Reproduction and Transplant Zamioculcas

The evergreen plant Zamioculcas, belonging to the Aroid family, is a native of Southeast Africa. On a short stalk of zamioculcas are leathery shiny dark green leaves on thick spotted petioles. In indoor conditions, flowering occurs extremely rarely when the plant reaches a respectable age. At the very base of the leaf, an inflorescence is formed in the form of an ears surrounded by a green veil.

After acquiring a plant, after a couple of weeks, he needs a transplant. Zamioculcas prefers a pot commensurate with the size of the root system, in which case the plant starts growing faster. It can reach 1-1.2 meters in height in room conditions. The pot should not have a narrowed throat, since after the growth of tubers the transplantation of the plant will be difficult in the future, it will not be possible to pull it out of the vessel. Therefore, you should choose a tall and wide pot. There should be good drainage at the bottom (at least ¼ of the volume of the pot), since the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water. A young specimen needs a transplant every year, large-sized zamioculcas can be transplanted less often - every two to three years.

Necessary conditions for growing plants:

  • Zamiokulkas is a thermophilic culture, even in winter the temperature should not fall below 16 ° C.
  • The plant is very photophilous, loves plentiful scattered sunlight, but does not tolerate exposure to direct rays. However, zamioculcas develops well in the shade.
  • Annual transplant contributes to growth. Zamioculcas after this procedure begins to noticeably increase in size.
  • The plant responds well to spraying, but not excessive, but very moderate. In the case when Zamioculcas is taken out to the garden for the summer, natural air humidity is sufficient.
  • Water the plant only when the soil is completely dry. At the same time, you need to adhere to the rule - it is better to shorten than to overfill. Drain the water draining into the pan after watering to avoid rotting the tuber.
  • During the period of active growth (April-August) Zamioculcas is fed twice a month. Fertilizer for succulents is quite suitable.

How to propagate zamioculcas?

  1. Zamioculcas is propagated by dividing large, significantly overgrown specimens, and it is ensured that each part has, in extreme cases, one growth point with a handle and leaf plates.
  2. A leaf plate or stalk must be dried before planting. For successful rooting, growth stimulants (“root” and others) are used.
  3. A well-developed plant can be quickly obtained when most of the zamioculcus is taken for propagation.
  4. Reproduction using a leaflet takes a long period of time. After a long rooting (sometimes up to two months), the plant spends a lot of energy on the formation of an underground nodule that accumulates moisture.

When the plant reaches an impressive size, it needs support, otherwise its fleshy and thick shoots with succulent foliage will fall over.

Land for zamioculcas should be nutritious, moisture permeable, airy. A mixture made up of the following components taken in equal parts is suitable: leaf, peat, turf and sand. It will not be superfluous to add humus to the earth, only very well rotted.

This plant is well suited for extremely busy people, as it is very unpretentious. Nothing will happen to him, if you forget to water it, it will suffer even a complete shadow, an annual transplant is not necessary for him.

Zamiokulkas, in addition, astrologers call the plant a strong fire, which forms a person's determination, self-confidence and self-discipline. For those who adhere to the teachings of Feng Shui and grow a “money” tree to attract income, it’s worth adding that Zamioculcas is a “dollar” tree.


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