Where to cook barbecue in St. Petersburg legally?

With the onset of warm and sunny days, there is an increasing desire to spend free time in nature. A wonderful type of relaxation is a picnic or barbecue trip. Fresh air, the smell of a fire, a clear sky and gentle sunbeams - what else is needed to restore strength?

It is not difficult for residents of the suburbs to find a place to sit and grill. Especially if the area is close to a river or other natural reservoir. For the townspeople, there are two options: to have a summer house and regularly get out there with family and friends, or to know good places for frying barbecue and barbecue.

Resting legally

Where to cook barbecue in St. Petersburg legally? According to the established rules, it is impossible to plant open fire and install a brazier, which is equated in terms of danger to it, on the territory of forest park zones, coniferous stands, in areas of burnt ground and where dry grass is located.

where to cook barbecue in St. Petersburg

Also forbidden places include peat bogs, damaged forests and other objects of increased fire hazard. The brazier is allowed to be installed on platforms whose half-meter perimeter is cleared of the mineral layer of soil. And after cooking at the stake, the coals must be completely extinguished and the ashes filled with water until final redemption.

In order not to cause problems during such a vacation, special sites are best suited, equipped with everything necessary for spending free time with comfort. The design, where you can fry kebabs, as a rule, has a canopy, that is, even a sudden rain will not interfere with leisure.

Many of these facilities are already equipped with barbecue facilities and a wash basin, which is very convenient when cooking. A fun company can be placed at a spacious table and sit on the benches. After all, sometimes you don’t get enough places at all, sometimes it is because of this that there is a snag in a country trip.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find equipped barbecue areas in the city itself. And then the question arises: "Where to fry kebabs in the country?" St. Petersburg is still a center with a great cultural heritage, in which, without a barbecue, there is certainly something to occupy yourself with. Theaters, galleries, museums, exhibitions, open areas, monuments, cultural parks and much more that can diversify leisure and help expand your horizons. But sometimes you really want to enjoy the taste of meat on charcoal. To do this, you still have to go a little beyond the city limits.

where in St. Petersburg you can fry kebabs


Where in St. Petersburg can I fry kebabs? At the Legion site, which is located on the territory of the Yunost base. It is located in the village of Losevo Priozersky district. Under a canopy a company of 30 people can be accommodated, there are seats, here you can install a barbecue. However, for a one-day stay you will have to pay about 8.4 thousand rubles.

Priozersky District

And where in St. Petersburg to fry kebabs with a gazebo? In one of the many picturesque corners of the Priozersky district, you can cook meat in the company of 12 people and relax from the bustle of the city. On Lake Sukhodolskoye, you can not only organize an outdoor barbecue for a day, but also stay for a whole weekend. Cost - within 500 rubles. per person per day. You can stay in comfortable houses, rent a boat in the afternoon, then prepare your own catch on the barbecue, and go to a traditional Russian steam room in the evening.

Gulf of Finland coast

where to cook kebabs in St. Petersburg

Where in St. Petersburg can I fry kebabs? For a long time, the beloved vacation spot of citizens is the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Here, in Zelenogorsk, Kurortny district, a playground called “Bay of Happiness” is located on the territory of the boarding house “Sea surf”. It will offer a cozy gazebo and barbecue for 5 thousand rubles. per day, while the number of people can be up to 50.

Lakes Mednoe and Bolshoy Barkovo

Where to fry kebabs in St. Petersburg in the company of 8 or 12 friends? On the lake Big Barkovo there is a similar platform called "Mini". Such a trip will cost from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles per day. However, special amenities are not offered there. On the other, Copper Lake, 15 kilometers along the Vyborg highway, there is a cottage complex offering rooms for every taste, with a view of the water surface.

Also on the territory there are equipped platforms where you can fry kebabs in St. Petersburg with comfort. It will offer a gazebo, barbecue and a separate place to relax with a company of up to 10 people. You can come all day, but there is also the opportunity to stay for the whole weekend.


where in St. Petersburg to fry kebabs with a gazebo

Where to fry barbecue in St. Petersburg? The picturesque places include the tent "Sunny". It is located in the Vyborg district, on the Long Lake, in the village of Gorki. On the shore you can enjoy the expanse of water and the riot of colors of the forest belt on the opposite side. Such a vacation can be organized by a company of 12 people, which will cost 4 thousand rubles. in a day.

Barbecue points

Where to fry barbecue in St. Petersburg? There are also specially equipped barbecue points. They are located both in the city itself and not far from it. The advantages of relaxation in this way include the fact that the stay is free. The disadvantage of such sites is self-service. Garbage will need to be cleaned by ourselves, as well as pre-occupying the place. Since there are always more than enough people who want to relax.

where to cook barbecue in St. Petersburg legally

For example, Sestroretsk is a great place for lovers of outdoor barbecue and beach holidays. Here you can enjoy a superb view of the scenery, as well as experience the charm of fresh air. By its purpose, the place has a similar street name - Beach. There are a lot of advantages to relaxing, including a free stay. However, in the days when the weather is excellent, in this area it becomes crowded. And, unfortunately, one often has to deal with the main drawback - the garbage left after unscrupulous vacationers.

Park Shuvalovsky

Among other parks, Shuvalovsky confidently established himself. The 142-hectare green zone stores centuries-old spruce trees and is spread over a hilly terrain. In the southeast of the park there is a hill artificially strewn with the help of serf workers of Count Shuvalov, which has a height of 61 m. Its name is Parnas.

Where to fry barbecue in St. Petersburg? The traditional area for this activity is the perimeter around the lake. The park is under guard. To preserve its beauty, you should follow the safety rule in handling fire and, of course, cleanliness.

South Seaside Park

Where to fry kebabs in the south of St. Petersburg? Suddenly, among the attractions and other entertainments, in the park along Valor Street, you can find a place where it will be quite simple to cook meat on a fire. For this purpose, you just need to go further into the green zone, away from mass festivities. South Seaside Park is one of the favorite places for vacationers. However, an already familiar nuisance in the form of garbage heaps can also wait here.

Therefore, while resting, it is worth taking care of cleanliness and taking all the waste with you. In the south there is also a cozy cottage village of Toksovo, which boasts beautiful forest landscapes, as well as the presence of a bison nursery. Here you can find many places for a picnic or barbecue. However, you will have to stock up on your own barbecue and seating.

Coast in Zelenogorsk

where to cook barbecue in the city of St. Petersburg

Where can I fry the barbecue in St. Petersburg so that I can simultaneously be in the sun and enjoy the local landscapes? There is a great place among the picturesque lakes. However, on holidays the coast in Zelenogorsk is a very popular place for beach vacations and picnics. Therefore, you need to arrive early to take a convenient place. Here, of course, there are no awnings and finished tables, but the beauty around will make you forget about such inconveniences.

A place near Lake Dolgoe

Also, in the interval from Marshal Novikov Street to Korolev Avenue, there is a wonderful area located on the shores of Lake Dolgoe. More recently, there was marshy soil and wasteland, but they were replaced by an area with a green massif. This place is very popular among fishermen, as perch, pike, burbot and bream are found in the lake.

Also, tourists who come from different parts of the region love the coast, and, of course, the locals. Near the lake there is a reserve. Beautiful views, large territory, fresh air and the opportunity to go fishing in addition to barbecue will certainly attract attention. You should definitely visit this area and enjoy an excellent vacation.

where to cook kebabs in the south of spb


All of the above options are only part of the diversity that can be found in the city and the environs of St. Petersburg. When going on vacation, you should remember to observe cleanliness and order during a picnic. So that next time it would be nice to return to your favorite place.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15103/

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