Military ranks in the Russian army ascending. Military ranks and insignias

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include two types of military ranks: military and naval. This is a necessary element of military service. Military ranks provide subordination between military personnel, allow to differentiate duties between military personnel. Consider the features of military service in the Russian Federation and find out what is the gradation of people in military uniforms.


military ranks and insignia

Military ranks are a tariff qualification category. They can be compared with a large staircase, the steps of which are overcome thanks to the efforts expended. For example, to reach the rank of colonel, a soldier needs to have a length of service, appropriate education and experience, allowing him to command the regiment. That is, the assigned rank requires the ability to professionally perform duties and bear responsibility for their work.

There were no military ranks in the territory of Ancient Rus. The army at that time was divided by the number of soldiers who were in a particular formation. 10 soldiers formed the unit, which was called “ten”.

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the military system underwent a number of changes. Dozens were supplemented by hundreds of shooters, in which gradation was present. She looked like this:

  • Sagittarius;
  • ten's manager;
  • Pentecostal
  • centurion;
  • head.

All of the above military ranks continued to exist until our time. Only their name has changed. The tenmaster turned into a sergeant, the Pentecostal became a lieutenant, and the captain was called the centurion.

After a while, the military system was affected by some more changes. This happened during the reign of Peter the Great. Graduation of military personnel has expanded significantly. The names of military ranks also changed. Soldiers, corporals, warrant officers, lieutenants, captains, quartermaster, majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels appeared in the army.

In 1654, the rank of general was first awarded to a Russian soldier. Its honorary owner was the commander in chief of the operation to liberate Smolensk - Leslie A. U.

The last stage of the reform of military ranks occurred in the October Revolution of 1917.

Military graduation

Currently, the military ranks of the Russian army in ascending order are as follows.

  1. Private - the lowest rank.
  2. Corporal - assigned to those who serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and have military distinctions (could prove themselves).
military ranks in the army

This is followed by the military ranks of the Armed forces of the senior officers. These are sergeants: junior, senior and foremen. The ensigns follow them in ascending order, including the elders.

Then follows the junior category officers: lieutenants junior, senior and company commanders or captains.

Above this list is the senior officers. It includes: majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels. And the top officers complete the list of military ranks: majors, lieutenants, colonels — all with the prefix “general”. At the very top are the army generals and Russian marshals.

Ship graduation

Naval military ranks of the Russian army in ascending order have such a list.

  1. Sailors, including senior.
  2. Petty officers II, I articles and main.
  3. Ship foremen.
  4. Midshipmen, including seniors.
  5. Lieutenants, including the younger ones.
  6. Senior lieutenants, followed by captain lieutenants.
  7. Captains III, II, I ranks.
  8. Rear admirals and vice admirals.
  9. Admirals and admirals of the fleet.

The highest military rank here is the Marshal of the Russian Federation. Ship graduation used in the Russian Navy is used by the country's security forces, such as the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and others. It is also used by water border formations, whose responsibility is to ensure the security of the country near its coastal borders.

Shoulder straps

military ranks of the Russian army ascending

Naval military ranks, as well as land, can be distinguished by the number of stars on the shoulder straps of military personnel. Their classification is more complicated. It includes:

  • The color of the epaulettes, depending on the group of troops.
  • The number of characters on uniform and the order of their location.
  • The color scheme, indicating the belonging to a specific military structure.

Military ranks and epaulets are interconnected. The number of stars on the shoulder of a soldier and their color indicate to which military composition he belongs.

Also take into account the form of clothing. It is divided into everyday, field and front door.


Soldiers of this category wear epaulets having 2 narrow strips located at their edges. Such a picture can be seen on the shoulders of soldiers of the rank and file, sergeants, and ensigns.

The uniform of soldiers and sailors of the field and everyday type does not imply the presence of distinctive signs on uniform. On a ceremonial suit metal golden symbols are provided. Explanation of abbreviation:

  • “BC” means armed forces;
  • "F" is translated as a navy;
  • The image of the anchor and the letter "K" - cadets;
  • “H” represents the Nakhimov educational institution;
  • "KK" is translated as a cadet corps;
  • "IED" - Suvorov educational institution;
  • MKK is a naval cadet corps.

The military ranks of “sergeants” and “foremen” have their own distinctive signs, represented by a pattern on uniform uniforms. They are distinguished by metal corners looking up. At the same time, field-type clothing has a protective color; everyday - metallic shade; front-exit - presented in golden colors. At the last - there are letters (metal), like soldiers and sailors.

Midshipmen and warrant officers differ from other servicemen in the presence of asterisks on shoulder straps, which are arranged vertically. Their color depends on the metal corners, and the letters are missing.


military ranks and epaulets

The military ranks and epaulettes of officers have their own distinctive features.

Junior officers are recognizable by a single vertical strip located in the middle of the epaulet (except for the field uniform). Shoulder clothes are decorated with small stars.

Representatives of senior officers have two strips on uniform.

The senior officers are distinguished by large asterisks, which are placed vertically on the shoulder of the form. Strips on epaulets are missing.

The highest military rank - “Marshal” - stands out from the rest by a large star on the shoulder and the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The color of the shoulder strap is gold.

How are titles assigned

The military hierarchy determines the status of military personnel. An army position has a direct impact on the salaries of those who serve under the contract, and, accordingly, on the size of future retirement benefits. Military ranks in the army are awarded in accordance with Russian law. They are graduated, given the official status of a soldier, his professional training. The troops in which the soldier also matters. Do not forget about his personal merits.

assignment of the next military rank

New military ranks are awarded to military personnel at the end of their service in their current position. The promotion may occur even earlier than the scheduled day, but for this the soldier must distinguish himself by his service: to have personal merits.

Citizens in stock can also be awarded the title. But there is one rule: they are awarded the rank of no higher than a colonel and captain of the first rank.

The procedure for depriving a military rank is carried out on the basis of a court verdict. As a rule, the reason is the commission of serious offenses or involvement in them.

The assignment of the next military rank is made by the Supreme Commander. This applies to senior officers. If a soldier is promoted to captain of the first rank or colonel, then the rank is assigned to him by an official officer. All these issues are regulated by the Regulation on the procedure for military service.


The Russian army used to be called the standard bearers. The word was first introduced into use in 1649 according to the Decree of the ruling king. To become an ensign, soldiers had to earn this title, showing courage and valor.

Under Peter I, the rank was introduced in the chief officer corps of infantry and cavalry. This happened in 1712 during the formation of the regular army.

From 1917 to 1972, the military rank of ensign was not. In 2009, the liquidation of the rank began, until in 2013 the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu, returned this institution to the army and navy.

Military ranks and insignia make it possible to understand which category of military personnel a soldier belongs to. Warrant officers in the army perform a variety of functions. They can manage the warehouse, serve in the medical unit, be the foreman of the company. Often, warrant officers are appointed heads of planned guards.

Sergeant and lieutenant

naval military ranks

In the Soviet Union, the rank of sergeant was introduced in 1940. He began to be awarded military servicemen.

When a soldier enters the army, he was awarded the rank of private. After a while, it changes to a corporal. To become a junior sergeant and subsequently rise to senior, a soldier needs to learn a military charter and prove himself. He is obliged to demonstrate leadership qualities, the ability to manage a group of soldiers. The sergeant should be respected not only by peers, but also by representatives of the commanding staff.

To check their readiness to become a junior sergeant, the conscript is given a series of orders, according to which his qualities are subsequently evaluated. A junior sergeant is given a platoon.

The lieutenant falls into the category of "naval military ranks" and "land." From 1701 to 1917, this order existed only in the imperial fleet. The military rank of lieutenant was introduced in the Russian army in 1935. He was appropriated at the end of the military school and the department of the same name at the university. You can reach the rank of senior lieutenant after the term of service as a lieutenant and, having a positive certification.


This is the commander. In Russia, the military rank appeared in the 16th century. So called company commanders. In the Red Army, the rank of captain was introduced in 1935. At the same time, the rank of captain of the first, second and third rank appeared in the naval composition.

In modern artillery, the commander of the battery is called the captain.

Major General

highest military rank

These two ranks are included in the category of "highest military rank".

Majors mean "elders." The title first appeared in the 17th century. They called them the assistants of the commander in chief. They were responsible for food or guard.

In the USSR, the rank of major began to be used in 1935. In the Navy, these were captains of the third rank. In the Russian ground forces shoulder straps of the Major General appeared in 2010. In the modern Russian Air Force, a major division is subordinate to Major Generals, which includes more than 15 thousand personnel.

The general is translated as "chief." The military rank is appropriated in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This is the highest military rank, which every soldier dreams of. Above it is only the marshal, who was introduced in the Soviet army in 1935. Marshal differs from other servicemen in epaulettes with the image of one big star, oak wreaths in buttonholes. In 1997, the title of Marshal received Sergeyev I. D. - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Among the generals, marshals, there are still generalissimo. The honorary military title was introduced by Peter the Great in 1696.

In the Soviet Union, the title of Generalissimo began to be applied in 1945 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. Joseph Stalin was awarded the honorary title.


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