How to make felt brooches with your own hands - master class

An ordinary plain dress, jacket or coat will look more elegant and brighter if you decorate them with a beautiful brooch. Today it has become very fashionable to use such handmade accessories. They are made of a wide variety of materials: fabric, polymer clay, leather. This article talks about the technology of making brooches from felt. Here are two ways to make jewelry, as well as photos of such products. Having studied the following master classes, everyone will be able to make an original jewelry decoration for their own hands.

felt brooches

Learning to make felt brooches with your own hands in the form of a flower: preparing materials

What kind of accessory can decorate the female look as well as possible? Of course, this decoration is in the form of a flower. A brooch made of felt, the master class of which is presented to your attention, in appearance resembles a lush chrysanthemum. To make it yourself, you need to prepare the following materials and devices:

  • a felt flap measuring 30x10 centimeters of the main color for the manufacture of a bud;
  • a felt flap of 10x10 centimeters of green color for making leaves;
  • thread for sewing to the color of felt fabric;
  • green embroidery threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • accessories for a brooch (pin or other fixture).

Instructions for making brooches "Chrysanthemum" from felt

Fold a larger section of fabric in half in length. Using a ruler and a pencil, make marks on it through every centimeter. Make cuts at these points, not reaching the edge of 1 cm. Next, twist the workpiece into a roll in a spiral, holding the product at the base. Thus, you form a bud for felt brooch. Sew the base of the product along the bottom edge, securing the entire structure. The flower detail is ready.

DIY brooches made of felt

Leaves are made of green felt fabric. To do this, draw the contours of two parts on the flap. They can be both the same size and different. Cut these blanks and embroider veins on them with floss thread. Sew the details to the base of the bud. You can place from one side of the flower or in different ways. Next, sew the accessories on the wrong side of the product. The work is done.

Brooches from felt (a master class on making one of them you read) are voluminous and very elegant. Petals due to the fact that they are folded in half, keep their shape well. Such a flower can also be the basis for the manufacture of jewelry for hair, shoes, and handbags.

Brooches made of zipper and felt - a fashionable novelty in the world of accessories

It would seem how you can use a regular zipper, except for its intended purpose? But creative people, as you know, think outside the box. Of the simplest objects and materials, they create real masterpieces. Pay attention to the jewelry depicted in the following two photos. These brooches are made of accessories "lightning" and felt fabric. The materials are simple, and the product looks original, rich and very beautiful. The author of the technique for making these jewelry is Canadian craftswoman Odile Gova. You can learn how to do such an accessory yourself, and the next master class will help you with this.

brooches from felt patterns

The preparatory stage in creating brooches from zippers and felt

The list contains materials and devices that will be needed for work:

  • felt fabric in the desired colors;
  • zipper with metal base;
  • accessories - a clasp for a brooch;
  • needle;
  • threads under the color of felt;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • "Superglue" or any other quick-drying adhesive material.

Guidelines for the manufacture of jewelry for felt and zipper

brooches made of zippers and felt
On paper, draw a sketch of the product that you want to get as a result of the work. Focusing on it, pick up felt and thread in the desired color scheme. The basis of the brooch will be the fabric whose color prevails in the product. Transfer a sketch to it and gently draw it with a pencil. Cut off the fabric edges with a zipper. Sew the workpiece with metal β€œteeth” along the contour of the product to felt. Use the overcast seam to complete this step. Thus, attach the zipper over the entire surface of the felt brooch with your own hands. Next, paste pieces of felt fabric of the desired color and shape into the spaces in the middle of the product. On the back of the product, attach the hardware fastener. Decoration is ready!

Recommendations for the manufacture of felt brooches and zippers

Thinking over the shape of the product and developing its sketch, take into account the fact that lightning cannot bend to clear angles, it is not allowed to do this by metal elements. Therefore, the lines of the pattern should rotate smoothly, and the decoration itself should have rounded shapes. If the space between the rows of lightning is very narrow, then gluing felt into these places will be very difficult. Instead, you can use wool for felting, picking it in the right color scheme.

Brooch-badge from felt for a son or daughter: master class

The original jewelry in the form of figures of cartoon characters will be worn by both a boy and a girl. Such an ornament can be attached not only to clothes, but also to a hat, and to a school satchel.

To complete the product you need such materials and devices:

  • felt of different colors;
  • accessories - a clasp for a brooch;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • quick-drying glue.

brooches from felt master class
What is needed to make children's brooches from felt? Patterns, of course! You can draw sketches of cartoon characters yourself. If it’s hard for you to do this, you can download pictures from the Internet and print them, or transfer the drawings from a copybook from children's books. Next, cut out all the patterns from the paper and transfer them to the felt of the desired colors. And then you do everything as in a regular application. Glue small elements onto the main part. Quickly remove excess glue with a napkin so that it does not leave stains on the fabric. Put the finished product under a solid object for an hour. Next, fasten the clasp on the wrong side of the product. That's all, the icon is ready. To make such felt brooches is easy and very interesting. This work can be done with the kids. They will love this kind of creativity.


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