What to give to a newborn boy and his mother? Original ideas

Arriving from a maternity hospital for a new mother is already a big celebration in itself. She experienced a lot of pain, happiness, difficulties, experiences, she was very tired. Her relatives are waiting for her at home, not torturers in hospital gowns. It is difficult to understand if he himself did not go through it. However, a surprise arranged by loved ones will surely please a young mother. In this article we will talk about what to present to a newborn boy and his mother, how to arrange a celebration and prepare everything.

what to give to a newborn boy and his mother

How to make an arrival from the hospital

Even if mommy is tired and in a hurry to relax in her native walls, a small surprise arranged by the closest people will be pleasant to her. You should not gather a huge crowd of friends, acquaintances and relatives. Only the most dear people should meet from the hospital. These include parents, husband and, possibly, future godparents of the baby. Although their arrival is also advisable to be postponed for several days and let the baby and his mother get used to it.

The classic design is balls in a thematic color scheme, ribbons, inscriptions on streamers and posters. You can draw them yourself, you can order ready-made prints. Dads usually decorate the car on which they take the couple. These are also tapes and stickers like “Food for a daughter”, “Food for a son”, “Young dad” and so on.

DIY gifts for newborns

Holiday features

Huge physical and emotional fatigue does not allow to arrange long feasts and receptions. Parents only have to get used to the daily routine of the baby. They will have to adapt to it, and not vice versa. In the traditional sense of the word, festivities will have to be forgotten for a long time. And the feast itself is a moot point. A young mother breastfeeding a child cannot afford to eat too much. The main feature of the holiday is not general fun, but delivery of little joy to the mother who gave birth, communication with the newborn, giving gifts and short conversations. In the first days after discharge from the hospital, in general, few people want to think about lush holidays.

with the birth of a son

What new parents may need

When it comes to gifts for a replenished family, most likely, you will want to buy something practical and really necessary. So what to give to a newborn boy and his mother so that in the future it really does not stand idle on a shelf, but benefits? Of course, these are means for caring for newborns, cosmetics for mothers, sets of baby bedding, diapers and blankets. Clothes for the child can be purchased if you are confident with the size. Children are individual and also grow fast. It's a shame if the expensive suit never gets dressed.

Personal hygiene products are not accepted. Parents should take care of this themselves. However, if they themselves offered you this option, then do not refuse. All vitamins, baby food, teas and other foods for children of the first month of life are strictly individual. So either find out specific brands and types from the family, or do not take the risk with the purchase.

verses with the birth of a son

Useful and functional gifts

What to give to a newborn boy and his mother so that it is really used? There is a technique that simplifies the process of caring for a child. For example, a nipple and bottle sterilizer. A useful little thing that will be needed for almost the entire first year of a baby’s life. And maybe longer, it all depends on the parents. The radio nanny will help monitor the condition of the child from other rooms. An electronic thermometer in the form of a nipple makes it very easy to measure the temperature of the baby.

Both bedding and toys will be used. Developing toys with which the kid learns his first skills are especially diverse now. On the birth of a son, you can congratulate by giving a set of cosmetics for the care of children's skin. Similar sets can be given as a gift to mom.

cards with a newborn boy mom


What to give to a newborn boy and his mother so that these moments of early childhood are remembered? Memory is souvenirs. In any case, most people have just such an association with this word. Souvenirs live in the corresponding gift shops, as well as in departments of hypermarkets and children's stores. Photo frames with storks and angels will remarkably save the first photos of the baby and parents, complement the gentle atmosphere of the children's room, add warmth and coziness to the living space. Special albums will help you remember every moment. There are children's albums in which there are graphs for writing the first words, important dates, when the baby mastered new skills or did something funny. Such an album will give pleasant emotions for many years. You can also find souvenirs with children's themes in the form of figurines and paintings. Original gifts for newborns can be found on the Internet in online stores. In the attractive price range you can find a variety of items on sites with Chinese goods. True, delivery will have to wait around the month. But you are unlikely to find such things in our country, and a small expectation is worth it. In the printing house you can order a poster or photo wallpaper with photos of the family, postcards with a newborn boy to mom. It will be a pretty and exclusive gift.

original gifts for newborns

DIY gifts for newborns

If you have a creative streak, you can try to make a gift yourself. Remember what gifts from grandmothers used to be: diapers and booties, socks and clothes, bedding and even toys for babies, sewn and hand-made. In handicrafts, there is always much more love and warmth than in conveyor products. DIY handmade gifts for babies can be not only garments. The same memorable album can be done independently, using various needlework techniques, peeped at the master classes. For example, interesting techniques are scrapbooking and quilling. Having trained a little, you will fill your hand and you will be able to realize your idea. The thing will turn out original and, most importantly, with a piece of the soul of the author. In shops for creativity they sell polymer clay. From it you can make some figurine. But here you already have to seriously work on the form. Creative people can write poems with the birth of a son, write them in a home-made card and give them as an original present. Such a postcard will remain in memory for a long time, and it will most likely be stored in a conspicuous place.

Birth Poems

Congratulatory verses do not require special talent in poetry from the author. The rhyme can be selected using the sites - rhyme generators, and the meaning in this verse is not particularly complicated. Of course, there is not always time to compose your own work. In this case, collections of ready-made poems will help you.

What a blessing! A son was born!
Today, joy has come to us!
The house lit up with bright light!
How long have you been waiting for him!

You dreamed so much time
About how he can become!
I gave all my strength to my son,
Of course, I had to suffer!

Now you are mom! This word
As a name, it will be forever!
You are ready for anything for your son!
And the whole family is proud of you!

Holiday Tips

Do not forget that at first young parents have a hard time, they do not sleep at night, worry about the correctness of their actions, worry about their child. In their life, and so now, a lot of emotions. It is important for the holiday organizer to bring a moment of solemnity to the event, arrange a meeting of relatives and arrange their congratulations on the birth of a son. However, it is inappropriate to load this day with entertainment programs. Let it be a quiet and cozy holiday, which should be the day of replenishment of the family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15148/

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