuse to play with children, but will not tolerate familiarities. Unobtrusive, balanced and silent Britons are ideally suited for the role of the pet of the family in which schoolchildren are brought up. A child of this age is already able to independently take care of his four-legged pet and will not squeeze it without unnecessary need.

Reviews of the best cat breeds for children

Families that contain the animals discussed above assure that these pets perfectly meet all the requirements of their parents. They are very clean, unpretentious and easily adapt to housing conditions. At the same time, each of these breeds is endowed with a soft, flexible and friendly disposition. All of them get along well with children and do not require complicated care. Therefore, the purchase of any of these kittens will be an excellent occasion to teach children how to take care of those who cannot service themselves and need outside care.


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