Window vent: description, types, purpose

Undoubtedly, PVC windows are reliable protection of rooms from outside street sounds and the effects of negative environmental factors, but still they have several disadvantages. One of them is the lack of equipment with an integrated ventilation system. This design facilitates the penetration of fresh air masses into the room without performing the function of opening the wings. The solution can be a window vent on plastic windows.

What it is?

A window ventilator (air valve) is a small supply air-conditioning system that provides housing buildings with a constant supply of fresh air. Air flow is regulated by means of a special device (feathers), which during windy weather are an obstacle for the penetration of cold masses into the room.

ventilator window vents

Window vents are made in different variations. Some of them have sensors that regulate the flow of a certain amount of air mass, depending on the rate of persons in the room. The design performs a protective function against extraneous sounds and dust deposits. The complete absence of water condensate on the plane of the double-glazed window of metal-plastic windows is an advantage of the use of forced-air structural systems.

Device classification

For this period, structural systems of window ventilators are presented in a large assortment, differing in technical characteristics. They are classified into some categories.

1. By device type:

  • Slot-in supply valve. This type is produced in two versions: with a mechanical and automatic principle of operation. It can be performed with one universal or two (adjustable and intake) units. The advantages of the slotted valve are: maximum indicator of the level of air exchange and installation without dismantling the windows.
  • Folded window ventilation system. Installation of this design is carried out by the method of forming seam openings based on the profile of the window. A feature of the device is a small bandwidth, the preservation of noise insulation, a budget price, as well as installation that does not require dismantling.
  • Overhead valve. High intake of fresh air. Its installation can be carried out only when dismantling windows. This type of valve is widely used for the implementation of ventilation systems in industrial premises.
pvc window vent

2. According to the principle of the structural system:

  • Mechanical control - operate with built-in fans connected to the mains.
  • The automatic principle is the automatic adjustment of the flow of fresh air flows, depending on the fluctuation of the humidity level in the room.

3. By the availability of auxiliary options:

  • Filtration of air flows, forced heating, increased level of sound insulation and others.

What types of window ventilation exist?

Manufacturers divide the ventilation device into types that differ in their installation location and its method of action:

  • mechanical control of window ventilation;
  • automatic control;
  • built-in air valve;
  • acoustic ventilation system.
window vent 400 reviews

Window ventilators with mechanical control

Elements of this structural system: an internal valve and an external cover providing protection against dust and insect penetration. Such a device allows you to adjust the level of flow of fresh air masses using the manual method. A good example of a mechanical-controlled design is the Vents window vent. Such a device performs several functions: adjusting and directing the air flow, as well as setting the valve to the “on / off” position.

Installation work can be performed by the method of milling holes on the plane of the window profile, as well as without using this method. In the case of using the second method, the flow rate of fresh air masses decreases. When installing the ventilator, dismantling is not required.

Available in a variety of colors and has a low cost.

window vent on plastic windows

Automatic window ventilation

At the moment, automatic ventilators are produced in two versions, differing in the type of valve, - pendulum and air:

  1. The action of the pendulum valve is carried out by means of a supply air stabilizer that responds to pressure drops both indoors and out. The use of this element makes it possible to penetrate the fresh air flows constantly and non-stop weather conditions, without reacting to temperature changes on the street. Manual adjustment is also provided.
  2. The air valve performs its function with a hygrometer and a polyamide sensor. The hygrometer detects air humidity, and the polyamide sensor performs the function of adjusting the position of the valve. If the humidity in the room increases, then the flow area of ​​the valve will be maximum, as a result of which the air flow rate will increase.

Automatic ventilators are equipped on installed window units. Their location may be the upper parts of the sash or window profile.

window vent device

Window ventilation acoustic systems

Acoustic ventilator - a design consisting of an internal valve, an external grille and sound membranes having different thicknesses. Such a window device is very popular among residents of large cities, since it performs an additional function of reducing the level of penetration of external sounds into the room. They are installed in the plane of the profile or glass.

Window ventilators PO-400 (supply valve)

Elements of the structural system: external visor, filter, adjustable internal grill.

The external visor of the window vent PO-400, equipped with a mosquito net, is an obstacle for water and insects to enter the room. The filter completely purifies the air from contaminants and also traps excess moisture. The internal grille controls the volume and direction of the air flow.

During the operation of the structure, contaminated filters should be cleaned by using running water or a new filter should be installed. Judging by the reviews, the PO-400 window vent should be serviced at least once every six months.

Such a device is mounted in the upper part of the window unit. Available in white and brown.

window vent

Features of the selection and operation of the device

A window ventilation device must supply a standard volume of air, and therefore it should be selected taking into account the established standards:

  • the supply valve for private housing is estimated at 30 m³ / 1;
  • ventilation valve for multi-story buildings - norm 3 m³ / 1 meter.

When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the indicators of the area of ​​the room and the number of residents in it, as well as the installation method and recommendations for the operation of the ventilator. Qualitative indicators of their functioning are directly dependent on the presence of natural or mechanical ventilation in the room.

400 window ventilation

Window ventilators are used regardless of weather conditions. Their use is especially important in the cold season, when it is undesirable to open the wings. They must be mounted in the upper plane of the window. The distance from the floor to the location of the supply device must be at least 180 cm. The device can be installed either one or several, depending on certain indicators.

Almost all types of window ventilation devices are mounted in rooms where gas appliances are located. Hygro-controlled ventilators are not mounted in kitchen spaces, as spontaneous automatic shut-off of air intake can occur.

Judging by user reviews, window ventilators can solve the problem of fresh air in any living room and create a favorable microclimate in it.


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