What can you do yourself and sell? How to make money on needlework?

Nowadays, more and more people strive to make money doing their favorite things. Unfortunately, public and private companies do not always offer decent salaries and flexible hours. It is not surprising that many men and women start their own home business. In this article we will talk about how you can make money on needlework, and give examples of real ways to generate income.

What you can do with your own hands and sell


Even in ancient times, philosophers said that if a person finds a job to his liking, he will not have to work a single day in his life. For those who agree with this statement, it's time to look at what they are doing from a new perspective. What activities do you enjoy? What can you do for hours on end without noticing the running of time? If you have such a hobby, then you should think about how you can turn it into a business of your whole life. Many people are afraid to leave permanent work, even if the salary there is small, and the demands are excessive. However, you can earn money on needlework without leaving the main place. Soon, after seeing positive results, you will be able to make a choice and devote all your time to your favorite pastime. Let us consider in more detail the question of what you can do with your own hands and sell.


If you want to make money on needlework, then you must learn to look at fashion in a new way. No one will buy your goods if they look like things from a nearby store. But exclusive models that cannot be bought on the market will be in demand. For example, a young resident of the United States earns from knitting leggings and golfs from 20 to 30 thousand dollars a month. The first work that was sold over the Internet, she did herself. But when there were too many orders, she had to open a company and become its director.

Make money on needlework

Needlework for sale

If you love and know how to create some special little things with your own hands, then you will never be left without work. Here is an example of a young mother from Izhevsk who, during maternity leave, learned to sew outfits for her daughter. She especially succeeded in hats that were not similar to those that can be bought at the nearest supermarket. The first orders came from the parents of the kids who walked with her in the park. They appreciated the unusual hats and wanted to buy them for their children. Now the young needlewoman earns more than she could even think, and her little masterpieces are bought not only in Russia but also abroad.


It seems to many that a huge flow of inexpensive clothes from China and Turkey leaves no chance for domestic craftswomen. However, many talented ladies have found their niche and are not at all worried about the competition. Someone is engaged in sewing weekend costumes and ball gowns, someone provides stripes and chevrons for sports teams, and some specialize in sewing outfits for overweight people. Many well-known fashion designers and designers began their career with work at home and were able to achieve success. If you have the necessary skills and wild imagination, then think about what you can do with your own hands and sell through the Internet or friends.

Where to sell do-it-yourself

Polymer clay souvenirs

Figurines, toys, magnets, home decorations and many other little things make the craftsman out of a material that looks like plasticine in appearance. Talented and active people find customers on their own. They make gifts, symbols of national holidays, miniature copies of the sights of their region and much more. Demand for such products never weakens, and this type of business does not require large investments.

Wooden toys

In the USA and Europe, toys made from natural materials are becoming increasingly popular. Surprisingly, on foreign sites, even the most inexpressive and crude crafts cost from 12 to 70 dollars. What can we say about bright puzzles made in the form of animals, birds and fantastic creatures. Many authors increase the cost of their work by signing them with the names of children at the request of the buyer. If you doubt the profitability of this type of work, see the statistics of such sites. Each craftsman decides for himself what you can do with your own hands and sell through any Internet resources.

Needlework for sale

Business ideas

We have described only a small part of the most popular ideas for home business and cited the examples of people who have achieved success. But there is a flip side to the coin. Surely you have heard stories that talk about the failures of novice masters and their financial losses. In order not to repeat the mistakes of others, try to choose a job according to your profile, that is, do business where you are a professional. If you do not have sufficient qualifications, then this is not a reason to give up - train and improve your skills. If you have not yet decided what you would like to do, then remember your childhood and your strongest passion. Be sure that this is the case that will bring you the most pleasure. Well, we will tell you what you can do with your own hands and sell:

  • soap and makeup;

  • decorative candles;

  • educational soft toys for babies;

  • knitted clothes for dogs;

  • souvenirs for home and office from metal, plastic and ceramics;

  • beadwork, embroidery and macrame;

  • design cards in scrapbooking style.

    Handicraft for sale

How to succeed

Your earnings on needlework will be high only if your work will have a unique style. The so-called zest can turn ordinary home shoes into an exclusive item that many will want to purchase. Try to find “your” customer who wants to buy your work.

Where to sell do-it-yourself

There are many ways to sell goods, and we will talk about the most promising:

  • Homemade handicrafts for sale are best displayed on the Internet. Choose the appropriate sites that offer products not only in Russia but also abroad. Do not be shy and do not worry - sooner or later you will be able to sell your products, even if you have to slightly adjust them to please a capricious buyer.

  • Sell ​​products in private stores, markets and boutiques. Do not be afraid to offer people the fruits of your labor, but be prepared for the fact that you may be denied. Do not despair in case of failure, but take an example from more successful competitors.

  • If you are a young mother, then your first customers can be the parents of the kids who walk with you in the same yard. Tell them about your work, show finished products and offer your services.

  • Your city’s online forums are a great place to advertise. Talk about your activities, look for customers and share experiences with beginners.

  • Conducting workshops. Gather like-minded people around you, organize exhibitions and open classes. Thus, you will become famous in your city, and potential buyers will learn about your activities.

  • Do not miss the chance to participate in the popular fairs that are usually held during big holidays. At such events, you can not only make good money, but also express yourself loudly.

    Earnings on needlework

If you have decided what you can do with your own hands and sell, then hurry up to get down to business. Remember that if one person has achieved success in any type of activity, then it is on the shoulder and others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15139/

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