PF-115 (enamel): technical specifications, GOST and reviews

PF-115 (enamel) is a tool for application to surfaces that have been primed in advance. All kinds of materials can be used as a basis, among them steel, wood and so on.

Enamel Features

pf 115 enamel

The described enamel can be applied to surfaces that are used indoors or outdoors. PF-115 is a composition, among the ingredients of which there are fillers and dyes, as well as pentaphthalic varnish. Among other things, solvents and desiccants are added to the mixture during the manufacturing process. Enamel PF-115, the characteristics of which are described in the article, is often compared with water-based and oil-based formulations. The first version of the coloring agent has higher performance, has the ability to protect the surface, the properties of hardness and strength.

Enamel PF-115 gray, like similar compounds in other colors, has no worse characteristics than foreign counterparts.


enamel pf 115

If we consider the enamel PF-115, which is intended for application to metal, then it is made in accordance with GOST 6465-76. The viscosity of the composition is checked under conditions of 20 ± 0.5 ° C using a VZ-246 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm. This indicator in enamel is equal to the limit of 60-120 s. While the mass fraction of non-volatile substances can be equal to 49-70%, which is affected by the colors of the paint.

After application, the paint layer will shine within 50-60%, this parameter is checked by a photoelectric gloss meter. PF-115 (enamel) will dry after application within 24 hours, which is true if external conditions are maintained within the temperature range of +20 ± 2 ° C. The rate of adhesion of the film by points does not exceed 1.

After drying, the film retains a certain stability, the surface strength will not be less than 40 cm. It is important to calculate the composition consumption before purchasing, it will be approximately equal to 150 g / m 2 , which is true with a perfectly flat surface. It is worth remembering that the indicators mentioned are theoretical.

Application technology

enamel pf 115 gost

PF-115 (enamel) must be mixed well before the application process. Only use a composition that has a uniform consistency. If the paint is very viscous, then dilution can be performed until the composition is suitable.

Application should be by roller or brush. If there is a need to complete the work in a shorter time, then it is necessary to apply a spray gun. The surface is first well cleaned, degreased and primed, in this process, compositions such as AK, GF or EP can be used. This applies to a metal surface. Whereas in the case of a wooden base, it must first be cycled, as well as remove greasy stains and other contaminants from the surface.

PF-115 (enamel) is flammable, which is why the painted surface must be protected from direct exposure to fire. In the application process , fire safety rules must also be observed .

Positive features

enamel pf 115 specifications

Depending on what surface you need to get, it is worth choosing enamel with a glossy or matte effect. White is used as the main color , but there are various shades on sale from which you can choose the one that is right for you. The enamel described has the status of one of the leaders of Russian developments in the group of alkyd materials for coloring. It can be used in different climatic zones, as it has the ability to withstand atmospheric influences like solar radiation, snow, rain, wind and temperature variations. Thus, the coating on which the enamel was applied can be used in the range from -50 to +60 .

Enamel PF-115 after application forms a durable coating that is resistant to water, in addition, after drying the paint can be cleaned using detergents. The coating is not only high-quality and durable, but also looks great, looks homogeneous and has no streaks. Paint can be tinted in all kinds of colors and shades. If you apply it in 2 layers on a surface that has previously been primed and will be used in temperate or cold climates, the composition will not lose its protective ability for 4 years.

Features of the use of paint

enamel pf 115 gost 6465

Enamel PF-115 should be applied exclusively to previously prepared surface. It is recommended to apply the composition with a flat brush, which has a natural pile. If it is necessary to paint parts, then it is possible to facilitate the work and to bring their completion closer by dipping the element, as an alternative solution, the pouring technology is used. If there is a film on the surface after opening the can, then it should not be mixed, it is recommended to get rid of it. Otherwise, application errors cannot be avoided. It is necessary to work at a plus temperature.

Enamel PF-115 (GOST 6465) should not be applied to a surface that has rust. If there are such errors, then it is necessary to get rid of them by using the rust converter, you can also resort to mechanical removal. If the base has cavities, then they also need to be removed using alkyd putty.

There is another way to treat a wooden surface. If it is not possible to use a looping machine, the base can be sanded manually, and then covered with linseed oil. If there is old paint on the surface, it must be removed.

Application on brick and concrete walls

enamel pf 115 gray

Enamel PF-115, the GOST of which is indicated by the numbers 6465, can also be applied to brick walls, as well as concrete. Previously, such surfaces should be primed and coated with putty. If there is old lime on the walls, then it is necessary to get rid of it, rinse the surface with water, and then dry it.

Drying between layers should be done within 24 hours.

Do not dilute the paint with solvent in large quantities, the volume of the latter should not be more than 10%. As a rule, white spirit is used for this. One kilogram of the composition will be enough to stain the base, the area of ​​which is equal to the limit of 7-10 m 2 . The flow rate of the mixture is approximately 100-180 g / m 2 . If color pigment is used, then the flow rate will be slightly larger.

Enamel Reviews

Enamel PF-115, GOST which is designated as 6465, is quite often chosen by consumers. This can be judged by numerous reviews. So, those who have already tested the quality of enamel, note that it shows the ability to perfectly protect the surface. Among the responses of home masters, one can often find satisfaction with the fact that enamel has a negligible cost. Some developers emphasize that after applying paint to the surface, you can forget about the need to repair for a long time.


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