The story of Bonnie and Clyde: truth and fiction

Their names have long become common nouns, and their history formed the basis of many works of art of various genres. Are Bonnie and Clyde eternal lovers or just partners? What connected these two in addition to the recorded crimes? What is the story of Bonnie and Clyde about endless cruelty or real feelings?

And how it all began ...

The story of bonnie and clyde
From numerous sources it is known for certain that Clyde’s childhood and youth were not the most favorable way. The family in which he grew up was dysfunctional - a low level of education, poverty on the verge of poverty, children left to their own devices. However, he had a number of talents and noble hobbies, played well on some musical instruments, for example. However, the lack of faith in one's own strengths and desire to achieve something by legal methods played a cruel joke with him.

Clyde and Bonnie

Of course, the story of Bonnie and Clyde would be incomplete without the main female role. She, Bonnie Elizabeth Parker, was a comprehensively developed personality, studied well and had attractive external data. At 16, she married for love, and perhaps everything would have turned out differently if she had not met him. There are several versions of their acquaintance, among which one of the most popular is a chance meeting in the house of a common friend. Be that as it may, Clyde and Bonnie were immediately imbued with each other's mutual sympathy, and very soon she was helping him escape from prison. However, Clyde still has to spend some time behind bars, but quickly enough he gains freedom, and from that moment they become inseparable.

Bonnie and Clyde: a true story of crime and love?

Bonnie and clyde genuine story
After reuniting with Bonnie, Clyde continues to earn a living by criminal means. But do not forget that the criminal couple not only strove for an interesting and idle life, but also loved to dress perfectly and brightly, and there was absolutely not enough money for all this, obtained through petty thefts. They say that the first joint murder was spontaneous - the unfortunate store employee simply did not want to give the robbers the proceeds, for which he paid with his life. Later, they dealt with the police officer during the verification of documents, and after this act there really was nothing to lose - in case of capture, both of them would face life imprisonment. From that moment, the story of Bonnie and Clyde turns into a real gangster action movie. A little later Bonnie will learn to shoot, and new people will join the gang.

Unlucky ending

They managed to hide from the police and continue their crimes for so long, most likely due to problems with the tracing system and the capture of criminals. The story of Bonnie and Clyde ended in May 1934. The police managed to organize an ambush, the criminals were killed on the spot. Bonnie was 24, Clyde is 25 years old. Such a development of events can be considered natural, the fact that the pair had no normal future is obvious. And yet, despite all the negative qualities of these bloodthirsty killers, who brought grief to a huge number of families, admiration for their devotion to each other.


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