Museum of Local Lore, Tolyatti: address, opening hours, exhibitions

The Museum of Local Lore (Tolyatti) has long become the main exhibition site of the city. Today, thematic exhibitions, meetings with word masters and history connoisseurs, master classes for children, an extensive excursion program and a planetarium are working here.


Museum of Local Lore (Togliatti) was opened in 1962. By order of the authorities, the main exposition was relocated from the city of Zhigulevsk to the city of Stavropol. The first exhibition occupied one room, the task of the employees was to raise funds, generate documents and create excursion programs. As collections and expositions grew, the museum had to change its location several times.

Since 1979, the Museum of Local Lore (Togliatti) has settled in the center of urban life, being its participant and chronicler. Exhibition halls are located on the ground floor of a residential building, on Lenin Boulevard No. 22. The main exposition is dedicated to the native land and is called "Provincial Stavropol", it traces the history of Stavropol from ancient times to the present.

Exhibition halls, where permanent exhibitions are located, occupy 800 square meters. For temporary exhibitions, an area of ​​about 600 square meters is provided, 576 m 2 is given for storage of funds. The total number of storage items is more than 62 thousand units, the main fund contains more than 39 thousand unique exhibits. The Museum of Local Lore (Tolyatti) is popular, about 185 thousand visitors visit it annually. Excursions and scientific activities are conducted by qualified employees, the number of employees is 52 people, 13 of them have a scientific degree.

Museum of Local Lore Togliatti

Provincial Stavropol

A permanent exhibition in the museum of local lore (Tolyatti) is dedicated to the history of the origin, development of the city and the whole region.

The exposition "Provincial Stavropol" contains sections:

  • History of the land in the ancient world . The exhibition presents materials from archaeological excavations of the Bronze Age, bones of fossil animals, primitive implements of Neanderthal labor, valuable evidence of funerary customs, copies of the first molded jewelry, household items, etc.
  • Housing in the Bronze Age. The restoration of the living conditions of an ancient man became possible thanks to the settlements found near the village of Khryashchevka during excavations. Museum staff reconstructed the living conditions of ancient people and the interior of the dwelling in which the whole tribe lived - about 150 people.
  • Murom town. The settlement belongs to the Middle Ages, it was equipped with newcomers Bulgarians. On the territory of the complex, the remains of craft workshops, noble houses, and forges were found. Original jewelry brought from Asia, the Baltic states, Russia and other places is presented in a wide variety of expositions. The history of the nation can be traced during the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and further until assimilation with the Russian tribes.
  • The foundation of the city of Stavropol. By decree of Tsarina Anna Ioannovna, the city of Stavropol was founded in 1737. A prominent scientist Tatishchev, who gave life to many Ural cities, was sent to engage in its laying and arrangement. The first city building was a fortress with fortified redoubts and a Cossack garrison. Gradually, the city grew with a church, a school, a craft settlement was set up, and agriculture was established. By the end of the 18th century, Stavropol became a county town with a population of about three thousand people. The exposition is rich in objects of ancient life and documents of several centuries.
  • Pugachev uprising . The exposition contains the history of the accession of the Kalmyks of Stavropol to the Pugachev riot.
  • The war of 1812 . The stand tells the story of the creation of the Kalmyk regiment in the fight against Napoleon. During the conduct of hostilities, the soldiers of the regiment repeatedly demonstrated genuine courage, for which they received awards and thanks from the Fatherland. During the war, 477 Kalmyks received orders, insignia and other awards. On Victory Day, many took part in a parade held in Paris.
  • Local landowners Orlov-Davydov. The exposition reflects the relations of landowners and serfs, living conditions, life of peasants and a noble estate, riots against the willfulness of the landlords and the formation of the protest movement of the peasantry in the middle of the 19th century.
  • Stavropol County at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The section describes the changes in economic relations after the abolition of serfdom.
  • Peasant folk crafts. At the stands are exhibits of traditional crafts (pottery, embroidery, felting, etc.), folk peasant costumes, objects of labor and everyday life.
  • Culture and medicine. The work of the natives and guests of the Stavropol region, such as A. Neverov (writer), D.N. Sadovnikov (poet), I. Repin (artist), E. Makarov (artist) and many others, is considered. The development of medicine was supported by local authorities - in 1822 the first city hospital was founded, koumiss treatment was developed, a public sanatorium was built where even the poorest segments of the population were treated.
  • The urban life of Stavropol at the turn of the 19-20 centuries. The interior of the apartment of a prosperous city dweller was recreated. The exposition presents authentic furnishings, antique tomes and books, photographs of those years and much more.
  • Revolutionary movement . The Museum of Local Lore (Tolyatti) allocated an exposition dedicated to revolutionaries and propagandists of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, who called for the overthrow of the existing system, enlightened the peasantry and workers. At the beginning of the 20th century, the peasantry of Stavropol was the most active in the protest movement, which resulted in defeats, arson of 10 noble estates in the period of 1905. In 1917, the local population actively supported the proletarian coup.

exhibition in the museum of local lore of Togliatti

Educational programs

The Museum of Local Lore (Tolyatti) offers visitors programs, some of which will be useful to schoolchildren, some will increase the knowledge of adults, and many will be useful for a joint visit. The approved plan is designed until the end of 2017, takes into account the school curriculum and vacation schedule.

Themes of the programs:

  • "Brooks of time."
  • "Folk toy."
  • Ecological and biological programs.
  • Programs of the Igrograd center.
  • "Journey on the river of time."
  • “In the spirit of Russian traditions”, for high school students.
  • "The modern museum and museum business" (for high school).
  • Classes, excursions for a youth audience.
  • "Museum landing".
  • Museum cinema.
  • Depositary.
  • Holiday theme programs.
  • Programs for healthy leisure during the holidays.

Museum of Local Lore of Togliatti

Museum funds

The funds of the local history museum store more than 63 thousand historical objects. Monuments of material, spiritual and cultural heritage are distributed in 42 sections of the collection. Employees are proud of the well-preserved furniture dating back to the 18-19th centuries, rare coins, household items.

The collection of books in the library collection contains 15 thousand volumes of literature of various directions, which include reference books, regional studies books, rare editions of the 18-19 centuries that the museum has inherited from private collections, modern periodicals. The library funds can be used in the open dipository.

Museum of Local Lore Togliatti photo


Museum activity is dedicated not only to replenishment of funds and maintenance of existing exhibits. A wide variety of activities of the institution is made by various exhibitions, seminars, discussions. The exhibition at the Museum of Local Lore (Tolyatti) is always an interesting event for all residents of the city. The events poster for April 2017 promises photo exhibitions of local artists, a meeting of the philosophical cafe “Ogloblya”, children's educational programs and much more.

A significant event will be the “Open Day”, which will be held on April 26 in honor of the 55th anniversary of the museum. On the festive day, entrance for all visitors will be free, a solemn and entertaining program will be prepared, gifts for the participants will be prepared. Citizens and guests are waiting for the Museum of Local Lore (Togliatti). Photos of the holiday, exhibits and moments of excursions will help maintain a festive mood for many years.

The institution constantly hosts interesting events; in January - March 2017, an exhibition of dinosaurs took place in the Museum of Local Lore (Togliatti). She attracted a lot of attention, a special delight caused in children. For acquaintance, more than 30 figures of prehistoric animals were presented, a sign with explanations was placed next to each. The exposition was generously highlighted, with this created special effects, artificial plants imitated the living conditions and natural environment of the era.

dinosaur exhibition in the museum of local lore of Togliatti


The museum has a digital planetarium for children’s audience, which is a large fabric dome tent. The hall is equipped with advanced multimedia technology that allows you to track the movements of the planets, the emergence of new stars, universes and other celestial objects.

The program of films is designed for different age groups, from the smallest to high school students. Films last from 18 to 35 minutes, the list offers 13 stories. Sessions are held from 10:00 to 17:00, the cost of tickets is from 100 rubles for 1 person. The day off at the Planetarium is Sunday.

working hours of the museum in Togliatti

Opening hours and prices

Opening hours of the Museum of Local Lore in Togliatti:

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - visits are open from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • On Wednesdays, the museum is open from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • A day off is every Monday.

The cost of visits with an excursion program starts from 80 rubles for privileged groups of the population (schoolchildren, pensioners, students), for adults - from 100 rubles. Visiting halls unaccompanied by a guide - 50 rubles. In addition to standard excursions, individual programs and numerous master classes are offered. You can clarify the schedule and cost by calling the ticket office of the museum.

museum of local lore Togliatti address

Address and Routes

Museum of Local Lore (Tolyatti), address - Lenin Boulevard, building 22.

Public transport to the museum:

  • Bus route number 7 to the stop "Cosmos".
  • Buses of routes No. 2, 13, 83 or minibuses No. 96, 92, 182 to the stop “House of Life”.
  • Trolleybuses on routes No. 18, 19 and 5 to the Gorsad stop.


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