How to clean paraffin from clothes: simple ways and useful tips

If it happened that the thing got wax from the candle, this does not mean that it became worthless. There are many ways in which it can be put in order. How to clean paraffin from clothes so as not to harm the fabric? There are a lot of ways to eliminate paraffin from things, consider the features of each of them.

Types and features of wax

To date, paraffin and wax candles are considered an integral element of interior decoration. Wax is a mixture of lipids of plant or animal origin. Paraffin is a product of oil distillation. For the manufacture of most modern candles, the manufacturer uses paraffin with various additives.

molten wax

If melted paraffin gets on clothes, it will harden on the fabric. It will not be possible to remove it with water, so you will have to worry about how to clean the paraffin from the clothes in order to return the product to its original appearance. To solve the problem, you can use a special stain remover or contact a dry cleaner. If it is not possible to take the help of specialists, you can try to resort to one of the available methods that will eliminate frozen paraffin.

Can a paraffin stain be removed with water?

fabric stain remover

Fresh pollution can indeed be eliminated through water. To clean a thing, you need to lower it in boiling water, and then wash it in a soapy solution. When the procedure is completed, most likely, there will not be a trace from the spot.

How to remove paraffin from clothes using water so that the quality of the fabric does not suffer? Denim items can be washed in a washing machine (+50 ) using ordinary powder. If the product is painted with unstable paint, it must be cleaned after the wax has completely hardened. The contaminated area must be wiped, and then sprinkled with talcum powder, put a napkin on top. After an hour, the item should be brushed and washed.

Iron stain removal

iron stain removal

How to remove paraffin stains on clothes using an iron? On the inner and outer part of the product you need to put waterproof paper, and then iron the area contaminated with iron. To completely remove the stain, you can repeat the procedure several times.

It is important to consider that colored wax is more intensively eaten into the fabric, so you need to get rid of such spots with an iron in a slightly different way. First, the product needs to be ironed, and then washed manually.

Removing paraffin stains with gasoline

To return the product to its original appearance, you can use a tool that will dissolve paraffin. With such a task, ordinary gasoline can cope. How to remove frozen paraffin from clothes with its help? On the inside of the garment you need to put waterproof paper, moisten the sponge in water, squeeze and apply to the contaminated place.

This method is not suitable for all types of fabrics, so handle gasoline with extreme caution. Before using the solvent, you need to apply it on a piece of cloth and observe. If the material has changed color and structure, gasoline will have to be abandoned.

How to get rid of paraffin stains on clothes using other available means

You can eliminate paraffin from things in other available ways. Contaminated items can be placed in a plastic bag and sent to the freezer. Once the stain has hardened, the product must be removed and the paraffin cleaned off with a sharp object. The procedure must be carried out carefully so that the tissue remains intact.

If the item is sewn from a delicate fabric, you can use another method to clean it from the frozen wax. How to clean clothes from paraffin with medical alcohol? It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the composition and treat it with a contaminated place. Then the thing must be soaked and washed in the washing machine.

To put things in order, you can use the dishwashing detergent. The detergent composition should be applied to the stain and left overnight. In the morning, the thing must be washed in warm water.

removing oily stains from wax using dishwashing liquid

Wax can also be removed with hydrogen peroxide. This affordable drug copes with the problem and does not damage the tissue. The liquid must be applied to the stain, covered with a piece of polyethylene and placed in a dark place. After an hour, the stain will completely dissolve.

How to clean paraffin from clothes if the stain is small? In this case, vegetable oil or carpet stain remover will come to the rescue. The product must be applied to the contaminated area, thoroughly wiped with a toothbrush and sent to the wash.

How to get colored wax out of clothes

colored wax

If colored wax gets on the product, removing it using one of the above methods will fail. Coloring substances penetrate deep into the material, so it will not be easy to remove them.

It is also not worth rubbing a thing, because this will lead to the fact that particles of colored paraffin penetrate into the structure of the tissue. How to clean clothes from paraffin in this case? You can try to freeze a thing and carefully clean it. On the remaining stain you need to apply a stain remover and wash the thing in the washing machine.

How to remove a wax stain from a natural fabric

wax stain on natural fabric

If paraffin has got on a product made of cotton or linen, it must be placed in a boil-off with boiling water and soda. After 2 minutes, the wax will completely dissolve. This procedure can be performed several times. Do not leave the thing in the water for a long time, because the fabric may lose its color brightness or stretch.

How to remove a wax stain on a leather product

If the wax got on a leather thing, you need to act in different ways:

  1. Frozen wax can be cleaned with a sharp object or wrinkled fabric and shake off the residue.
  2. If a stain remains on the product after removing paraffin, wipe it with a cotton pad moistened with soap and water, then rinse it with water.

How to clean a synthetic product

Such fabrics as silk, satin, chiffon and wool are considered rather capricious, because they can not be washed in hot water and aggressive formulations in the form of gasoline and solvent are applied to them. How to remove wax from a candle from clothes made of synthetic material so as not to harm it? The product will have to be soaked in warm water, and then soak the softened wax with a napkin. Then the thing needs to be sent to the washing machine.

In some cases, it is unacceptable to heat-treat clothing. For example, organza products are forbidden to iron. In this case, you can use a dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to drip a few drops of the product on the stain, foam it and leave it overnight. In the morning the thing needs to be washed in soapy water.

How to remove paraffin from clothes that are made of fleece or plush? In this case, you can use alcohol or turpentine. The cotton pad should be moistened in the composition and applied to the stain for half an hour, and then wash the item in soapy water manually or in a washing machine.

How to clean paraffin fur and suede products

suede fabric

If melted wax gets on clothes made of fur, you need to immediately send the product to the freezer for half an hour. Frozen paraffin can be cleaned from the villi with your fingers without any problems. Leftovers need to be shaken off.

How to clean paraffin from suede clothes? The contaminated area should be covered with a napkin and walk on it with an iron. Keeping a hot iron on the fabric for a long time is unacceptable, otherwise dents or other damage will appear on the product. If you can’t eliminate the stain with the iron, you can prepare a composition of:

  • ammonia - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • wine alcohol - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • gasoline - 2 tbsp. l

You can also remove the wax stain using a solution of ammonia (0.5 tsp. Per 1 liter of water). It is necessary to moisten the cotton pad in the composition and attach to the stain for a few minutes. Then wipe the cloth with a clean, damp cloth. To restore the structure of suede, you need to hold it over the steam.

Useful Tips

How to remove wax from a candle from clothes so that the fabric remains intact? In this case, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. Before using this or that means, it is necessary to eliminate the hardened paraffin with a knife or a scraper.
  2. Only clean the product after the wax has completely hardened. If done in advance, the stain will be smeared.
  3. When choosing a method of removing contaminants, you need to consider the color of the fabric and characteristics.
  4. Before using a solvent, you need to find out how to safely remove wax from a candle from clothes with this tool. It must be tested on a small piece of fabric and ties. If after such events there are no stains and color remains, you can safely use the selected composition.
  5. When working with solvents, you must adhere to safety precautions: it is necessary to act with protective gloves.
  6. Before you remove the frozen paraffin with an iron, you need to iron the thing on the reverse side. If there is no trace of damage, this method can be safely used.
  7. You should not resort to various cleaning methods if the label on the fabric says “dry dry only”.


If you know how to remove paraffin from clothes, you can put things in order and not harm the fabric. It is important to consider the characteristics of the material and choose the appropriate method. To eliminate such pollution is not at all difficult, so you need to adopt one of several methods and get down to business.


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