Japanese chrysanthemum: description, features of growing and reproduction, photo

For several centuries, Japanese chrysanthemum has been very popular among professional landscapers and florists. These plants bloom quite early, they are unpretentious in care, and also help to give the garden an original, more attractive look.

Chrysanthemum has a rounded regular shape of the bush and many small inflorescences. They are distinguished by a variety of shapes and shades, which is why they can become a real decoration of the garden.

The history of the emergence of flower culture

Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of chrysanthemum, where this plant has been known since ancient times. This is evidenced by numerous legends, legends and interesting facts about these flowers. They played a particularly prominent role in the culture of China and Japan.

Chrysanthemum cult in Japan

Japanese chrysanthemums, the photo of which shows all their features, brightness and attractiveness, are very popular not only in the Land of the Rising Sun, but also throughout Europe. In Japan, these flowers appeared in the IV century and quickly spread there. They began to call them "kiku," which means "sun." The country began to cultivate new varieties of chrysanthemums of different shapes and colors.

In the X century, Emperor Uda opened the first exhibition of the most beautiful chrysanthemums in the gardens of his palace in Tokyo. Then such exhibitions became a tradition, and the chrysanthemum festival in Japan became an annual event.

Writers, craftsmen and poets paid a lot of attention to the plant and assigned a special place in the work. Until today, numerous literary works, scientific works, and two-hoku hunches have been preserved. A special place is occupied by chrysanthemum in Japanese painting, so you can see the flower on various engravings. This indicates the importance of the plant for the culture of Japan.

Chrysanthemum in painting

Since 797, Japanese chrysanthemum adorns the coat of arms of this country, is depicted on coins and the highest order. In the past, a flower was depicted on samurai helmets, which symbolizes the rising sun.

In 1888, the Order of the Chrysanthemum was established in Japan. He was awarded 100 people, which indicates the value of this award. This flower has many different signs and superstitions.

The meaning of chrysanthemum

Japanese chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of the sun. This flower indicates the rapid course of life, its value and fragility. In addition, it is considered a symbol of long life.

A strong and flowering bush on the windowsill is considered an indicator of an emotionally stable atmosphere in the apartment. This plant helps to maintain mutual understanding and love in a married couple. In any case, the chrysanthemum will become a true decoration of the garden and the house, and it also has useful properties.

Flower features

The plant was brought to Europe from the Far East, where it was treated with special respect. Chrysanthemum almost immediately became a real decoration of the autumn garden.

Beautiful chrysanthemums

This is a grassy ornamental plant up to 1.5 meters high, which can grow both on the street and at home in a pot. Rhizome thickened, sometimes completely ligneous, often branched, releasing shoots underground. Inflorescences can be small or large in various shades. The aroma of the chrysanthemum is saturated, specific, wormwood, however, some varieties are distinguished by a subtle delicate and spicy smell. Reproduction is carried out by seeds or cuttings.

There are many different forms and types of chrysanthemums. This plant often becomes a collectible of many gardeners.


According to the system developed by scientists of the imperial park, in Japan, chrysanthemums are primarily divided into growing in the wild and cultivated. Cultivars are divided into decorative and edible. Decorative are divided by flowering time into:

  • Autumn
  • winter
  • summer.

Autumn chrysanthemums are the largest group of plants, which is mainly grown in the country. It includes small-flowered, medium-flowered and large-flowered species. The diameter of small-flowered Japanese chrysanthemums does not exceed 9 cm. Terry plants are miniature plants with a basket diameter of up to 3 cm, with spike inflorescences, which in their shape resemble a fish tail. By the number of rows of reed corollas they are eight-layer.

Golden Japanese Chrysanthemum

Plants with a diameter of 9-18 cm are considered to be middle-flowered chrysanthemums. They consist of reed flowers with flat or tubular corollas. This category also includes flowers for special purposes, for example, intended for religious purposes.

Large-flowered chrysanthemums in Japan include varieties with inflorescences with a diameter of more than 18 cm with flat or tubular corollas. Depending on the diameter of the corolla, they are divided into thin-tube, medium-tube and thick-tube.

How to choose seedlings?

Golden Japanese chrysanthemums, the photo of which allows to evaluate their beauty and flower features, look great on a garden flower bed, at home on a windowsill, in winter gardens and bouquets. In addition, they can be used for culinary purposes, since young inflorescences are quite edible.

Now seedlings of different varieties of chrysanthemums are on sale almost all year round. In Russian latitudes, perennial Japanese chrysanthemums, which are frost-resistant, have gained particular popularity.

To grow a strong and healthy plant, you need to choose the right seedlings. When buying them, you need to pay attention not only to the general appearance, but also to the quality and quantity of buds. They should begin to open and show the tips of the petals. Only in this case, after landing in the soil, the chrysanthemum will certainly bloom. If the plant was bought with green buds, then the flowers may not open.

Seed cultivation

Recently, golden Japanese chrysanthemums have become especially popular. They bloom profusely, decorative and very beautiful. There is absolutely no difficulty in growing them from seeds. Sowing is carried out directly on a flower bed or by growing seedlings.

On the flowerbed, seeds have been sown since mid-May. This method is suitable for almost all types of annual chrysanthemums. To do this, you need:

  • dig holes with a distance of 35 cm;
  • to water;
  • put 2 pieces of seeds;
  • sprinkle with earth and cover with a film to preserve heat.

When the very first shoots appear, you need to remove the film, and after 7 days to make fertilizer. When the plants are about 7-12 cm tall, thin out them.

You can plant flowers, after growing material for seedlings. In this case, chrysanthemums begin to bloom earlier. Seeds are sown in late February or early March. To do this, you need:

  • pour drainage into shallow drawers;
  • to fill with soil;
  • moisten a little;
  • evenly distribute the seeds;
  • sprinkle on top of the ground, a layer of up to 1 cm;
  • pour a little water, cover with glass or film.

Put the container with seeds in a place where the temperature is at least 24 degrees. Boxes with seedlings should be periodically ventilated. After 10-14 days, remove the film and put the containers in a bright place. After the first 4-6 leaves appear, thin out the plants. In May, after the first frosts have passed, put them on the flower beds.

Where and how to plant?

For a plant to be strong and strong, you need to know how to grow Japanese chrysanthemums. The flower requires a sunny spot, as well as drained neutral or slightly acidic soil. With insufficient lighting, the shoots stretch out and become thinner, and flowering is late.

Chrysanthemums love well-fertilized soils. On such soil they bloom very magnificent. If the soil in the garden is not fertile enough, then before planting the cuttings you need to make:

  • decayed manure;
  • peat;
  • compost;
  • complex mineral fertilizer.

Chrysanthemum cuttings are best planted not in holes, but in a trench at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. It depends on the size of the plant and the main characteristics of the variety. After planting, you need to pour the soil into the trench with a solution of β€œKornevin” (1 g of product per 1 liter of water). This contributes to the formation of a more powerful root system. As a result of this, a beautiful and strong plant will develop from a young branch.

Top seedlings need to be covered with light material. It will create the most favorable microclimate. The film will help protect the plant from direct sunlight and will warm during the cold snap.

Features of flower care

Growing Japanese chrysanthemum does not cause any trouble, as caring for a flower is very simple. Since chrysanthemums are planted in the spring, you need to shade them a bit from the scorching sun. To do this, use non-woven material. It is placed so that the fabric does not touch the leaves.

White Chrysanthemums

Watering a chrysanthemum is often necessary, as it is hygrophilous. For irrigation, it is better to use standing or rain water. If this is not possible, then a little ammonia should be added to ordinary tap water to make it softer.

If the chrysanthemum bushes grow in partial shade, you may have to adjust the shape of the plant. Immediately after planting, the apex is pinched at the tops, and after 3 weeks the procedure is repeated.


Japanese white chrysanthemums do not fertilize in the year of planting. In the future, fertilizing is recommended 2 times per season, namely, at the initial stage of the growing season and when laying buds.

Chrysanthemum loves organic and mineral complex fertilizers. During the flowering period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is required. Watering chrysanthemums with fertilizer is necessary only at the root, since if they fall on the leaves, they will cause a burn.

It is very good to use rotted mullein or chicken droppings for feeding, which must first be diluted with water. Before applying fertilizer, the soil needs to be moistened a little. You can use ready-made granular fertilizers based on chicken manure or manure.

Diseases and Pests

Golden Japanese chrysanthemums suffer from diseases. This is mainly due to improper planting and care. This may be insufficient watering, improperly selected site and errors in soil preparation. If the chrysanthemum flowers have become smaller, and the leaves have begun to fade, then you need to transplant it to another place.

Potted chrysanthemums

Particularly dangerous pests for a plant are aphids and spider mites. To kill aphids, shrubs should be washed with soapy water, repeating the treatment every 7-10 days. It helps to treat the plant with a solution of Pyrethrum. In the fight against aphids and spider mites, the infusion of garlic has proven itself well.

Chrysanthemum itself is an amazing plant, as it can act as an intexicidal agent. It helps in the fight against the bear, as the flowers and leaves contain a special essential oil with a specific smell.

Plant propagation

The best way to reproduce chrysanthemums is the division of rhizomes, as this will preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant. After a few years, it has rather dense shoots and is slightly suspended in development, which means it loses its decorative qualities. This means that it is time to renew the flower.

The best time for this is spring, when the shrub is ready for planting. To do this, divide the plant into several equal parts. Sprinkle the place of cut immediately with ash so that chrysanthemum infection does not occur. If you need to get a few shoots, then cuttings are ideal for this.

Before the plant begins to bloom, you need to cut dense branches and lower them into water or wet sand. After a few days, such cuttings will take root, and they can be transplanted into fertile soil.

Preparing for the winter

It is important not only to know how to grow chrysanthemums, but also how to keep them until spring. Bushes need to be dug up annually for the winter and to plant them in the soil mixed with sand, sawdust and peat. This will allow better moisture retention. After that, you need to take the plant to a cool place.

In warm regions, you can leave chrysanthemums in the flower beds for wintering. To do this, before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to cut the flower stems to 10-15 cm and sprinkle their roots with a thick layer of organic mulch.

Growing at home

After looking at the photo of a bouquet of golden Japanese chrysanthemums, we can say for sure that these are simply excellent flowers that can become a decoration of the house. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, they can be grown on the windows. Caring for them is quite simple and for this you need to remember that chrysanthemums:

  • photophilous;
  • love fresh air;
  • prefer coolness;
  • hygrophilous;
  • love spraying;
  • require regular feeding.
still life with chrysanthemums

It is imperative to remove faded flowers in a timely manner so that the plant does not lose its decorative qualities. A young plant needs to be replanted once a year, and an adult - 2 times a year.

Observing all these simple rules for growing chrysanthemums, you can get a healthy and strong plant with lush flowering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15079/

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