Purifayer - what is it? How to improve the quality of drinking water

The quality of drinking water in urban networks is poor. And as always, "the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves." Specialists, using various achievements of science and technology, invent more and more advanced devices for everyday water purification in everyday life.

Purifier Functions

One of these new devices is the purifayer. What it is? An automatic machine that not only purifies water, but also heats it to a predetermined temperature at any time in the required quantity.

purifayer what is it

The purifayer performs three main functions. Firstly, it cleans and disinfects tap water. Purification of water from impurities and sediments, viruses and bacteria, as well as chlorine in purifayer is more effective than ordinary boiling.

Secondly, it can cool it to + 4 ° C faster than in a refrigerator.

Thirdly, you can heat water for tea or coffee to a boiling point without a kettle.

Purifayer Features

A special durable hose with a diameter of only 8 mm, which is easy to hide not only in the decorative box, but also under the baseboard, can extend up to 100 mm from the water supply system to the place where the purifayer is installed. What does it mean? Only that you can install the device in any convenient room of an office or at home, without being tied to the place where the water supply is located.

drinking water quality

In addition to the built-in filtration system of different degrees of purification, which improves the quality of drinking water, the design includes a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp, which already disinfects the purified water.

These modern devices are certified, recommended by the sanitary services for the organization of the drinking regime in offices and enterprises.

Today they are no longer inaccessible rarity, in any city you can buy a purifayer, and replaceable filters, and order its service.

Advantages of the Purifayer

Purifiers for water are connected to the water supply, and you no longer need to order, monitor delivery and pay for water in twenty-liter bottles. An additional plus at the same time - outsiders do not have access to water and to the house or office.

The presence of constantly cold and hot water at any time is both convenient and comfortable.

Although the device itself is not cheap, but having spent the money once, in the future you can use exclusively pure water almost for free.

Another advantage is the stylish design that distinguishes the floor purifier. What can it give? A pleasant impression of the reaction of guests to the device. A trifle, of course, but it's nice!

purifiers for water

Purified water can be used for cooking. And what is also important - the water in the apparatus is running, it does not stagnate, and bacteria do not multiply in it, but at the same time, in case of a water supply interruption, you can drink tea during the day.

Filtration systems

The price of the device is primarily affected by the filtration system. And it can consist of three, four or five stages of purification. Purifier filters purify water from insoluble large (more than 5 microns) mechanical impurities in the first stage; the second improves the taste of water, removing active chlorine and ions of heavy metals and organic substances; on the third, it is disinfected and prevents the appearance of scale, removing hardness salts; on the fourth they clean it, removing even the most microscopic amount of impurities.

filters for purifiers

At the fifth stage of purification, almost all salts, bacteria and viruses are removed using a reverse osmosis membrane , which allows only water molecules to pass through.

After mechanical cleaning, the UF lamp sterilizes the water.

Any water filter, the price of which depends on the design, size and manufacturer, has its own resource and is a replaceable element, the quality of water treatment directly depends on how many liters of water were spilled in the filtration system.

The principle of operation and design of the apparatus

In any purifayer, polypropylene pipes supply water to the filter system, and after cleaning, to the storage tank with a capacity of 4 to 30 l, from which it is distributed into hot (92 - 98 ° ) and cold (+ 4 - + 8 ° ) tanks ) filling. In some designs, the drive is missing, water enters the tank for cold, and from it - into the tank for hot water.

purifayer ecotronic

The temperature is monitored by electronic sensors, so the cooling or heating functions are automatically activated. In offices where a large number of people may need hot water for tea at the same time, this feature is very important.

The productivity of one device, depending on the model, can be up to 190 liters of purified water per day.

Not only a plumber specialist can install a purifayer, but also any person with a minimal set of tools.

Types of devices

According to the design features, purifiers can be with or without a storage tank, with mechanical or touch control.

By the type of installation, there are small desktop devices up to half a meter or floor-mounted more than a meter high.

water filter Price

According to the filtration method, the devices are ultrafiltration with ultrafine cleaning or reverse osmosis with an RO membrane.

Modern devices can be equipped with ozonizers, built-in ice makers or a water carbonation system.

Therefore, if a purifayer is installed in the office, what does this mean? This means that the management takes care of the health of employees - this is, firstly, and secondly, they can all drink refreshing crystal clear sparkling water very cheaply in the right quantities and at any time.

What determines the choice of a purifayer

The choice of device depends on the estimated volumes of water consumption and on the area in which the house or office is located, where the purifier should be.

In a small kitchen, a table purifayer is quite suitable for an ordinary family, which does not take up much space, and the degree of cleaning is the same as in the floor one.

purifier service

In an enterprise with a large number of employees, it is better to install an apparatus with a large storage tank so that everyone has enough hot tea or pure cold water.

If the company or private house is located outside the city, then it is better to install a purifier with reverse osmosis, which will purify water from hardness salts, and from viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

In the city water supply, water is already more or less purified, but a purifayer (UF) with ultrafine filtration, maintaining the balance of minerals, removes chlorine and sterilizes it.

The Ecotronic V42-R4L UV White purifier with a UV lamp made in South Korea can be a good choice for an office, enterprise or shopping center. It costs about 65 thousand rubles, but this is a super-productive (15 liters per hour of both cold and hot water) model with an ultraviolet lamp in the storage tank, which automatically turns on for several minutes every 4 hours, and a four-stage filtration system with an RO membrane reducing the amount of salt in the water.

The device is equipped with a pressure pump, which allows you to purify water in systems with low pressure, a twelve-liter storage and five-liter tanks for cold and hot water from stainless steel, water taps "Press the mug", while the hot water tap switches to child protection mode.

Purifier Service

Of course, any device needs to be serviced periodically. By this is understood the replacement of filters. For one water filter, the price today ranges from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles. This is not to say that it is cheap, especially when you consider that the filters of the first and second stages of purification need to be changed at least once every six months, and the third and fourth - once a year, depending on the volume and quality of the source water. But, as a rule, service centers offer a comprehensive service, which ultimately costs less than replacing replaceable elements one at a time.

It includes the installation of a complete set of filters, for which the price can range from 6 to 10 thousand rubles, and sanitization or replacement of connecting fittings and water pipes.

So, purifayer - what is it? This is a device using nanotechnology for cleaning, heating, cooling and distributing running water, providing a drinking regime for both the large staff of enterprises or companies, and for one family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15149/

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